The Church does not say that someone is “sent” in hell. The more she can said that She believed some people are in peril of loosing their salvation, (particularly) the people who are excomunicated.
It was more in the past that She use excomunication for keeping people in the fold by making them afraid of hell.
Sorry if it is written with the not appropriate teological words, but you have the idea. The Church does not teeach people will go to hell for using ABC.
But that does not mean that contraception is right. It is a grave disorder in the use of bodily functions and sexuality that cannot be separated artificially from the procreative end. So we can say it is gravely wrong.
Having 5 children is not an excuse to use contraception. We are not rewarded by the number of children we have. Some people will naturally have a small number of children.
Using natural family planning method - self observation of woman’s fertility and periodical abstinence is possible. And usually effective for the majority of couple.
The Catholics who are practicing seriousely their faith tend to have more children than others, but they followed more or less the tend of their respective country. A Catholic couple in a country with an average of 1,7 children by woman would be more likely to have 2, 3 or 4 children than 8 or 10. The people who are more Catholic by culture or only practicing in their parish without any more rescherch or personal implication will followed the standard of the society- birth control and number of children included.
Is it true that the language against artificial birth control for married couples has been softened
I would more said that the topic is not treated unless you are involved personally on some church group such as in charismatic communities, youth groups etc. Outside your sunday obligation and mass.