Then I would look to Rome, and to the bishops of the various national conferences, all to speak una voce dicentes, and urge Catholics only to receive the unproblematical vaccines, and appeal to civil and medical entities not to attempt to force Catholics to violate their consciences in the matter. Religious liberty is indeed a two-edged sword.HomeschoolDad:![]()
Brian Kane, the senior director of ethics for the Catholic Health Association of the United States, said Catholics should be aware of the origins of vaccines but added the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are not ethically compromised.I would much prefer to receive a vaccine not developed in this way, but in the real world, I have to wonder if, in individual cases, the recipient will have much of a choice in the matter. There will be different schools of thought on this, and ultimately, I would welcome a clear statement from Rome, to settle the matter for Catholics (and anyone else who cares to heed what the Church says) throughout the world.
“In terms of the moral principles of being concerned about the use of any pharmaceuticals that were developed from aborted fetuses, that is certainly an issue that we all want to be cognizant of and try to avoid their use,” he said. “With that in mind, the Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines that are coming out are not even tainted with that moral problem.”