I am sure that the WBC has heard all of that before PR. People seldom remember with any great profundity the sermons they hear. They remember the sermons they see. In other words, they remember mostly the example we set and not what we tell them.
Now, it happens that Fred Phelps and the WBC did come to my town for the funeral of the wife of a US Senator from our state who had run for president a few election cycles ago. What we did was to line the streets near the church and the funeral route with mourners, which left the WBC no room to get near the family and the funeral. We did not respond in kind to the signs the planned to carry. We showed them a sermon by covering the streets with love, which left no room for hate.
I am happy with the way we dealt with the situation.
It is only for me to say how I live and what actions I take in response to practical matters. As I have demonstrated, there are smart ways to deal with these things.
Thank you,
So I hope you can see my confusion here.
It appears that in
one post you are saying that we really can’t say whether someone’s opinions are right or wrong.
Is that correct? Are you saying that the Rev. Fred Phelps can do what he wants and believe what he wants and “it’s not for me to say” whether his method/beliefs are good or bad?
It certainly sounded like that was your response!
And then…
it also appears that you are telling me in
another post that your way of addressing FP (by actions) is better than my way (by words).
Would that also be a correct assessment of your post?
If so, you can imagine my confusion!
First you are saying, “Who am I to say?” regarding FP and his vile ideas.
And yet for something as benign as “preaching via words” vs “preaching via actions” you actually DO SAY. You tell me, essentially, that my sermon via words would be ineffective.
FP and vile ideas…you can’t really say.
My opposition and methods…you actually do say.
I really don’t understand, Gary…