Fun facts to ponder

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Catholic health care institutions serve almost 80 million patients a year in the United States. Catholic hospitals constitute more than 10% of all hospitals in the country and receive about 15% of all hospital admissions.
Benjamin Franklin sold chocolate in his print shop in Philadelphia.
In Puritan times, tea was banned in England, the Puritans disapproving of its stimulant effect on mind and body!

Into the 1700s, it was smuggled in from France, “cut” with grass-clippings and the like (reminiscent of modern admixtures of illicit alcohol or drugs) and could only be enjoyed in clandestine hideaways.
Your skin weighs twice as much as your brain, and contains 45 miles of nerves.
Did you know that a 19th century horse called “Old Billy” lived to be 62 years old? 🙂
In the U.S., if you find a bald eagle feather on the ground, you need a permit to pick it up.

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You might need to pick it up to tell if it was from a Bald Eagle. I guess if you do, you just have to drop it real fast before anyone notices.
I believe that Native Americans are exempt from this law?

We have at least one and maybe two bald eagle nests near us and often see a feather that is obviously from them…they are pretty huge!
Continuing on the dog direction always N-S theory,

Yesterday’s results…
#1 facing due West
#2 other end of yard, facing due West.

#1 facing East
#2 facing West.

#1 facing WSW
#2 facing West

I think maybe I got a wierd dog. So far the results would indicate dogs like to face West.

Maybe Carmen’s internal doggie compass got degaussed.
Because of these posts I watched my dog and the neighbors doing their business this morning…what are you people turning me into?😂😂😂

My Catahoula faced south while the neighbors golden retriever faced East…so, there are two more data points for poop watching people! I make no promises that I will continue to watch their behavior…even in the name of science!
If you start taking pictures and logging this data, you either need help or should apply for a government research grant!
If I start taking pictures, I’m checking myself into residential therapy! 😂.
I’m going for the grant.

Say, you’re a beagle. Do you face N-S?

Time to divert the direction of this thread!

Cacao beans were so valuable to early Mesoamericans that they were used as currency.
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