If it is protocol for any religious symbol to be covered, does anyone know if any president before Obama ask that this be done? I am not disappointed in Obama, I have come to expect this of him, it was clear before the election that he was not truly christian. I am disappointed in the Universitys that have allowed him to use them for his own gain. N Dame should not have had him give the commencement speech and Georgetown was really wrong in covering up the symbol of Jesus. They denied Jesus as Peter did. I was taught that if need be, to die for my faith. Whatever happened to that teaching? We had better all start worrying about the future of this nation and our beloved christian faith. Soon our Catholic schools and universitys, as well as all other christian schools, will be taken over by government. We better be careful and not accept any “bail out” to help pay the bills because the donations are lagging. Our church will, one day, be underground. Far-fetched ? Just in my imagination? I think not. Just look at everything Obama has managed to do in a short time with the help of the Catholics and other christians who voted for him. We better start praying and telling our church leaders to pay attention or they too will be out of a job.
Has anyone heard how the Pope felt/feels about the Universitys outragous behavior?? Obama’s wishes come before Jesus? I do not accept the WH explanation for this horrible behavior.
Pray, pray!
Mom of 5