PS, I know that gay men have different interests and tastes, and I know there’s some things I’ll never know about the gay male crowd, since lesbians and gay men really have very little in common, but I do know actively gay men, and I’ve seen the different paths they can take. I’ve had very few friends actually go into the cocaine/meth/sex route, but I know it exists and it’s not small. I just refuse to say it makes up the majority experience, because clearly it doesn’t for the actively gay men I know.SMGS,
I think you might want to consider whether the gay male crowd really has anything to do with the lesbian crowd.
I don’t understand. They were partially hooking up to arouse you? Or was it just a spontaneous thing? Or were they trying to get you to join them?say this, in part, because of an experience I had about two months ago, which I hesitate to relate, but here goes…
As you know, I’m committed to be faithful to my marriage, and to avoid sexual sin. In an effort to do this, I have put strict filters on my computer, and done various other things to make the near occasion of sin very far away. But we can’t entirely remove the possibility of sin, and this is where my recent story comes in…
I live in a large metropolitan area – you know which one, but I’m going to keep it unspoken right now. Years ago, I visited a local gay bookstore a number of times, not for any wholesome reason whatsoever, but simply out of sinful curiosity. The bookstore is right in the middle of the “downtown” area of a prominent suburb, in a location where it couldn’t possibly be missed. The store markets itself as mainstream and accessible, and doesn’t even have a sign that children should not enter. It’s really the most logical place for a young person interested in homosexuality to step inside, if they’re curious about being gay.
Despite all this, one large portion of the store is set aside for gay porn magazines. (And of course, the rest of the store is a feast of R-rated flesh, too). To my shame, this is the portion of the store I was headed toward when I stupidly visited the place two months ago.
But here’s the disturbing part. When I walked up to the magazines, there were two older men there, browsing. Shortly after I stopped to pick up a magazine, the two men started grabbing their crotches, and then doing more – directly in the sight of the man who worked at the store. I was a bit taken aback, and high-tailed it out of there. (I’d been coming for sin, sure, but not to be sexually harassed!).
It’s not like making out randomly in a store is isolated to gay men (although crotch-grabbing…I’ve never seen that; that’s weird). I’ve seen heterosexual and lesbian couples just start making out in a corner of a store before. It’s more common amongst new couples. But if they were doing it to arouse you or something, yeah that’s weird too.
I think there’s a group of people who love to push boundaries, because they feel like the LGBT community is less willing to tell them off for it. I don’t think they make anywhere near a majority of even gay men; I do, however, think they make the most noise and visual impact. You see this in PRIDE parades as well, where a minority of people can define the whole parade by wearing very little.For my part, I just don’t see how this experience cannot reflect very badly on ordinary gay men. At the very least, no one has put a stop to this, and the store is right in the middle of the largest gay community in my metro area. I just don’t understand it. Perhaps it is just a matter of good gay men remaining silent, but I’m afraid it speaks to something more sinister.
For example, imagine if they were the only two gay men in the world who did this. But they did this all the time, at various places. People would think it was significantly more prevalent, because these two men would stick out in their minds a lot more for their actions than the two lesbians quietly having a picnic together in the park.
Well I don’t know what the gay male community considers acceptable. I certainly would have made a face and a disgusted noise if two guys had done that in front of me.I’ll tell you this: if I were “out and proud”, I sure as hell would be unbelievably embarrassed by the things that the gay male community considers acceptable. Maybe it’s just the older generation of gay men that is the problem – but whatever it is, there is a problem.