Fun facts to ponder

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Over the past 100 years, the number of Catholics around the world as tripled from 291 million in 1910 to 1.1 billion in 2010. Percentage wise, the population has remained relatively stable, constituting 17% of the world population in 1910 and 16% in 2010.
Play Doh was first sold as wallpaper cleaner to clean coal residue from the wallpaper.
An ant’s sense of smell is stronger than a dog’s.
That reminds me of something I was told in Brazil, many years ago. If you suspect you may have diabetes, there’s a quick and reliable — and cost-free — way to find out. First, find an ants’ nest. Then urinate on the ground, a few feet away from it. If your urine attracts the ants, you have diabetes. If they leave it alone, you’re okay.
You can be braver than that! The old way to test was to taste your urine. If it’s sweet, diabetes! Unless you have a urinary tract infection, your urine is sterile. It was also used for tanning hides. Go to the Middle Ages and it was used in medicine…but only young boys urine.
Can I say I’m really glad I don’t have to endure Middle Ages medicine!
Tomatoes came from America and weren’t introduced in Italy until the 1540s.
Potatoes were called “fruit of the devil” by the Spanish (because they grow under the ground) and were used only to feed prisoners.
When tomatoes were introduced to Europe, many people thought they were poisonous! I guess that was before they discovered putting them on pasta!
If I recall correctly, tomatoes are in the nightshade family. The fruit is wonderful. The vine not so much. I think they’ve bred the lethality out of current day tomatoes.
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I used to eat play dough…and glue, the paste kind. It was delicious to a five year old!
When tomatoes were introduced to Europe, many people thought they were poisonous! I guess that was before they discovered putting them on pasta!
And, the reason folks thought tomatoes were poisonous is because the entire rest of the tomato plant is. Tomatoes are in the the nightshade family, and many fruits (berries) of nightshade plants are highly toxic. The stems, leaves, flowers and roots of tomato vines are also toxic. Only the fruit is edible.

This is supposed to be a myth, but the story goes that a man stood up in front of a large crowd of people and ate a tomato to prove it wasn’t poisonous. When he suffered no ill effects after several hours and days, folks finally starting becoming convinced. This story has since been debunked, but it makes a nice tale.
It smells more like nail polish remover to me. I had to do morning phlebotomy at the hospital and many of our patients were diabetic. Since we were doing draws at 5:30 am, they hadn’t had any breakfast yet nor their morning dose of insulin. I often felt like I was walking into a nail salon!
One of my favorite misspellings for a diagnosis was dibidies rather than diabetes. I’ve always thought of it as dibidies ever since!😂😂😂
It smells more like nail polish remover to me. I had to do morning phlebotomy at the hospital and many of our patients were diabetic. Since we were doing draws at 5:30 am, they hadn’t had any breakfast yet nor their morning dose of insulin. I often felt like I was walking into a nail salon!
One of my favorite misspellings for a diagnosis was dibidies rather than diabetes. I’ve always thought of it as dibidies ever since!😂😂😂
So, THAT’S why pharmacists can’t read doctors’ handwriting.
So, THAT’S why pharmacists can’t read doctors’ handwriting.
I’m out of hearts for today so ❤️❤️❤️

Heck, even doctors can’t read doctors handwriting. I was a Med Tech in a hospital lab and when we first went computerized, we were dancing for joy that docs had to type in their orders…it saved us literally thousands of phone calls to verify orders…but we also learned that doctors can’t spell very well, either! 😂😂😂. And couldn’t blame it on their poor writing!
Xavier University in Louisiana is the only historically Black and Catholic University in the United States.
Tomatoes came from America and weren’t introduced in Italy until the 1540s.
When tomatoes were introduced to Europe, many people thought they were poisonous! I guess that was before they discovered putting them on pasta!
Cultural appropriation! Potatoes too! Along with chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry, all three originally from Mexico.
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These things were meant for us all to enjoy. Particularly chocolate.
There are an estimated 1.5 million cocoa farms in West Africa.
That isn’t as crazy as it sounds; Tomato is closely related to the very toxic Jimson weed.
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