Florida's new wild west gun law

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Burglary rate are falling in the UK.
What’s the percentage that they are falling from?
What was the burglary rate before citizens were allowed, if they so chose, to carry guns?
What was it 3 years later?
. If a patron saint of guns was appointed I would be shocked and horrified,
Why?, are you horrified that there are Patron Saints for Artillery, for Soilders, for Archers, for Calvarly Troops?
as shocked and horrified as I am at some of the attitudes being displayed here, which are blatently anti-life.
I have yet to see a single anti-life statement here. I for one seek very much to defend life, that is why I commanded tanks in the Army, that is why I carry a gun now.

It deters violence and protects life.

The greatest thing I could do with my gun is not to take a life, but to detere a crime by it’s very presence, without every having to leave it’s holster. Barring that, to defend life without it ever being fired (hold the criminal at bay until the police arrive) If it must be used, it would only be with a heavy heart. That is is full accord with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
I have yet to see a single anti-life statement here. I for one seek very much to defend life, that is why I commanded tanks in the Army, that is why I carry a gun now.
The anti-life position is that of those who oppose allowing citizens to carry arms – they are willing to accept the greater rate of murder, rape, and other crimes that results when citizens are unarmed.
vern humphrey:
The anti-life position is that of those who oppose allowing citizens to carry arms
Why “carry” arms? I see no problem in folks owning firearms. But, why the need to carry them? Our country is not the Wild West any longer. I don’t see any pressing requirement to strap on a hog’s leg before venturing over to Kroger’s.
Fighting Fat-

Are you seriously suggesting that if you or your family were being attacked, and you had the means to stop the attacker (ie a firearm of some sort) that you would let your family be killed? That you would allow murder?

When Jesus spoke of turning the other cheek, he meant turning away from insult, not physical violence. A slap on the cheek was a vile insult, ‘them’s fighting words’ if you will.

If you refuse to do whatever is necessary to defend your own life, and the lives of the innocent, then I am very glad that I am not a member of your family.

I will leave you with a quote…

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
-Edmund Burke
Why “carry” arms? I see no problem in folks owning firearms. But, why the need to carry them? Our country is not the Wild West any longer. I don’t see any pressing requirement to strap on a hog’s leg before venturing over to Kroger’s.
It’s like this – you’ve attended a parish council meeting one evening at Our Lady of Good Council (which the Little Rock police refer to as “Our Lady of the Small Caliber” because of the crime committed in that area.) It’s dark. As you approach your car, two thugs close in on you, one on either side.

And you say, “Stand back! I’ve got a gun locked in my safe at home!”

Do you think this will deter them?http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon12.gif
Why “carry” arms? I see no problem in folks owning firearms. But, why the need to carry them? Our country is not the Wild West any longer. I don’t see any pressing requirement to strap on a hog’s leg before venturing over to Kroger’s.
Maybe not, but what about Safeway or Publix? And you know what kind of crowds congregate at Winn Dixie. And I agree, no need for a hog’s leg, but what about a bellygun or a smoke wagon. Do you have any challenges with a pocket deringer?
vern humphrey:
It’s like this – you’ve attended a parish council meeting one evening at Our Lady of Good Council (which the Little Rock police refer to as “Our Lady of the Small Caliber” because of the crime committed in that area.) It’s dark. As you approach your car, two thugs close in on you, one on either side.

And you say, “Stand back! I’ve got a gun locked in my safe at home!”

Do you think this will deter them?http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon12.gif
I would be scared out of my wits. I agree, no more guns. I think everyone should be allowed to carry around samurai swords and halberds.
vern humphrey:
It’s like this – you’ve attended a parish council meeting one evening at Our Lady of Good Council (which the Little Rock police refer to as “Our Lady of the Small Caliber” because of the crime committed in that area.)
Our Lady of Good Counsel, it is, and I often attend the 7:30 p.m. Mass there Sunday nights. Dark at night on the side streets, yes; “south of 12th,” yes, but over many years I’ve yet to encounter your scenario. I’ll leave my gun at home.
Why “carry” arms? I see no problem in folks owning firearms. But, why the need to carry them? Our country is not the Wild West any longer. I don’t see any pressing requirement to strap on a hog’s leg before venturing over to Kroger’s.
I sure do. We have had 3 shootings at the local mall so far this year, one of which spilled into a grocery store when the shooter fled the scene and were chased by police. By the way, the people who committed these crimes were unable to legally own firearms in the first place. Their weapons were illegal black market guns that were smuggled into the country…probably from mexico. My observation is that most of the violent crime is drug related…and you never ever know what to expect from some punk who has gotten stupid on heroine or crack. Criminals don’t care about gun laws. Thats why they are criminals.

I feel totally justified carrying a bit of insurance with me to the market, or the mall, or anywhere else I go (within the law of course…no schools, hospitals or gov’t buildings). I would it prefer if more responsible people did the same.
Our Lady of Good Counsel, it is, and I often attend the 7:30 p.m. Mass there Sunday nights. Dark at night on the side streets, yes; “south of 12th,” yes, but over many years I’ve yet to encounter your scenario. I’ll leave my gun at home.
That’s your choice – no one forces you to carry.

But neiter should you attempt to force others NOT to carry. Especially since in every state that adopts a liberalized concealed carry law, violent crime drops.
Maybe not, but what about Safeway or Publix? And you know what kind of crowds congregate at Winn Dixie. And I agree, no need for a hog’s leg, but what about a bellygun or a smoke wagon. Do you have any challenges with a pocket deringer?
My gun of choice is a Remington 1100 or a Ruger Red Label over-and-under, but I fear that the manager of any of those stores would give me the bum’s rush as soon as he saw me come into his place with one of them.
vern humphrey:
That’s your choice – no one forces you to carry.

But neiter should you attempt to force others NOT to carry.
Here we differ. But, I support anyone’s right to own a piece, just not to go around strapped.
I would be scared out of my wits. I agree, no more guns. I think everyone should be allowed to carry around samurai swords and halberds.
We can’t do that…bladed weapons are much more lethal than firearms…guns are much more humane.
My gun of choice is a Remington 1100 or a Ruger Red Label over-and-under, but I fear that the manager of any of those stores would give me the bum’s rush as soon as he saw me come into his place with one of them.
Hey!!! I have a Ruger Red Label. Great up land bird and skeet gun. 👍

Sorry about your troubles with the local store owners though. Don’t know what their problem is.
Is it your claim that a Doctor of the Church is wrong?
No, but my claim is that you are wrong.
Fighting Fat-

Are you seriously suggesting that if you or your family were being attacked, and you had the means to stop the attacker (ie a firearm of some sort) that you would let your family be killed? That you would allow murder?
I am in the position now where I do not own a firearm. Does this still apply? Do I feel that I cannot defend my family? No, of course not. In all such things I would always exclaim God’s will, not mine- be done!
When Jesus spoke of turning the other cheek, he meant turning away from insult, not physical violence. A slap on the cheek was a vile insult, ‘them’s fighting words’ if you will.
If you refuse to do whatever is necessary to defend your own life, and the lives of the innocent, then I am very glad that I am not a member of your family.
Fair enough, shame you don’t know me Isidore, you would never doubt my ability to defend you if you did.
I will leave you with a quote…

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
-Edmund Burke
During the Nazi occupation of Poland, did the Pope do nothing? Certainly he didn’t take up a gun- so was he guilty of allowing the triumph of evil? No, he did something, and he worked against that regime. He didn’t need a gun to do it. True Christian freedom is choosing to restrict your actions for the benefit of others.
We can’t do that…bladed weapons are much more lethal than firearms…guns are much more humane.
How about crossbows and cattleprods? Caltrops? Just throw a handful on the floor in front of onrushing aggressors and watch the show.
I feel totally justified carrying a bit of insurance with me to the market, or the mall, or anywhere else I go (within the law of course…no schools, hospitals or gov’t buildings).
You’re a whole different ballgame, Isidore. You’ve got polar bears going through garbage cans behind houses lucky enough to be on the few paved roads up there in Frozenland. I wouldn’t deny you the right to go armed any way you wanted.
Here we differ. But, I support anyone’s right to own a piece, just not to go around strapped.
And in most places just ‘anyone’ can’t carry a concealed weapon. Most places require a training course and background check to get a permit to carry. Many of the people carrying are experienced ex-military or police.
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