For Catholic Evangelization team in Boise, Idaho - SPSE

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A big Thank You to chero23, and to each of you who kept Boise’s Catholic street evangelization in your prayers this week! Your prayers–and God’s gracious answers to them–are what makes this apostolate at all fruitful. Here are some highlights from the week.

There was another JW meeting/service at the convention center next to us. On her way to our table, one of our evangelists intercepted three women heading there–all fallen-away Catholics. The oldest, a woman who was perhaps 40 years old and whose daughter was also one of the three, said she had left the Church because no one had ever explained the Bible to her until a JW came to her door. The Catholic evangelist engaged them in conversation a few minutes longer, and was able to touch on topics such as the Trinity and the Eucharist. Please join your prayers to those of this woman’s mother that all three of these women will be drawn back to the Truth and come home again to the Catholic Church. We also spoke briefly with another JW woman, a young mother, and tried to help her understand the Divinity of Christ. Although our remarks seemed to fall on deaf ears, please also pray for her and her family? Each of these precious souls is so important!

Brad, the “bartender” from the nearby restaurant, made another appearance this week when he brought a cup of ice water to one of our evangelists. She asked if he still had the book she had given him a couple of weeks ago (the Pocket Gospels and Acts). He said, “Yes!” So, she asked him, “Look up Matt 10:42. I saw that and thought of you.” He repeated, “Matthew 10:42,” and hurried back to the restaurant. This may be evangelization, one line at a time. Please pray for continued guidance for the evangelist, and for continued grace for Brad to bring him into full communion with the Catholic Church.

One member of the Boise team, plus a visiting evangelist from the SF area, attended a wine/cheese social at her parish. The social was connected with the showing of a video on the Eucharist. The only thing the evangelists reported back was that they “had a nice time.” An opportunity to socialize is nice–and a legitimate human need. So I may be badly misreading things here. But, please pray especially for that parish–that it becomes effective in winning hearts for Jesus Christ, that “the nickel drops” so that its people “get it” and first make that radical commitment to God–heart, mind, soul, and strength–that becomes the powerhouse for building true community that then welcomes and serves all.

Also, please pray for another evangelist member of the Boise team, who has recently accepted the challenge of writing internet posts on evangelization with catechetical explanations for non-Catholics. She’s feeling quite overwhelmed by the time pressure involved as well as feeling inadequate for the task. But with God all things are possible. Your prayers for energy, inspiration, fruitfulness, and that only God’s will is done would be most appreciated!

Meanwhile, the Boise team is planning to head downtown again shortly. Please send up some prayers: that God will send people to us with hearts and minds prepared to take a serious look at their need for Jesus Christ and His Church in their lives, that He will give us the wisdom and words and manner to reach each of these precious souls, and that much fruit for His Kingdom will come of our efforts today.

Thank you! And may God in turn richly bless you and yours!!!

Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, visit
For the seeds you planted with the JWs, and for all your efforts.

Hail Mary,
Full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now,
and at the hour of our death.

Our Father who art in Heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed
art thou amongst women, and Blessed is the Fruit of
thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for
us sinners, now and at the hour of our deaths.
Our Father, Who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen
Thank you so much for your prayer support both for our session on the street last week and during this entire week. I send a special shout-out to chero23 for her encouragement.

Looking back on my posts, I see I neglected to mention the book project that SPSE is wrapping up this week to get to the publisher. Members of the Boise team helped with a couple of the chapters in it. There for a while it seemed impossible that it would come together–especially in the short amount of time we had to do it in. But then the Hand of God kept making Itself felt, and so we were able to get our pieces of it completed in time. Therefore, although you may not have known what you were praying for, God knew. And He honored your prayers. Please pray that the rest of the book comes together smoothly and that it becomes an instrument that will help bear much fruit for His Kingdom!

Meanwhile, last week on the street.

We had two extended conversations, each with a man with a language barrier.

The first man was a repeat visitor, Luis. He had talked with one of our Spanish-speaking evangelists a couple of weeks earlier, but she wasn’t available today. His English is pretty good, though not extensive. However, about the only Spanish I could remember from school days was numbers plus a few names. I didn’t think that would be very useful, but God uses what we are willing to offer. Luis had his Spanish-language Bible with him and I, of course, had English-language ones. So whenever he wanted to talk about a spiritual concept, he would turn to it in the Bible. For him, it was usually in the Psalms. So, then I would find the passage in mine so I would know what he was talking about. Then I would point him to Jesus in the New Testament – and this is where names like Juan=John and Mateo=Matthew and, especially, numbers=chapters/verses were very helpful. It turned out to be a very fruitful (I hope) discussion about grace and forgiveness and how to handle anger. Please keep Luis in your prayers.

The second man was Theodore. His primary language barrier might have been simply an excess of alcohol in his system, although he also said he was Navajo. He said he loved Jesus and respected Him as Lord and Savior. But didn’t want to have anything to do with churches. He seemed to be carrying a heavy load of guilt, along with no hope for overcoming sinful weaknesses in his life. He also seemed to strongly believe that Catholics weren’t Christians. He wasn’t consistent, though. He was also very skittish about Faith matters. I think his main reason for stopping was to panhandle. My hope, though, is that by extending the conversation and, especially by touching on the sanctifying grace that Jesus offers, that a seed will have been planted that will help free this man from the bondage of addiction and help him become the man God designed him to be–in His Church. Please, pray for Theodore?

Brad, the bartender from the nearby restaurant, did NOT come by this week. Please, though, continue to pray for him?

We are planning to head out again in just a little while. Please, as always, pray for members of the Boise team and also for everyone who encounters us: that much fruit will be borne for the glory of God the Father.

May God also bless each of you and yours!

Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, visit
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now
and at the hour of our death. Amen
Hail Mary, Full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee,
Blessed art thou amongst women
and Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us sinners, now
and at the hour of our death.
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by Thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
Thank you, chero23 and all of you, for your prayer support last week for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization team. This ministry is God’s work and we’re very aware that without Him we can do nothing. That’s why your continued prayers for us are so critical–and SO appreciated! Here is a story one of our evangelists submitted from last week’s outing.

This week, we gave away many, many Rosaries – and even both Bibles – before we even had everything set up. Luis, a frequent visitor during the past few weeks, returned–still without employment. Since he said he’s going to church (Methodist) and prays and reads his Bible regularly, and since in the past he has taken at least two Rosaries and a copy of each of our materials, I figured it was time to get him connected with the Mother of God. While our other evangelists were handling the offering of Rosaries and talking to passersby, I sat down with Luis and started teaching him how to actually PRAY the Rosary. We were just starting the Third Mystery when the rain hit and we had to quickly pack everything up. However, we had gotten through enough of the Rosary that I think Luis was beginning to get the feel for it. Please keep him–and all those who encountered us today–in your prayers?

Please pray for the Boise team who is heading out again in just a short while. It rained all day yesterday, but God has granted blue skies and sunshine today. Praise be to Him! Please pray that God will send people to us with hearts prepared and open to see the importance of Jesus Christ for their lives–here and hereafter, and to see how the Catholic Church is a treasure trove of grace for them to draw closer to Him and live a life pleasing to Him. Please also pray for us that God will give us the wisdom, the words, and the manner to reach each of these precious souls.

Thank you again, and may God bless each of you and yours!

Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, visit St. Paul Evangelization | I Believe | St. Paul Street Evangelization
Our Father, Who art in heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen
Dear Prayer Warriors and Prayer Partners: Thank you again SO much for your prayers this last week for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization team. After the unusually heavy rain the day before, God dried off the top of our table (but not the benches–but then, there’s no sitting down on this job anyway). He also cleared the weather and even let some sunshine peek through now and then. All of that encouraged people to be out walking and making their way through the little park where we set up each week, by the grace of God. Our coordinating evangelist, though, had us “close up shop” a little early when she got chilled from the wind.

One of our other evangelists was able to have an extended conversation with three homeless-looking men hanging out near the side of the square. Although one man in particular started out with a very negative attitude, by the end of the conversation, he accepted a Rosary and seemed more open to inviting God into his life. The evangelist also had with her a preborn-baby Rosary that someone had given to her. Another of the men felt really drawn to that Rosary and she passed it along to him. Please pray for these men–God knows their names and their hearts!

Please pray for us as we head downtown again in just a couple of hours: that God will send people to us with their hearts and minds prepared to see their need for Jesus Christ and the Church the He founded, that He will grant us the wisdom, the words, and the manner to touch the hearts of each of these people and draw them closer to Him, and that He will protect the evangelists and strengthen them for this work.

Thank you again so much! In return, may God richly bless you and yours!

Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, visit St. Paul Evangelization | I Believe | St. Paul Street Evangelization

Hail Mary,
Full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb,
Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now,
and at the hour of our death
Thank you for your prayers! It was a battle last week getting set up downtown.

I’ll spare you all the details, but the last straw was when the gal with the supplies couldn’t get the back of her vehicle to unlock. That’s where the sandwich board signs are kept, as well as the cart to carry everything else. The door had to be unlocked electronically, and it was refusing. After trying everything she could think of, including reprogramming her remotes, she finally said the “St. Michael Prayer.” The locks immediately started working properly again.

Even approaching downtown, we noticed that a LOT more people than usual were around. As we were (finally) heading to the park, we asked what was going on. It turns out there was a big hockey game getting ready to start at the arena where “our park” is. When we got there, there was a crowd of about a hundred people waiting for the doors to open. But, by the time, we got set up enough to begin offering Rosaries, the doors had opened and most of the people were gone.

Still, we had LOTS of visitors and gave away maybe 4 maps to local parishes with Mass and Reconciliation times listed. (Those only go to people who have taken time to seriously ask about connecting with the Catholic Church.) We also encouraged 2 people to join their parish’s RCIA classes. So, even from our perspective, it was an unusually fruitful session. And who knows what seeds Our Lord was able to plant by the witness of our presence? Thank you again for your prayer support. We almost didn’t make it there at all.

Now, PLEASE, we need your prayers again this week. If you’ve been following these posts, you now how sensitive Boiseans are to bad weather–how they’ll huddle inside and not venture out. But, if they don’t venture outside this afternoon, they won’t have the chance of encountering us and the Good News about Jesus Christ that we can offer–and the freedom that’s available only in Him and through the Church that He founded. But, this week we had the worst storm in more than a hundred years (for November)–more snow than the city has equipment to deal with and single-digit temperatures. But God has granted us sunshine and the team is being asked to go out anyway. I know this sounds selfish, but would you please pray for their faith and for their protection?
Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions,
and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall hurt you. --Luke 10:19
But, mainly, would you please pray for the people who will encounter us today? That God will touch their hearts and give them the hope for freedom that is found only in His Son, Jesus Christ. That God will open their eyes to the beauty and the treasury of grace that is waiting for them in the Catholic Church. That God will draw each of them home to Him. That God is glorified in everything we say and everything we do out there today.

Thank you, and may God in return bless you and yours!

Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, visit St. Paul Evangelization | I Believe | St. Paul Street Evangelization
Hail Mary, full of grace.
Our Lord is with you.
Blessed are you among women,
and blessed is the fruit of your womb,
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
Thank you again for your prayers this last week. God heard you and answered.

When I posted my prayer request, the thermometer read 6° F (extremely cold, for Boise). But, by the time we arrived, it was 20° – relatively pleasant, by comparison, and so people were out walking through the park. Praise be to God Most High! And thank YOU again for your prayer support. We depend on these kinds of things, week after week, but they don’t happen if you don’t put in a word for us Upstairs.

During our session, one of our evangelists tried talking with a man who felt closed off from the Church due to family sin in his grandparents’ generation. He wasn’t very open to hearing what she was trying to tell him about God’s mercy. Then, when the other evangelist began to silently pray for him for deliverance from the lies he believed, he suddenly walked away. Please send up some prayers for the man? God knows his name.

Please, pray for us again this week? We’re preparing to head downtown in a couple of hours. Please pray that God prepares the hearts of all who encounter us to be open to the astonishing news about Jesus Christ and the Church that He founded. And especially, please pray that we are able to reach each of these precious souls and help them move closer to God on their journey of Faith.

Thank you SO much! And may God bless you and yours!

Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, visit
St. Agnes, although you were only a child,
you believed that Jesus was always with you;
help us to remember that he is also with us,
and to remain true to his presence. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death.
Thank you, Nelka and chero23, for your posted prayers. To see them is encouraging – and God hears! And so thank you to ALL OF YOU who prayed for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization team this week.

Last week, we discovered that every single picnic table had been removed from the park. True, they were in need of repair and refinishing. But our organizing evangelist in particular finds it difficult (and distractingly painful) to keep bending in order to work out of a briefcase.

So, please pray for us this week? It is the final day of the biggest event all year that happens at the park’s convention center, “The Festival of Trees.” So, there should be lots of foot traffic. God has granted us sunshine again today.

Please pray that our efforts bear much fruit for His Kingdom? May God in return bless you and yours!

Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, visit
Wow! Thank you for your prayers for Boise’s Catholic street evangelization team!

Last week, as predicted, there were a lot more people going through “our park” than usual. It was the closing day of the annual, four-day “Festival of Trees” – an indoor, charitable fund-raising event featuring Christmas trees decorated by many different local companies, organizations, and schools and accompanied by non-stop entertainment provided by different choirs and other music groups.

But, our person who sets up for us got “cold feet” within the first few minutes between her putting things out (on top of a park trash can, since there are currently no picnic tables) and the arrival of another team member (who happened to be bringing a portable table with her). But, thanks to your prayers, the second team member had felt prompted to arrive a few minutes early. She arrived in the parking lot just as the organizing member had re-entered it on her way to load everything back into the vehicle and leave.

Fortunately, the first woman took heart again with the second member’s arrival and the session went on as scheduled. Another two team members also joined them before the scheduled time was over! Although there were no dramatic conversations to report for the session, the team did give away one map of area parishes to a woman who wanted to reconnect with the Catholic Church. And, perhaps, our visible presence out there that day (and the Rosaries and information we handed out) also began to soften some hearts. We can hope. (I personally believe that the timing of the second team member’s arrival is evidence that God’s work was being accomplished, whether we were allowed to see it or not.)

Please, pray for the Boise team again this week? Especially, please pray for the faint-hearted members – that God grants them the faith and the courage and the joy to come spread the Good News of Jesus Christ, and to do it effectively. Please, also pray for everyone who encounters us this week – that God prepares their hearts to take a serious look at their need for Jesus Christ and the Church that He founded, that God grants the evangelization team the words and the manner to reach each of these precious souls, and that much fruit will be borne of their efforts today for the Kingdom and to the glory of God the Father, in Christ Jesus!

As always, thank you and may God bless you and yours!

Get involved! Start a St. Paul Street Evangelization team in your area, get involved with an existing team, become a Supporting Member and a prayer warrior! For these things, or if you would like to learn more about the Faith and about evangelization in your daily life, visit
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