Freemasonary not being warned about?

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Are freemasons allowed into the Church if they stop being freemasons?
Are freemasons allowed into the Church if they stop being freemasons?
God welcomes back all repentent sinners. 👍
Folks, Since I’m new here, I was wondering why Spoken is allowed to preach whatever religion He thinks He is on this Forum. Is this a usual practice here?

Just curious.:confused:
Folks, Since I’m new here, I was wondering why Spoken is allowed to preach whatever religion He thinks He is on this Forum. Is this a usual practice here?

Just curious.:confused:
Spiri220. If the Gospels Words are convicting you its because thats what the Word of God does to those who do not follow His ways. You can be angry all you want with me,it doesnt matter ,what matters is Gods Word being spoken to you. God gave you a free will and that does include coming to this site. Like I said before its not by accident you are here,its the work of the Holy Spirit calling you into TRUTH. :confused:
Actually, you’re wrong, Lider. The Roman Catholic Church officially forbids their members to join the Freemasons under penalties up to and including Excommunication, as Bishop Bruskewicz showed in Lincoln several years ago.

Are Masons anti-Catholic? Some may be, but that would be a personal problem, not an official Grand Lodge position.

Do Catholics join Lodges, in defiance of Church position? Sure. Just like they use birth control.

Does the Catholic Church hate Masons? Yes, they do.
I don’t think the Roman Catholic Church hates Masons. I know I don’t. Love the sinner, hate the sin. Same thing for those living in any other persistent state of sin (homosexuality, fornication, adultery, etc.). These people, whatever else they are, were created by God and have a soul. As Catholics, we are obligated to pray for them, not condemn them. Again - condemn the sin, not the sinner.
Like I said before its not by accident you are here,its the work of the Holy Spirit calling you into TRUTH. :confused:
You’re right about one thing, it’s no accident that I am here. I come here for the comic relief I get from reading things from religious wackos…you all are a riot. No spirit called me here, although I am certain of the truth…and it ain’t what you’re pedaling.
You’re right about one thing, it’s no accident that I am here. I come here for the comic relief I get from reading things from religious wackos…you all are a riot. No spirit called me here, although I am certain of the truth…and it ain’t what you’re pedaling.
SATAN IS A LIAR AND A DECIEVER. The last laugh will come before the throne of our Lord Jesus Christ. Im sorry it wont be a laugh,it will be tears from the Holy Angels. :confused:
SATAN IS A LIAR AND A DECIEVER. The last laugh will come before the throne of our Lord Jesus Christ. Im sorry it wont be a laugh,it will be tears from the Holy Angels. :confused:
You’re a hoot!!!

Jesus Slaves!!
… Jesus Slaves!!
You’re obviously not me and you’re free to think, say and do what you want but I’d be careful about referring to God in a disrespectful manner.
You’re a hoot!!!

Jesus Slaves!!
Not brainwashed. Like I said before its no accident your here. Satan wants you to believe this is a big Joke. You keep believing it,your soul will be in jepeordy. Jesus has come to set you free.Satan is the only one who enslaves. You know something God loves you and cares about you. Thats really why your here. I would suggest you get down on your knees and ask God for forgiveness for your actions. If you repent forgiveness is yours. :confused:
Not brainwashed. Like I said before its no accident your here. Satan wants you to believe this is a big Joke. You keep believing it,your soul will be in jepeordy. Jesus has come to set you free.Satan is the only one who enslaves. You know something God loves you and cares about you. Thats really why your here. I would suggest you get down on your knees and ask God for forgiveness for your actions. If you repent forgiveness is yours. :confused:
LOL save it…you can’t brainwash me.

Jesus Slaves!!
Spiri - The fact that my parents did not talk to me about their secret ritual was not a “family matter”, as you put it. It is in fact, part of the masons. I was a rainbow girl and I was sworn never to reveal what I learned in the temple. Things do not change, although, of course, one can read the hocus pocus on the internet!

I am glad that you contribute to the fellowship and indirectly to the Shriner’s burn hospitals. The hospitals are wonderful organizations…but even satan can quote scripture, so I stay far away from them.

I reckon you must be very old – 252 years of not being a Catholic!😉 That is funny! Thanks for the comic relief. God Bless -
Just a question for those who’ve said they have chosen to leave the Catholic Church, and for the one who chooses to live with an unclean brain, since you have willingly departed from the established teaching authority left by Christ (who consequently are those who penned the Bible), to who’s authority have you submitted yourselves? And, what is the difference between the authority you follow and the authority that the masons believe in? Hmmm…
Since I’m not sure who you were talking to, one difference I see is that Masons are a fraternal club, each State being it’s own jurisdiction, and the RCC is a Religion with one Pope and top-down appointed leaders.
HagiaSophia said:
:tsktsk: I do not believe the CDF sees it quite that way

CLARIFICATION CONCERNING STATUS OF CATHOLICS BECOMING FREEMASONS …"2) consequently, neither the excommunication nor the other penalties envisaged have been abrogated; "

This decree is from 1981, and was abrogated by the 1983 Code of Canon Law.

Under the New Code, membership in the freemasons is a mortal sin, and one that is punishable by excommunication, but it is not automatically excommunicable.

Now, I see that no one has still been able to answer my question, even some 20+ posts later. This tells me, among other things, that the Church’s condemnation of freemasonry is unjustified in today’s climate, and entirely inconsistent with its new ecumenical posture. Still, we are still bound to obey the prohibition out of obedience. Again, my question was:

***I cannot for the life of me understand what’s wrong with being a Mason. Of course, I submit to the Church in this matter, but I would still like understanding.

I don’t see how joining an interfaith fellowship necessarily causes indifferentism. There are many interfaith organizations that Catholics can be a part of. Look at all the Asissi Pow-Wows and other ecumenical ventures our Holy Father has embarked upon!

If anyone can enlighten me, by being objective and not using undocumented internet sites, please do.***
This tells me, among other things, that the Church’s condemnation of freemasonry is unjustified in today’s climate, and entirely inconsistent with its new ecumenical posture.
Then perhaps it should strike you, that this most ecumenical of popes, who has issued more apologies, “we’re sorries,” to more groups than I care to count, has not done so for this group. And I don’t think one will be forthcoming. :nope:
I cannot for the life of me understand what’s wrong with being a Mason.
That’s really because a reading up on the subject is required to grasp all the complexities over time ; the relationship between Catholicism and Masonry has a very long history, in great opposition to one another. That much is surely evident from the papal statements in the reference I offered you from the CDF. The Church in the year 1981 does not use quotes such as* “A person who joins an association which plots against the Church is to be punished with a just penalty; one who promotes or takes office in such an association is to be punished with an interdict”* often or lightly.

To answer you fully in a forum really is not possible, it is not a medium suited for a long involved historical analysis and detail, which this situation of necessity must include. To fully comprehend why the church feels as it does, and over such a period of time requires reading the material offered on the subject. It is not one which can be covered in 50 words or less.

I can offer some clues however:

The length of time the Church has held and maintained this prohibition and the number of documents written which refer to it at the highest levels.

A clear understanding that Masonry in Europe vs. Masonry in the US often operates in a very different milieu particularly with respect to the Grand Lodges.

That the Church over a long period of exposure in many nations, in various time frames, has the experience with which to ascertain the judgment it has made and that Masonry ** is rather uniquely cited** in so many of its prohibitions.

As for the canon of 1983 changes, it is surmised by more than a few that the national scandal in Italy just a few years ago wherein the names of over 100 members of one of the lodges was published in the press and that it created a national scandal having international ramifications both within and without the hierarchy heavily influenced that decision.

Bearing all these things in mind, the best advice I can offer is to cease looking for a 30 second sound byte and take upon yourself the task of some wide and heavy reading - or just accept the Church’s findings bearing in mind some of the things mentioned in this post.
**HagiaSophia wrote:

That’s really because a reading up on the subject is required to grasp all the complexities over time ; the relationship between Catholicism and Masonry has a very long history, in great opposition to one another.**

What’s wrong with opposing the Church? For hundreds of years the Church was an active participant in the political life of Europe. It was a power player just as any other European nation. Opposition is to be expected. It comes when one joins the secular power game.
Ken said:
[What’s wrong with opposing the Church? For hundreds of years the Church was an active participant in the political life of Europe. It was a power player just as any other European nation. Opposition is to be expected. It comes when one joins the secular power game.

The church has not prohibited membership for Catholics based on some slight difference in political views only - a great deal more to it.
ive read all those books, i especailly like Behind the Lodge Doors, i always tell people that that the lodge does the work of Satan
Hi AndyZ,

Freemasonry is evil and has been the cause of most wars since 1738. Some of the wars would include the French Revolution, The American Revolution, the War of 1848, The overthrow of the Papal States, World War I and probably World War II. Pope Leo XIII issued an encyclical called Humanum Genus which is a scathing attack on Freemasonry. You can read it on the internet. I studied Masonry on my own for about a year and I believe that they are behind much of the destruction of our country right now. Here are a few books I’ve read and they are very informative:

Humanum Genus by Pope Leo XIII
Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked by Msgr George Dillon
The Social Right of Our Divine Lord Jesus Christ the King by Fr Denis Fahey
Secret Societies and the Kingship of Christ by Fr Denis Fahey
Behind the Lodge Door by Paul A. Fisher

These books can be found in print. There are others. Behind the Lodge Door is a very good one to see what Masonry has done to our country. He quotes the congressional record and has other great footnotes.

May God bless,

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