For Catholic Evangelization team in Boise, Idaho - SPSE

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Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by Thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Thank you to everyone who prayed for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization team last week. And an extra big thank you to chero23 for the continued posting of prayers. They really help. Here are some stories from our last session:

A man who is involved in with youth ministry at a nearby parish has been walking past the Boise team’s table every week for several months now. Today, he stopped and asked if he could join us.

“Of course!” our lead evangelist told him.

“By the way,” the man added, “have you guys noticed that the sun is always shining when you’re out here?”

The evangelists both laughed.

“Yes,” the other evangelist said, “it’s an on-going miracle that God has been working for us for two years now. No matter how awful the weather has been, by Sunday afternoon it’s dry and relatively pleasant.” [But that’s because God has been listening to YOUR prayers for us every week! Thank you again so much!]

The first evangelist, who commutes there from across town, added, “And sometimes the break in the weather is only for the very short window of time that we’re out here.”

“That’s true,” the other confirmed. “We take it to mean that God wants us to keep coming out here, doing this.”

The fact that the man noticed the miracle makes the team think that God will be using him in this apostolate in a big way — helping lead people to (or back to) Jesus Christ and the Church that He founded! Please pray for him.

In another encounter, the Boise evangelists talked with a man who recently came here from Florida. Kevin AKA “Road-rash Mo” told the team how he has been learning to ride his bicycle on the ice — the hard way. Besides lending sympathy, the Boise team also encouraged Kevin to return to practicing his Catholic faith. They gave him a map of local parishes within biking distance as well as a copy of the Catechism. Please pray for Kevin? He had actually been trying to connect with a non-Catholic Christian denomination, but so far hadn’t been able to. Please pray that God leads him instead home to the Catholic Church of his youth and that he is made to immediately feel welcome at whichever parish he chooses.

In another encounter during the same session, an interesting question arose: How do you handle it when your visitor is literally foaming at the mouth? As they do all other visitors, the Boise team tried to treat him with the courtesy and the dignity due to one who is created in the image and likeness of God. Although the man’s thought patterns were difficult to follow, it was clear that he suffered from remorse – and possibly from some kind of substance use. He gave his name as “Ezekiel” although his companion called him something else. Please pray for him? This was a man in deep spiritual pain.

Praise God that He has the sun out shining for us again today! (Boiseans are SO sensitive to weather that the weather needs to be relatively pleasant before people are willing to even venture outdoors, much less be willing to stop and talk with us.) The temperature here is relatively cold, though, so any prayer you’re willing to offer up to ask His mercy on us would be most welcome.

Also, a deacon who has “hit the streets” with us a few times was planning to join us again today. (It’s been more than a year.) But he was nursing a cold yesterday and wasn’t sure it’d be a good idea. So, please pray for him for healing? And, for the willingness to join us again?

I got a message from another evangelist who was planning to join us today but is having serious second thoughts. I wonder if ‘an enemy has done this’ (Mt 13:28). So, you see, your prayers for this ministry are CRUCIAL to its even happening, much less its effectiveness. Thank you so much!

And, in return, may God richly bless you and yours!

Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, visit St. Paul Evangelization | I Believe | St. Paul Street Evangelization
Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Thank you so much for your continued prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization team!

We had few visitors to our table last weekend, and most of our evangelists seem discouraged (and/or distracted with Christmas preparations). So far, only one has indicated they are planning to venture out today.

Right now, we could use a break in the weather again. If you have been following our posts, then you know that Boiseans tend to hide indoors at the least sign of inclement weather–and it has been raining steadily for two days now (which is unusual, since this is desert country). But if people don’t come outside and through “our” little park, they won’t have a chance to encounter us–and the message of Hope we wish to share. So, prayers, please?

Also, there is an opportunity to evangelize in front of a theater with sold-out live shows of holiday entertainment tonight, Monday, and Tuesday. But again, no evangelists have stepped forward to say they are willing to be there. So we could use your prayers about this, too.

Hope I’m not asking too much. May God bless you and yours!

Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, visit St. Paul Evangelization | I Believe | St. Paul Street Evangelization
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning, is now and
ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins.
Save us from the fires of hell.
Lead all souls to heaven
especially those in most need
of Thy mercy.

Keep up with the good work.
Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
Your prayers would be appreciated. We got rained out last week. This week there’s cold and snow and lack of enthusiasm on the part of team members. Don’t know if an evangelization outing will happen today. Looks unlikely at this point. And yet, the Gospel needs to be heard…

Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, visit St. Paul Evangelization | I Believe | St. Paul Street Evangelization
Thank you for your prayers last week! God heard you and we ended up having a good session.

The weather was dry and bright enough that people were out. We talked with a Catholic mom and daughter who took information about starting a team in their hometown (about 30 miles away). Our Hispanic evangelist also came and was able to talk with a family who didn’t speak much English. They took some of our Spanish-language pamphlets. Their boy (about 8) took a nice leather-covered Catholic Bible that someone had donated. May God speak His Word to him through it.

We also had a visitor (and his perhaps 14-year-old daughter) who didn’t believe the Second Coming would be a physical event, who seemed to believe that the Bible was originally written in English, and who seemed to treat everything we said with contempt. We weren’t able to get the conversation turned around enough to find any common ground. I suspect he belonged to some kind of New Age-y syncretist religion that tries to blend words from major world religions into something comforting. Doesn’t explain his apparent anger, though. Please pray for him – and his daughter, who witnessed his attack and our ineffectiveness.

We also had a return visit from “Martin” – for those who remember his request for prayer for sobriety a few months back. He didn’t remember us. He still needs prayer, but may not recognize it.

Please pray for us again. We are planning to set up again in just a little while. It’s snowing here, so we need God to help us find a sheltered location that is still appealing. And we need Him to send people to us, with hearts prepared to give Jesus Christ and the Church He founded the serious consideration they need to give them.

Thank you, and may God bless you and yours!

Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, visit St. Paul Evangelization | I Believe | St. Paul Street Evangelization
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now
and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Wow, thank you so much for your prayers for Boise’s street evangelization team last week! We saw the most amazing thing happen yet. The teenager on the team said, “Whoa! It’s like in the Old Testament!” Here’s the team’s report.

Encouragement came to our Boise team from a surprising source this week. Boiseans tend to huddle inside in bad weather. And the city had been caught in relatively extreme, below-freezing temperatures for days. Plus, it snowed again just that morning (stopping, praise God, before the team arrived to set up their table).

But two team members showed up as usual to set up a display of Rosaries and pamphlets. However, no one was walking past their table. In fact, no one was out at all. What to do? Pray, of course. The two began a Rosary. They hadn’t made it through even the opening prayers when a steady stream of people started coming by, many of them stopping to visit.

Then, during one of the short breaks in the action (they were not even halfway through the Rosary yet), one of them glanced at the ground and noticed that a perfect circle, about six feet in diameter, had thawed where they were standing. When a third evangelist arrived, she even commented that the air within that circle was noticeably warmer. Another noticed that, although the ground remained frozen all around, snow kicked or tracked into the circle instantly melted. The “circle of warmth” remained throughout the session.

One other “side-bar” tale, for those of you who have been following us and supporting the team’s work with your prayers.

Do you remember “Brad” the restaurant employee who used to bring us ice water during the summer? Well, last week one evangelist had to take time out for a “rest stop” during the session. The other female evangelist went with her to ask to use the restaurant’s facilities.

And there was Brad! He evidently serves as host/greeter. It was obviously a slow day for the place. There were one or two customers. Another employee was standing and talking with Brad, and other voices were coming from the kitchen. A moment of recognition occurred between the one evangelist and Brad. Then the two made their request and he gave them the desired permission and directions.

The odd thing was, when the evangelists were ready to leave, the whole restaurant was deserted – no customers, no visible employees, no sound coming from the kitchen. Are they that afraid of the Gospel? Please, keep Brad and his coworkers in your prayers? I still consider them benefactors.

Please, pray for the team again this week? Two of the three of us who were available last week are not available today, but there is a big wedding show going on in the convention center in the park where we set up. So we’re hoping there will be a lot of foot traffic. However, the weather is also wet and so setting up in a visible place may also be a challenge.

And, of course, we also need your prayers for something else that only God can help us with – preparing the hearts of the people who encounter us so they give Jesus Christ and the Church He founded the serious consideration they need in their lives. Would you please also pray that He gives us evangelists the desire and ability to come out for today’s session, as well as the words and the manner that will be most effective in reaching each of these precious souls with the Good News?

Thank you again. May God bless you and yours!

Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, visit St. Paul Evangelization | I Believe | St. Paul Street Evangelization
Hail Mary, full of grace.
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death. Amen
Thank you again for your prayers for the Boise team last week! Not only did it stop raining, but there was a great swath of dry ground in the park – all the bricks of one particular type were, unexplainedly, completely dry. That gave us a very nice area to set up in, very close to the limos that were displayed outside the convention center for its wedding show. The dry ground felt like a blessing of encouragement for us from on High. Here is one story from the session.

SPSE’s Boise team set up in the downtown area called The Grove. One visitor told them he belonged to two non-Catholic Christian congregations, from the two extremes of his denomination.

One of our evangelists asked, “Have you ever considered becoming Catholic?”

“No,” he said. “If God wanted me to be Catholic, he’d put something in my path to let me know.”

“‘Something in your path’?” another evangelist asked. “Like, maybe, a table set up in the middle of The Grove?”

The man glanced around, as if just noticing the unusual sight the SPSE table made in that setting, with its Rosaries and Catholic literature. He accepted a Rosary and the brochure on how to pray it.

On a sadder note, here is a followup story about one of our regular visitors.

We had another return visit from “Martin” today. He seemed so deeply “under the influence” that, despite his high tolerance of the stuff, he could barely walk. He slowly made his way to our table, where we greeted him. As he staggered away, one of the newer evangelists let out a nervous giggle that was, unfortunately, clearly audible.

He turned around and ponderously made his way back. He made eye contact with one particular evangelist and said, “I have a question for you. What does the name Yahweh mean?”

She replied, “I AM that I AM.”

“That’s right,” he said. And began to lumber away again.

“And He loves you!” she called after him.

“I know that,” Martin replied. “And I love Him!” With tears in his voice, he repeated, “I love Him” as he continued on his way. Please, keep praying for Martin?

I have two prayer requests for the Boise team. First, the team is under new management and there is some serious “bridge repair” work and re-energizing work that needs to happen. The leader assigned to us is inexperienced, so we’re asking God’s grace to supply the lack. Please, add your prayer support for us?

Also, we’re planning to head downtown again in just a couple of hours. Please pray: that God’s work will be done through us, that He will send people to us with their hearts prepared to accept Jesus Christ as Savior and as their Lord indeed and to accept the Church that He founded as the ordinary means of salvation He planned for them, that He will call and empower Catholic evangelists to join the team’s efforts today, and that He will give us the words, the manner, and the love to reach each of the precious souls who encounter us. And, since it’s currently raining, would you please ask Him to give us a break in the weather again today?

Thank you so much. And may God, in return, abundantly bless you and yours!

Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, visit St. Paul Evangelization | I Believe | St. Paul Street Evangelization
Thank you for your prayer support last week. We remember that we can accomplish nothing without Him!

There were breaks in the rain, with the sun even coming out a time or two during our session. Because it was still raining when we got to the park, we set up within a covered walkway that is there due to a construction project. And that kept the rain off our pamphlets.

We had lots of foot traffic past our slightly new location. We gave away more Rosaries than usual, and a couple of people stopped to talk with us for a moment. One of them was a man who said he “must have 10 Bibles at home” but is “not spiritual.” It gave us an opportunity to tell him of the reality of Jesus Christ and His importance. He took a Rosary and a brochure on how to pray it, and seemed to make a new resolution to actually open one of those Bibles again. Please, pray for him?

A woman using a walker also stopped for a few minutes. She seemed to be Catholic, and was accompanied by a man who seemed to be definitely non-Catholic. I wonder if she is able to go Mass very much because she seemed to have a real hunger for “things Catholic.” She took Rosaries for herself and a daughter, as well as a copy of the Catechism. Please pray for her and her family, too?

Please pray for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization team again today? We plan to head downtown in a couple of hours. Again, we need your prayers that God will send people to us with hearts prepared to receive the message of His Love and of the importance of being Catholic.

Would you please continue to pray also for the team itself: that it becomes more effective in doing God’s will, and that it becomes an ever more visible sign of hope for more Boiseans?

Thank you! And, in return, may God abundantly bless you and yours!

Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, visit St. Paul Evangelization | I Believe | St. Paul Street Evangelization
Thank you again so much for your prayer support for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization team.

Last week, God granted us a sun-shiny Spring day, right in the middle of January. So there were tons of people out. Also, our best evangelist was able to join us this time, and she had some wonderful conversations with people

One group of three young (non-Catholic Christian) women saw us, and then came back a little while later to talk. Our veteran evangelist led them through the some of the most common objections that separate us from our brethren from the Reformation, such as praying to Mary and the Saints,

The young women each took a Rosary and a brochure on how to pray it. Since they are all roommates, they took one copy of our brochures on the topics covered. And one of them accepted a copy of The Gospels and Acts. Please, keep them in your prayers?

And, please, would you pray for us again this week? We plan to head out again in just a little while. Please ask God to send people to us with their hearts open to receive the Good News of Jesus Christ and His Church.

Thank you SO much, and may God bless you and yours!

Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, visit

Our Father, Who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.


Hail Mary,
Full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the Fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now,
and at the hour of death.

Amen. †

Saint Michael, the archangel, defend us in battle,
be our defense against the wickedness and snares
of the devil, may God rebuke him, we humbly pray.
And do you, O’ Prince of the Heavenly host, by the
power of God thrust into Hell Satan and all the other
evil spirits who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls.

Amen. † :signofcross: :blessyou:
Thank you, Pier, and all of you who have been praying for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization team! Your prayers make a HUGEly positive difference.

Last week, SuperBowl Sunday in the US, it began to rain after we set everything up. But, fortunately, there were two of us there and so it was quick enough to move our table and its brochures into the shelter of the construction walkway. Foot traffic was sparse and sporadic, but we ended up giving away about 20 Rosaries and booklets on how to pray it.

One odd set of things happened. First, an elderly homeless woman came by, so inebriated that she could barely walk. We offered to help her get to a nearby restaurant where she could sit down out of the cold, but she refused our help. She struggled on for a couple more doors further down, then sat down in an opening to lean against the wall. Since she was conscious and had shooed us away, we let her be.

A bit later, three more homeless people – men, this time – came by. One of them seriously asked us if he was barred from heaven because he was homeless. The evangelists explained that he wouldn’t be judged on his income but on how he treated people and then went on to say that Jesus Himself was homeless. At this point, one of his friends piped up, quoting the verse that “the Son of Man has nowhere to rest His head”. Funny how we have to hear something from an outsider when the people closest to us have been trying over and over to tell us the same thing! Anyway, the man accepted a Rosary and its brochure.

Then the three left. When they had gone a little ways down the walkway, they noticed the woman sitting against the building. We kept a eye on them to make sure they didn’t hurt her. But, having just talked about Jesus and the importance of charity to other people, they were all solicitous. “Hey, you can’t sit there” they told her, “you’ll freeze to death!” They got her to agree that she needed help and shelter. Then they told her, “The Catholics are here. They’ll help you.” They called us over and told us to take her to a certain shelter, which of course we were willing to do since she was now willing to accept help.

Then the men merrily went on their way. One evangelist helped the woman to stand while the other tried to quickly pack up our materials. But we weren’t quick enough. As homeless women seem wont to do, she panicked after less than a minute, shook off our helping hand, and fled. Would you please pray for all four of these people?

And please pray for us as we prepare to head downtown again in just a few minutes. Please ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to hear the Good News of salvation that is in Jesus Christ alone and to see the beauty of the Church He founded for them.

Thank you. In return, may God richly bless you and yours!

Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, visit St. Paul Evangelization | I Believe | St. Paul Street Evangelization
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now
and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Thank you chero23, and everyone else who prayed for us last week. God heard your prayers! Here’s a report from a member of Boise’s Catholic street evangelization team:

Woot! We had a rollicking evangelization session downtown today. Started off with a woman who kept walking up and shouting that the Rosary was not in the Bible. She didn’t want to hear any explanation but was “trying to teach you something for your own good”. [Please send up a prayer for her?] After about 3-4 passes, she gave up. LOTS of families out. LOTS of Rosaries given away as well as brochures about it.

Then a retired Anglican priest came by (after watching from a distance for quite awhile). He says “Mass” at the state prison and took a Rosary and brochure “for an inmate there”. While he was still there, another man came up to ask, “What is the difference between Catholics and Christians?” I tried to answer. And then the clergyman jumped in with a (to my ears) beautiful explanation of the Eucharist.

But the man got angry, said we hadn’t answered his question, and began to walk off. I caught his attention to try again, and the minister wandered off. [Please say a prayer for him, too? With his love for the Eucharist, perhaps he’s thinking about becoming Catholic.] The other man and I took it slower. He asked why the Church was called “Catholic” and I explained. He asked when we were founded and I explained. It was news to him that Jesus Himself had founded a Church that still exists. The man finally said, “I need to talk to my pastor” and wandered off.

Then the team, wonderfully, continued to get visited by several people/groups at once until closing time, including one man who accepted our last copy of the weighty NAB Catholic Study Bible and who then came back to ask prayers for a parathyroid problem.

All in all, a good day. And, hopefully, fruitful. Thank you, everyone, so much for your prayers!

And please pray for us as we prepare to head downtown again soon? We’re short on evangelists again today, but there are people hungry for what we can offer. So, would you please ask God to send people to us with hearts prepared to hear the Good News of salvation that is in Jesus Christ alone and to see the beauty of the Church He founded for them.

Thank you. In return, may God richly bless you and yours!

Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, visit St. Paul Evangelization | I Believe | St. Paul Street Evangelization
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