Follow up question: What voting issue could possibly outweigh the murder of millions of unborn babies?

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Just consider that a free society cannot exist in which it attempts to control woman’s bodies.
How does having laws against abortion attempt to control womens bodies?
Every law attempts to control what people do with their bodies or some extension thereof. The delusion that the bodies of women are completely beyond the reach of law (for some indiscernible reason) is mystifying.
I really do feel like abortion is the most important issue at stake in any elections. However, opposing the LGBTQ agenda is very important as well. Another important issue is protecting the sanctity of all life, born and unborn. In other words, we should be fighting abortion as well as euthanasia and assisted suicide.
Let me outline a hypothetical.

Candidate A is against abortion. Candidate A supports:
Gay Marriage
The Death Penalty
Policy that destroys the environment
Policy that is effectively anti-immigration

Candidate B is pro-choice. Candidate B is against:
Gay Marriage
The Death Penalty
Policy the destroys the environment
Policy that is effectively anti-immigration

In this case, I find Candidate B to support positions that are less damaging, even if I abhor his pro-choice stance. Of course, this is an extreme, but I think it illustrates the point. Catholics cannot be single-issue voters. There are a lot of issues, and many times these issues are intertwined. Catholics should 100% consider abortion when voting. It’s the most important issue that we face in my opinion because it is directly responsible for the murder of millions of lives. However, we also must consider issues like euthanasia, marriage, criminal justice reform, the environment, immigration, and others when voting. Not all issues are created equal, however, there is more than one issue that causes grave evil in the world. If you ask me, you often find that these evils are linked. For example, pro-choice politicians more often than not support euthanasia too (although not always). And for the record, I’ve never voted (to my knowledge) for any pro-choice candidate when a pro-life candidate was available. The most important thing is to vote your conscience. This fact of the matter is important when the two major parties of our country both support grave evils and the next 3 largest parties do the same.
I really do feel like abortion is the most important issue at stake in any elections. However, opposing the LGBTQ agenda is very important as well. Another important issue is protecting the sanctity of all life, born and unborn. In other words, we should be fighting abortion as well as euthanasia and assisted suicide.
The LGBTQ Agenda is being funded by non-Christian Atheist Billionaires…
along with some Dissident Heterodox Clergy -
Yes, you are right. The leftist political movement is full of Atheists and other such liberals who endorse gravely immoral positions.
It comes down to when you think the baby is actually a human being and has it’s own rights, and we are dealing with two people instead of one.
So you agree that if an unborn baby has rights then laws against abortion are not controlling womens bodies?
I may be wrong but I personally feel like abortion is the number one issue at stake in the elections. It is an issue which should be our number one priority. We basically have a genocide against babies occurring so long as abortion remains legal in our nation. We need to do everything in our power to put a stop to this endless evil.
So you agree that if an unborn baby has rights then laws against abortion are not controlling womens bodies?
Even at Conception - As a Babe IN my mothers’s womb - My Body was always My Body!
I may be wrong but I personally feel like abortion is the number one issue at stake in the elections. It is an issue which should be our number one priority. We basically have a genocide against babies occurring so long as abortion remains legal in our nation. We need to do everything in our power to put a stop to this endless evil.
And… Being that as a whole, the American Catholic Voting Bloc - is sorely divided for the reason that they’ve not been adequately taught from the pulpits about Catholic Teachings on Voting and Pro-Abort Candidates … an underlying reason … is to prevent an Obedient follower of Jesus from ever reaching POTUS…

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Sure, though I’ve never heard of such a thing as opposing abortion while supporting euthanasia.
, the American Catholic Voting Bloc - is sorely divided for the reason that they’ve not been adequately taught from the pulpits about Catholic Teachings on Voting and Pro-Abort Candidates
No, they are divided because people (Catholic and non-Catholic alike) have different political views, even when guided by the same basic principles. Catholic teaching does not demand that we vote a certain way.
I think it is more important because it allows those who are already here to realize their God-given potential. That, for me, is a heavy moral issue.
I absolutely fully completely agree. Right now, my 14 year old is holding me back from my God-given potential. As is my ex-husband. Tomorrow–they’re both gone. Out of my way. Out of the way of my God-given potential. I have given this heavy moral consideration and my God-given potential is more important.
Abortion is complex, with many layers. It cannot be solved with emotional decisions.
Look at an ultrasound of an unborn child.

Now watch an ultrasound of that unborn child being dismembered by a suction machine. Or watch that child, now born, lying in a pan dying from the burns of the saline that caused his or her ‘abortion.’

No, abortion is not complex. It’s the deliberate murder of a living human being.
However, people that blindly say we should make abortion illegal do not, in my opinion, understand the gravity or complexity of the issue, and have not thought out the long-term repercussions of such a policy.
Or, you know, they just don’t agree with you.
There is no legislation against birth control so there’s nothing to complain about.
Are you referring to when on July 25, 1968, Pope Paul VI stunned Catholics around the world with his announcement of Humanae Vitae, “Of Human Life,” a document in which he forcefully reaffirmed the church’s previously stated position on the use of artificial birth control, calling it “intrinsically wrong.” ?

Or The Encyclical CASTI CONNUBII issued in 1930 which prohibited birth control?
I’m talking about America’s laws.
OH… Jan100000 was speaking of the Catholic position on no birth control
That’s what I thought your response was referring to

ABORTION? As with Active Homosexuality - have as their source - Satan
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