This is for the poster who said her mother’s were both lesbians and were very happy. Well, I wish to direct you to this truth coming from a woman who was a lesbian and who explains her past. . She also goes and does a survey about many homosexual women.
From reading this it makes one think and question the truth and how the lies of the media are just that, lies. And at least for the future generations who are confused or are dealing with same sex attractions, shouldn’t they deserve the truth in why they feel the way they feel. To understand it is not something they are born with, but through factors in their childhood, it became this way, this same sex attraction. If you go to the rest of the website you start to understand some things on homosexuality. Again, these conclusions have been brought on by actual people who came in and submitted themselves to therapy and it is from their testimonies that this data is gathered. --from A Parents Guide to Preventing Homosexuality,
I do pray for those who suffer this homosexual tendency. Obviously from this information, it is really present this same sex attraction through no desire from them. It is how they respond to it that it is taken to call it sinful. Even a man and a woman who sin by fornication, that is what it is a sin. So, I say love the sinner hate the sin. If anything, they do need our love and prayers as what they are going through almost seems like torture. A real suffering.
“But has the Christian truly accepted the fact that homosexuality is here to stay and it has been here since the begining of time?”
No, in the Bible it repeatedly condemns this behavior. Homosexuality being accepted is like saying you are an alcoholic, too bad, just keep drinking and too bad. It is good that they do talk about it so they can help those who want better for themselves. And if you mean since the beginning of time, you mean Adam and Eve, well in the book of Genesis, they were attracted to one another, male and female. Through them the human race continued till today. Even in the example of Jesus he had a mother and a father. He himself was a carpenter and was a “man” I really wonder if someone went and did a study of history and when homosexuality was rampant, they noticed that society flourished and many great happened during that time, but I wonder where it left the family, where it left the father’s and the son’s?
As for the contraception question. In the Bible it is considered a “wasting of the seed” through using a condom or some type of barrier method. And many hormonal drugs can act like abortificients. Just pay the extra money to get the extra information on them from the pharmaceutical companies. It’s in the explanation of how the hormonal contraceptive works that explains this. And why would companies want to tell this to anyone, they stand to loose business. Just like in abortion everyone is too busy believing the lie that it is not murder, when this doesn’t work, they use the scapegoat of the radical feminists wanting to “control” their bodies. All in the name of a woman’s choice to murder their children. But in a politically correct society, no don’t say anything like the truth it will make someone upset. Gotta be nice and lie.
The truth will set you free.
Someone has to stand up and defend the helpless unborn. They obviously are helpless.