Why do you say God knew before? He knows him always.And if that person ends up in hell, then God knew that before He ‘brings him into creation’. He creates him knowing that he will end up in hell.
I’ll assume, from what you have just written and from what Charlemagne has just written earlier that you agree with the statement I just made.
Now we can ask if you think that God had any choice about creating this person.
If He didn’t then He must be restricted in some way and he is not omnipotent. If He did, then how do you think it reflects on God’s goodness and mercy that He purposely created someone whom He knows will suffer eternal torment?
Ontologically, not in time, God has a choice. Once the choice is made to create the person. It is irrational to think that He cannot/will not create a person He has created.
We truly have free will. Once we are in existence we decide what will be our relationship with God, will we or will we not be loving people.