Georgia Governor Calls For Audit After Heroes Capture Shredder Truck Loading Election Materials

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And on that note I do believe the election was stolen, and there is something seriously wrong with the numbers.
I guess you like Trump’s legal team cannot produce any evidence of that! I thought not!
…you will have the opportunity to vote her out on the first Tuesday of November of the next electoral year.
Oh, I’m sure a wave of 11th-hour votes conveniently pulled out…er, I mean, that were totally always there will ensure she’d get another 4 years. Yay Democracy! Brava! Red bad, blue good!
I guess you like Trump’s legal team cannot produce any evidence of that! I thought not!
Not yet and why would they show their cards. This is going through the courts. What do you like about Biden, tell us.
This is going through the courts.
And so far has been systematically thrown out by the courts… by what one win in 30 attempts? And by some judges with impeccable conservative credentials?
that is why no one has an idea what the trucks were there for
Demonstrably false. It only took like 5 seconds of effort.

Document destruction services are not unusual for entities that handle confidential information.
As we have seen, once people buy into a conspiracy theory, no amount of contradictory evidence will shake their faith in it. Such evidence will simply be ignored.
Not yet and why would they show their cards. This is going through the courts. What do you like about Biden, tell us.
I have no clue if Biden will be a good President. What is clear though is that Trump is the worst one in US history. This farce going on currently will be his legacy. History will not remember anything good he may have achieved. It will focus on this transition period.

There has been no widespread fraud. That has all been debunked in court.

Biden will be inaugurated on January 20.

One of the reasons Trump is doing this is he is scared of the potential criminal investigations into him and his family’s business. When he is kicked out January 20 his immunity will be completely gone!
You are wearing blinders. What about Biden’s family business? His brother is over in Iraq and his son is in China and elsewhere.

I guess you forget the 1980 Presidential election and claims made about that one by Democrats and Regan and how the media played it up. One of witnesses was Barbara Honegger, whos said she heard voices from the future and that satellites were directed to part the clouds during Regan’s inauguration so that that sun would shine only on him. Years later, Honegger promoted the theory that clocks stopped at the Pentagon at 9:32 am on 9/11, proving the plane could not have hit at 9:37. She was real credible source for Democrats.

Another witness for Democrats 1980 Presidential election “conspiracy” theories was fake CIA agent Richard Brenneke, who was going to be fired from his high paying job with a left wing tank for failing to substantiate a different conspiracy theory: that VP Bush was running an Israeli backed drugs for arms operation in Central America. Then Brenneke remembered he was also there…Turned out he wasn’t there, and he wasn’t at the non-existent imaginary Paris meeting with Regan campaign aids that was peddled through the media, as his credit card receipts proved he was at a martial arts tournament.

These were the Democratic nuts behind the election steal conspiracy theories in 1980, and pushed by major media outlets and the Democratic party for more than a decade after Regan trounced Carter. Dem led congressional committees spent millions of dollars investigating nutzo conspiracy theories, which eventually concluded nothing was there. After Rep Lee Hamilton wrote “The task force concluded there was virtually no credible evidence to support the accusations” the same day the Times published a rebuttal op-ed by Gary Slick!

I guess that’s how you concede a presidential election with grace and dignity though, right?
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You are wearing blinders. What about Biden’s family business? His brother is over in Iraq and his son is in China and elsewhere.
hahahaha! you’ve given a long post to avoid saying anything about Trump.

No widespread fraud. It’s all a conspiracy raised by Trump because he is terrified of going back to civilian life where is he likely to be prosecuted and no immunity to help him!
You obviously didn’t read my post carefully or you would have realised I wrote the wrong thing!
I’m just using the absurd to point out the absurdity of the hate that some folks have for Trump. I dislike Biden, but I wouldn’t ever compare him to a 5-year-old. That’s ludicrous.
hahahaha! you’ve given a long post to avoid saying anything about Trump.

No widespread fraud. It’s all a conspiracy raised by Trump because he is terrified of going back to civilian life where is he likely to be prosecuted and no immunity to help him!
Trump doesn’t ever have to work again. He was a millionaire before he went in, unlike others that leave public offices as millionaires.

Maybe Hunter Biden can be the Ambassador to China or the Ukraine…ooops sorry he already had that job! The BIG guy needs 10%, Trump doesn’t, hahahaha.
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Trump doesn’t ever have to work again. He was a millionaire before he went in, unlike others that leave public offices as millionaires.
Better not let Trump see that. He was a BILLIONAIRE. Bigger than a millionaire
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