Creationists have done plenty to help the blind and deaf! Are you without reason? Christians in particular have helped the blind, deaf, lame, widowed, and orphaned for two thousand years. And they’ve done it for free! Out of the goodness of their hearts. Not because they were paid for it, or because it was their job. Okay, some did, some have to, because of their role and the size of their charity, school, mission, whatever. Just as some scientists have done pro bono work in their free time.Scientists are using this to help the blind see, and since sound uses similar encoding, to help the deaf.
Tell me, what has creationism ever done to help the blind or the deaf? I think nothing, your designer can’t fix the many faults in its poor design. Science can. If your supernatural can’t help the blind see where science can, your supernatural is irrelevant to the human condition.
How can you distinguish between “scientists” and “scientists”? I mean, I know for a fact there are many Christian scientists. Do you mean the scientists who are Christians refuse to help the blind or deaf? Goodness, what a claim.
What “faults in its poor design” has “science” fixed? Science is not an agent. It cannot “do” anything. Nothing! Let me rephrase that. What “faults in its poor design” have scientists fixed?
Science is knowledge, a process, a field, effected by people. Only people can help the blind and deaf. And people aren’t prevented from helping others by their jobs or beliefs. That is such an ignorant thing to say! Recently, two scientists committed murder. That didn’t help anyone. So “scientists” can do bad things and refrain from doing good things. “Scientists” are not the end all and be all of creation. Being a “scientist” is just another role in a long, long list of roles that people can engage in. Whatever career a person enters doesn’t make them good or bad, nice or mean, smart or stupid. Their actions do that. No field of work has a monopoly on goodness, charity, intelligence, or the advancement of knowledge.
People who study medicine “fix” some things, like broken bones and cancer.
I don’t know anyone who has “fixed” any “faults in [the alleged] poor design” of a human being. Maybe some technicians have improved things - I wear glasses - some people have artificial limbs. You know what “design” means, right? It doesn’t mean each molecule of a person’s body. A “design” is not an infinite set of pictures. A “design” is a pattern. So let’s say there is a pattern for a human. Then humans are born. They fit the pattern. That is sufficient. Atheists have to believe it’s absolutely horrible because for them all there is to life is the physical life, and they so dearly think they deserve to have “perfect” lives (as they define “perfect”). But to people with a broader perspective - yes, even Buddhists, and then also Catholics and Mormons, people who believe there is more to life, to our existence, than our physical body, the limitations (you would call them “faults” I suppose) of their physical bodies are no more than a minor burp, part of life, the comfortable and the uncomfortable. Even death is a part of life. Some people worry too much about being perfect, wasting time they could better put to productive use.