We can grow in our understanding by sharing. This is my perspective:
Rainbows are amazing. I hadn’t considered how they can teach us so much about ourselves.
I recall that in 1972, while in the Canadian Northwest Territories, I participated in the search for a missing Medical Evacuation plane. It was hampered by sporadic cloud cover. We would have been passing over a lake, when a multicoloured circle appeared below, caused by the sun’s reflection off its surface. It looked similar to the following image:
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In real life it was even more spectacular, the colours radiating out from the centre as we moved - a rainbow seen from above.
Before we proceed, we should distinguish between hallucinations, delusions and illusions. A hallucination is a mental event caused by the mind itself, like a dream while awake. Not to get into the broader topic of mental illness, simply stated we could attribute them to abnormal brain activity. Delusions have to do with ideas. Illusions are things “wrongly” perceived or interpreted.
A rainbow is an illusion in the sense that what we see is not there. The physical basis of a rainbow has to do with white light refracted by water droplets. They are being scattered all over, so it takes an observer for it to exist. The rainbow itself is not there in time and space, but exists in the mind. We extend our senses and abilities to act through mechanical and electronic means, designing and manufacturing cameras, computers, robots and so on. Cameras do not see, we do. The collection of colours on a monitor is interpreted by the mind as a rainbow. What I am describing is similar to what occurs when we gaze out into the night sky, absorbed in the wonder of the stars around us. The reality of the universe can be deduced as being filled with light travelling in every which way. We can’t see this because we have a point of view, a particular relationship with the universe, we see dots of light and can imagine them as being on a dome, or as remnants of massive flaming entities hurtling through space.
I don’t believe animals see rainbows, because their instinctive perceptual make-up determines what is relevant to their existence, and rainbows have nothing to do with getting food, fighting, getting away or procreating.
I would also think that while He would be in every ray of light and every drop of water as the Source of its existence, God, sees rainbows through us, as a part of the beingness that is our worldly existence.
I understand that it may irritate materialists and those who believe the Bible is not historical but merely allegorical, but I could entertain an argument that said that before the Flood, there were no rainbows. We should try to open our minds and go beyond its illusions, to see more truth than what is dictated by our beliefs. While the properties of light and its behaviour within various materials would have been what they are since they came into existence, the existence of rainbows, what they truly are, what makes people stop and park their car to gaze at them, is something more. I recall how I started pulling through a very serious and debilitating illness as Spring broke a few years ago. On one of my walks, I suddenly became aware of the colour green. I don’t think I can explain it any clearer now than I could then to the only person I told, my wife. Green had always been there, but my improving health and deteriorating vision made it stand out, within my experiential reality and as a symbol of my condition. In a way, it was sort of what is meant when people talk about smelling the roses. So, it might be said that Noah realized the rainbow and he did so as a sign of hope and commitment by God to His children, as undeserving as we might be. We have so many blessings, most of which are taken for granted.
At any rate, I’ve made this personal, because everything is personal. We cannot take ourselves out of the equation in the pursuit of knowledge. What is out there, is not outside of the complex unity that is our being, which is of a relational nature. Connecting the knower with the known, the self with the perceived, the actor with that which it is acted upon is the knowing, the perception and the act, one in the reality that is our participation within creation. And, this exists because it is an expression of the Ground of existence, the Triune Godhead - Divine Love.