Georgia Governor Calls For Audit After Heroes Capture Shredder Truck Loading Election Materials

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Nothing should be shredded until the court cases are brought forth.
Court cases for what? Donating money? Or is there a conspiracy theory for this?
There are court cases that are in the works. All election material should not be shredded.
There are court cases that are in the works. All election material should not be shredded.
Well, the way things are going Biden is going to be sworn in before Trump wins one of these cases.
Nothing should be shredded until the court cases are brought forth.
Documents matching some criteria should not be shreded if there is a preliminary injunction issued for a case that commands such. But if there is no case and is no injunction then there is nothing prohibiting the normal course of behaviour.
Will Georgia taxpayers balk at paying for the third recount? The GOP still has the Senate to win. They are shooting their foot on this one without hope. All they have to lose is two senators and the Senate. There will be a lot of money spent next month there and the current president seems determined to burn the house down behind him.
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This is a private citizen who followed the truck in Cobb County and took pictures. Her name is Susan Knox.
How do we know the items in the 2nd and 3rd photo relate in any way to the first photo? It’s just the back of some truck.
How do we know that there are any “election materials” shown? All I see is boxes and trash bags.
Frankly, I did not expect better of him. More’s the pity, it would have been nice to be pleasantly surprised.
On the one hand it sounds like they are assuming no evidence was added to the material which is normally expected to be shredded -
Assumptions in either direction are neither helpful nor
informative. To make a substantiated assertion, evidence is needed. For matters of law, people are treated as not guilty unless there is evidence to show otherwise.
Since Georgia’s last audit ended on Thursday and the news item was datelined Friday, are you sure Kemp is asking for another audit?

What could another audit show? These types of claims are dangerous and have no basis.
Accidental post. Maybe I’ll think of something witty to say later.
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Well, the way things are going Biden is going to be sworn in before Trump wins one of these cases.
Not so quick…let’s remember how and who swears in a newly elected President…this is still ongoing, and even if certified can be reversed.
In GA 59 counties rejected 0 mail in ballots. Not 0% rounded to the nearest decimal.

0 total.

And we are to believe this was a kosher election…

And a man that can’t even put together a complete sentence got more votes than a dynamic and the 1st black US President…
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Not at all. Biden has something wrong with him. It’s obvious .
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He has a stutter. Congratulations for noticing.
LOL. It’s not a stutter, it’s a trend of thought he loses. Nurse Practitioner here for 40+ years. He’s also a liar and a crook as is his son.

Lied about how is first wife being killed by a drunk driver…
Lied about where he went to college
Lied about where he finished in college
Wrote a story that he plagiarized …

In Politics for 47 years and all he’s done is come out rich, nothing new there.
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LOL. It’s not a stutter, it’s a trend of thought he loses. Nurse Practitioner here for 50+ years. He’s also a liar and a crook as is his son.
Well, Nurse Joy, thank you for your impartial, unbiased opinion.
LOL. It’s not a stutter, it’s a trend of thought he loses. Nurse Practitioner here for 40+ years. He’s also a liar and a crook as is his son.
And where you fly-by diagnosing Mr Trump like a lot of folks here? Most of those who did were roundly criticized for it.

What’s good for the gander and all that… if calumny is wrong for Mr. Trump, it’s wrong for Mr. Biden.

Remember this is a Catholic forum…
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Did I criticize others? Glad you think you know me so well.

I just said the truth.

And just an FYI Biden believes in abortion, and this is a CATHOLIC forum.
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