Good, then provide it.There is enough data.
What data do you need?Good, then provide it.
So no one could ever draw conclusions until the modern scientific method and research? I’m not basing my conclusion on no evidence. As I said I’ve observed many examples.If it hasn’t been studied how can you draw any conclusion. Do you have statistics on the percentage of serial killers that are homosexuals? Without that, you’re not just drawing a hasty conclusion, you’re drawing a conclusion based on no evidence.
But it’s this sort of biased thinking, if not outright bigotry, which is what homosexuals have suffered for generations.
Again, with this we have professional decision makers. That means academics. We lowly peons must wait until the academics pronounce judgment.So you’ll need to provide me with some data that children of same-sex partners have worse outcomes than those of heterosexual partners.
Yes, and thanks for asking.Is the State granting civil marriage licenses to same-sex couples more offensive & antithetical to Christian values than the State forbidding civil marriage licenses to “one man, one woman” who happened to be of different races?
You can draw any conclusion you like. But if you want to have a conclusion that is any way supportable, then yes, you should have some actual data.niceatheist:![]()
So no one could ever draw conclusions until the modern scientific method and research? I’m not basing my conclusion on no evidence. As I said I’ve observed many examples.If it hasn’t been studied how can you draw any conclusion. Do you have statistics on the percentage of serial killers that are homosexuals? Without that, you’re not just drawing a hasty conclusion, you’re drawing a conclusion based on no evidence.
But it’s this sort of biased thinking, if not outright bigotry, which is what homosexuals have suffered for generations.
Oh give me a break. You’re talking about the rights of a lot of people, and you want those rights to be abridged or eliminated based on what; you’re subjective feelings on the matter?Again, with this we have professional decision makers. That means academics. We lowly peons must wait until the academics pronounce judgment.So you’ll need to provide me with some data that children of same-sex partners have worse outcomes than those of heterosexual partners.
I don’t denounce the Catholic Church at all. It is essentially a private organization and can set any rules it likes for its members. The problems start when it tries to assert that its positions must be taken by the wider society. I don’t feel my actions should be bound by the Church’s teachings or official statements on any given topic, as I’m not a member, and yet you’re trying to argue precisely that, that the Church’s teachings must be imposed via force of law.As much as people denounce the Catholic Church for dictating belief to people they want to replace it with something far worse. At least the Catholic Church was looking upwards towards Heaven. The academics are looking downward. If not to Hell at least to the ground.
I agree that sodomy is a disease and that it has nearly destroyed the perfect definition of marriage, however I don’t think it’s best to let “the children of Satan have their broad path church” because we can still save them don’t you think? If we keep on showing that Sodomy is not normal and is condemned by the true church and explain with compassion what we understand from our faith and biology, then some will convert from this disastrous idealogy. People wake up to the truth, I certainly did.Mistaking the symptom for the disease.
Sodomy becoming acceptable is a product of our hard-hearts, and it in turn hardens hearts, creating a vicious cycle.
Will it end the Church as we know it? Yes. And good riddance. We need a narrow path Church. Let the children of Satan have their broad path “church”.
Try to follow. I said there is not sufficient data to demonstrate actual outcomes.But you’ve just admitted there isn’t enough data, so other than your preconceptions, I can see no justification for your claim that children in a same sex partners’ home are worse off than children in a traditional family.
We should be asking that but before we ban gays from being parents we should probably get a handle on the children in foster care, those being raised by grandparents or other family members and those who are slipping through the cracks. By your definition they are in less than ideal family situations.You’re asking the wrong question with regards to gay families. Shouldn’t we be asking “what will prodouce the best outsomes for children”.
This one is so poignant to me. I would have be far better off being raised by two gay men than raised in the family I was with my dad. Knowing my heritage wouldn’t have been that great either.Kids have a right to know and be raised by their biological parents if possible. Kids of gay parents are being brought into a situation where they will not have either a male or female influence in their lives.
See my first reply to you. The social experiment began long before SSM.Gay marriage is essentially a massive social engineering experiment and when the S*** hits the fan kids will be the ones who suffer.
If strawmen are good at scaring crows, I suppose they’re great for knocking down.Because everything was just hunky dory before the Sexual Revolution.
And most aren’t even practising Catholics. There’s good chance if they were quizzed, the vast majority couldn’t even give a simple explanation of what the Trinity is or the Catholic position on baptism.
True, but redefining marriage tends to suggest the conclusions are in and they are good.The social experiment began long before SSM
I don’t know about that. If anything it’s “we can’t be worse parents than straight people.” I know of a lot of gay couples who have had kids by adoption, surrogacy, or from a previous relationship but the ones I know IRL have been foster parents first. There is a dearth of foster homes, good ones. And if some worry that the kids are being “indoctrinated” I’ll mention some kids I knew whose foster parents forced them to go to their church or punished them if they ever participated in Catholic activities. Or the foster parents who try to sabotage reunification of the children with their parents. If the gays are good to them and the religious folk not so much I think it’s “Christians” who have aided and abetted in kids finding a community that accepts them, the LGBTQ community.True, but redefining marriage tends to suggest the conclusions are in and they are good.
I am sure that is true. Let the government agencies pick and choose foster families as they see fit. But redefinition of marriage to include SSM makes a global, not a case by case, statement. It is a societal statement about norms.There is a dearth of foster homes, good ones