Good Morning again Bradski. That is not a lot different from what I have observed as well, although after thinking about it for a lot of years I am inclined to think that the universe was self aware already and simply experiences itself through its expressions, and we are one of its expressions. And I think the universe is just one universe in a perennial process of universes, and perhaps there’s another one on the other side of every black hole. The purpose I think is experience, which is largely dependent on the metabolic rate of a given type of experiential agent (like us), but in the end, it’s all one thing expressed as many. This is of course my opinion, but I enjoy discussing it. Like the universe, I am learning as I go. And now, I am off to work to learn more about the utterly mundane.Not to get all Gaia, but I like to think that we are just bits of the universe that have become self aware.
Thank you,