Freemasonary not being warned about?

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You don’t “work” your way anywhere above the Third Degree. The only progression consists of trying to stay awake for a whole day for the 4th through 32nd Degrees, if you choose to.
Forgive me. I was never part of the organziations.

Care to explain how one moves from the 3rd degree through the other degrees and how is the 33rd degree obtained?
SPIRI220, Are you a christian? I know you mentioned you were a former catholic.I just want my facts correct and not make any assumptions. :confused:

See above - I just explained the steps to Ken.


Yes, I’m a Christian. A Protestant one. Just not a Catholic. Who are you with?

See above - I just explained the steps to Ken.


Yes, I’m a Christian. A Protestant one. Just not a Catholic. Who are you with?
I am a follower of Jesus Christ.I dont consider myself belonging to any denominational church. But I was like you a former catholic of 35 years. Ok, remember I am not here to judge you. I am here to point you to Gods Truth. #1. You cannot call yourself a christian and be a member of the masonic lodge. You cannot serve 2 masters. You will love one and hate the other. One is from on HIGH and the other is from the PIT OF HELL. You cannot cling to both of them. I would suggest that you seek the Lord in Prayer and ask Him to show you the TRUTH IN JESUS NAME. GOD BLESS :confused:

I DO belong to a denominational Church, and they don’t have a problem with this, so go badger some one else.

Sorry I thought He was Catholic, folks. My bad.:o
I talked with Jim Tresnor, who is a Scottish Rite historian and author, and Brown gave Him a heads up on the new book. It has to do with Masons and Washington, DC being laid out in Masonic patterns. Masons are apparently the good guys. We are expecting a lot of publicity and inquiries.
One of the people you might be hearing from is David Ovason who wrote 'The Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital: Masons and the Building of Washington DC" - a 463 page book - first published in 1999.
I think it is a grey area.

The freemasons (of today, in Amercia) are not an “evil” group. They are Chrisitian, just not Catholic. They do have some oaths they ask their members to take, but none of them go against Church teaching (outright).

Personally, I think if you are looking for a fraternial order there’s always the KoC. But the Freemason’s aren’t something to be “warned” against.

🙂 Lilder
Freemasons are an EVIL group and they do go against Catholic teaching. One of their oaths, at a very low level is to ‘slit their throats from ear to ear’ if they should ever reveal what is said in secret. That alone - the taking of life - is wrong and against Church teaching.

They are not Christians…they believe that ALL religions are the same. They certainly are a group to be warned about - no Catholic can belong to the Freemasons.

Spiri - How can you a Christian, enter into the Lodge when one of the first things you are told was that you were in darkness and now you are in light? As a Christian, you are never in darkness.

I grew up in a masonic household. The books that my father - a 32nd degree and a Shriner, had were totally off limits to anyone. When he passed away, my mother had to call someone who was the same level as he had been to take them away. The whole cult thing is treated as a religion. My mother, who is Eastern Star, and THAT is another story - did not even look at the books.

Now, what kind of harmony in a marriage is that? Why does the hocus pocus of the masons have to off limits? You tell me…

Hate to ruin a good theory, but the oaths state that they are “symbolic”, about as sinister and blood-curdling as “cross my heart and hope to die”.

BTW, we don’t recruit Catholics, they have to ask to join.
Spiri - oh I see - all of masonry is hocus pocus? Interesting. So, why do you belong?
Sorry, didn’t see the rest of your post.

Back in the old days, there was a lot more secrecy.
Now, you can find most of the “secrets” on the net. If your Father didn’t talk to you about it, that sounds like a family matter.

We aren’t a Christian organization any more that the Moose, Elks or Rotary are. If my Minister doesn’t have a problem, why should you?
I haven’t been Catholic for 252 years, and am not encouraging any Catholics to join if they feel it is evil.

For Fellowship, friends and charity work. You folks are the ones obsessed with “secrets” and “Satanism”, not us. Do you have a problem with the secret rituals of the KofC?

BTW, would you feel it would be wrong for a burned or crippled Catholic child to be treated for free at a Shriners’ Hospital? Even though you seem to feel that the Shriners are all vile, evil, Satan-worshipping Masons?
Just curious.
I am a Knight of Columbus. In the past the Catholic Church warned its members of Freemasonary. I was wondering why the church has not brought up this issue? In early America, Washington and Frankin were masons. The “Quebec Act” was one of the acts that led to the War for Independence.

Well, of course Washington, DC was laid out in a Masonic grid…George Washington was a Past Worshipful Master.

Guess that makes the founder of our Country a vile, evil Satan worshipper, huh?

Do you know that the man who hung “one if by land and two if by sea lanterns” for Paul Revere was a member of Revere’s Lodge? Or that the men disguised as indians that dumped the tea in the harbor in the Boston Tea Party all belonged to the same Lodge?:hmmm:
The whole cult thing is treated as a religion.
Many people feel that way about catholicism and the traditions, teachings, and brainwashing all catholics are subjected to.

I DO belong to a denominational Church, and they don’t have a problem with this, so go badger some one else.

Sorry I thought He was Catholic, folks. My bad.:o
Spiri, Again I am not here to badger you. Its pretty obvious you dont want to talk to me because I speak the Truth in Jesus name. But you know something I care about you. I care because if you continue down this path of distruction you are in jeapody of loosing your soul to the enemy. Satan is a LIAR AND A DECIEVER. You cant serve two masters. Its your decision. You can serve JESUS CHRIST or LUCIFER. We will all be held accountable by the decisions we make when we come before the Lord. You cannot say that you did not know. So again I ask you to seek the Lord Jesus Christ on this issue. The TRUTH will set you FREE. :confused:
Spiri, Again I am not here to badger you. Its pretty obvious you dont want to talk to me because I speak the Truth in Jesus name. But you know something I care about you. I care because if you continue down this path of distruction you are in jeapody of loosing your soul to the enemy. Satan is a LIAR AND A DECIEVER. You cant serve two masters. Its your decision. You can serve JESUS CHRIST or LUCIFER. We will all be held accountable by the decisions we make when we come before the Lord. You cannot say that you did not know. So again I ask you to seek the Lord Jesus Christ on this issue. The TRUTH will set you FREE. :confused:
Ohhh you’ve got extra time to brainwash other people too…you’ve obviously mastered self-brainwashing, and are now moving on to fill their brains with your rubbish
Ohhh you’ve got extra time to brainwash other people too…you’ve obviously mastered self-brainwashing, and are now moving on to fill their brains with your rubbish
Gator, Our battles are not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities of darkness. My words are meaningless,but the WORD OF THE LORD will prevail. If the Word of God is affecting your spirit then maybe you also need to seek the Lord in prayer. The TRUTH will set you FREE. :confused:
Gator, Our battles are not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities of darkness. My words are meaningless,but the WORD OF THE LORD will prevail. If the Word of God is affecting your spirit then maybe you also need to seek the Lord in prayer. The TRUTH will set you FREE. :confused:
I’m already free…free from brainwashing, free from doubt, free from worry. I don’t need to seek anything, regardless of what you think (or have had planted in your brain by religious cults).
I’m already free…free from brainwashing, free from doubt, free from worry. I don’t need to seek anything, regardless of what you think (or have had planted in your brain by religious cults).
Gator, You might even be free from Gods spirit and you cant see it. :confused:
The Barrister said:
Wrong answer.

From Catholic Answers:

"Freemasonry is incompatible with the Catholic faith. Freemasonry teaches a naturalistic religion that espouses indifferentism, the position that a person can be equally pleasing to God while remaining in any religion…

**The Church has imposed the penalty of excommunication on Catholics who become Freemasons. **The penalty of excommunication for joining the Masonic Lodge was explicit in the 1917 code of canon law (canon 2335), and it is implicit in the 1983 code (canon 1374).

Because the revised code of canon law is not explicit on this point, some drew the mistaken conclusion that the Church’s prohibition of Freemasonry had been dropped. As a result of this confusion, shortly before the 1983 code was promulgated, the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith issued a statement indicating that the penalty was still in force. This statement was dated November 26, 1983 and may be found in 13/27 (Nov. 15, 1983), 450."
If you are Catholic, please be careful in your responses!

I have a question regarding freemasonary. I was a part of a marital art call Kosho Ryu Kempo. It struck me that in the first paragraph of your post that described the philosophy of the martial art. I am no longer a part of the group because it’s a cult.

Are members of such philosophies by Canon Law allowed back into the Church if they decide denounce freemasonary?

I told my priest how the martial art philosohpy wrecked my spiritual life and he said it was ok keep coming back to Church.
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