I seem to be able to better understand what you have written that you do yourself. You specifically said that ‘God let nature take its course’.You seem to think I was using “Nature” in the sense of godless nature, or as distinct from and in opposition to God. I was not.
Perhaps you can explain the difference between God specifically designing something versus Him setting up nature itself and, in your own words, ‘letting it take its course’.
If you think that that is an option (and after all, you are the one that suggested that it could be), then that is EXACTLY what most people have been trying to explain to you.
This is not a discussion as to whether God exists or not and not one single person has suggested that because evolution is undeniable except to the most fundamental of fundamentalists that He doesn’t. Certainly not me. In fact, I am quite happy to accept that He might well exist. It changes none of the points made in the slightest.
All the spluttering bluster being generated must be for your own benefit. Perhaps you are confusing it with righteous indignation. I could say that your arguments can be safely ignored, but you haven’t made any that are remotely relevant.