Freemasonary not being warned about?

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A real shame that the Roman Catholic Church doesn’t attach this level of importance to keeping their priests off young boys.
Ah, but you are mistaken, because it DOES!
Nice to see their priorites in order.
Yes, it is nice that they have their priorites in order.
A real shame that the Roman Catholic Church doesn’t attach this level of importance to keeping their priests off young boys. Nice to see their priorites in order.

Am I banned yet?
Do you claim to be without sin? Arent we quick to judge. Love the person hate the sin. Many claim to be christians,but they are only fooling themselves. Any true christian church that claims Masonry is ok is being decieved by the great DECIEVER called LUCIFER. :eek:
Right, SirKnight…once they got caught.
Obviously, once they are caught. It doesn’t make sense to take action against some before they are caught. That would be like looking for something that wasn’t lost yet. Just because a teenager with a fast sports car has the potential to speed doesn’t mean that he WILL speed.
Ahh, but a Bishop or Cardinal with the ability to speak WILL lie, SirKnight.
Ahh, but a Bishop or Cardinal with the ability to speak WILL lie, SirKnight.
WAIT, A LIAR, that can be no other than LUCIFER himself. Our God is the SPIRIT OF TRUTH. :eek:
Ahh, but a Bishop or Cardinal with the ability to speak WILL lie, SirKnight.
Well, if that is the case, then that is wrong but I am not going to keep the failings of mortal men, who obviously gave into temptations from the evil one, keep ME from the church established by the Son of God Himself.
Too bad the Son of God left Law and O’Brien in charge of His Church.
I do not know the particulars regarding Law and O’Brien so I can’t comment but the Son of God also left Peter in charge of His church even though Peter denied Him three times. Therefore, it appears that He knows what He is doing and far be it from me to question the actions of someone who created the entire universe from nothing.
Too bad the Son of God left Law and O’Brien in charge of His Church.
Our Lord Jesus Christ did not leave Law and Obrien in charge of his CHURCH. He left the HOLY SPIRIT. 👍
So, Spoken, it was the Holy Spirit who was responsible for the Boston buggery and coverup scandal and got drunk and ran over and killed that man in Phoenix?

SirKnight - You never heard of Cardinal Law of Boston or Bishop O’Brien of Phoenix and their respective scandals?:confused:
So, Spoken, it was the Holy Spirit who was responsible for the Boston buggery and coverup scandal and got drunk and ran over and killed that man in Phoenix?

SirKnight - You never heard of Cardinal Law of Boston or Bishop O’Brien of Phoenix and their respective scandals?:confused:
Nope ,It wasnt the Holy Spirit. It was the other spirit called LUCIFER. :eek:
So, Lucifer controls the Catholic Hierarchy? Even now while Law is in Rome?
So, Lucifer controls the Catholic Hierarchy? Even now while Law is in Rome?
When SIN is commited Lucifer is usually the cause of sin.But praise God that He is a God of forgiveness. All we have to do is to turn to Him and ask for forgiveness with a repentent heart.Sin seperates us from God. By being a mason you are seperating yourself from God. Again you cannot serve two masters,you will love one and hate the other. Its your choice. :confused:
So you interpret it. My Denomination and many others do not. So, as a non-Catholic, why would I care or feel as if I was going to Hell?

As I have said before, you folks need to clean up your own act before passing judgement on others.
You never heard of Cardinal Law of Boston or Bishop O’Brien of Phoenix and their respective scandals?:confused:
I have HEARD of it but have not followed it closely enough to offer an opinion on the matter.
So, Lucifer controls the Catholic Hierarchy?
The Catholic Church is composed of sinners there in no doubt about that. Scripture tells us that even a just man sins 7 times a day. When something sinful happens, we know that the offender gave into the temptations of the evil one. However, we are assured by scripture that even though the individual members of the church might sin and fall from grace, the church itself, as an established institution, will remain true to the purpose for which it was established.
So you interpret it. My Denomination and many others do not …
What is your denomination and how do you interpert it?
So you interpret it. My Denomination and many others do not. So, as a non-Catholic, why would I care or feel as if I was going to Hell?

As I have said before, you folks need to clean up your own act before passing judgement on others.
Spiri22o.As I said before I am a non catholic. I am not putting any judgement on you. Im here to tell you your denomination or any other denomination if its christian is in ERROR… THIS IS A SPIRITUAL BATTLE. Do you understand that? It is not against FLESH AND BLOOD. You can deny it all you want but the fact is that the TRUTH will set you FREE. :confused:
Sir Knight,

Why is it so bad that Masonry, as an organization does not recognize the fact that Jesus is God? So long as they do not officially deny this, or make such a denial required of their Christian membership, what differentiates it from other interfaith organizations/activities of which Catholics, even our Holy Father himself, can be a part of?
SirKnight -

I forgot that Spoken was “Nondenominational” when I responded to Him.

My Denomination is Disciples of Christ. They have no problems with Lodge membership, as Presbyterians, Methodists, Episcopalians, some Baptists and many other Protestants do not.

If the Roman Catholic Church chooses to ban membership…fine. But your ban appears to be based on a Papal Decree, not the word of God. Though, as a fromer Catholic, I understand that your Church can justify anything they choose to through gyrations of “tradition” and interpretation.
SirKnight -

I forgot that Spoken was “Nondenominational” when I responded to Him.

My Denomination is Disciples of Christ. They have no problems with Lodge membership, as Presbyterians, Methodists, Episcopalians, some Baptists and many other Protestants do not.

If the Roman Catholic Church chooses to ban membership…fine. But your ban appears to be based on a Papal Decree, not the word of God. Though, as a fromer Catholic, I understand that your Church can justify anything they choose to through gyrations of “tradition” and interpretation.
What do I personally have to gain by exposing the Truth to you?.You are resposible for your own soul.You do have a Free Will. Im here to show you who your Lord and Savior is by exposing darkness into the Light of Jesus Christ.If you continue as a mason you will be serving the GREAT ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE WHOSE NAME IS LUCIFER. Im persistant because I care about you. :confused:
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