God doesn't want me to be Catholic?

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I practised idolatry by purchasing an evil object called orgonite. And one night i slept and a woman came to me giving me a map , telling me that i was on the wrong path. That woman i believe was Mary . Shortly after i destroyed the object and returned to her son Jesus. She wanted me to repent. I co operated.
God wants all to be members of the Church which is His Son’s Mystical Body on earth (and in heaven). As it plays out, truth is hard to chase after. There are numerous stumbling blocks along to the way to truth. It takes virtue to seek after truth. Fortitude is one of the virtues and the one perhaps needed most as one seeks to become unified with our Lord in His Church.

I have noted that the true Church is difficult to join and very easy to leave (Luke 9:23, John 6:63-67).

Standing in stark contrast are false faiths, false religions, false communions. They are almost always easy to join and very difficult to leave. We all have heard the horror stories.

For but one example of difficulty in chasing the truth, here is one woman’s tale: I HAD TO CLAW MY WAY IN - Bing
Our journey is to seek truth. Jesus said he wants all to be one. More or less all Christians were one until Martin Luther broke away. That started a trend where there are now 33,000 Christian denominations! What caused all this decision, the devil.
Jesus said you judge a tree by its fruit. Look for the good. True, there is good and bad in all churches as there is in each of us. Pray, study and seek the truth. Expect that the bad angels will try to confuse you.
Keep us posted!
So, one can see bad fruits in Protestants, as mentioned above in 33,000 churches, and one can see some bad fruits in Catholicism…I can only suggest the highest calling is neither , in the sense that having an encounter with Christ , living in the Spirit, need not be constrained by being P, or O or C.s After all, we will not be known by any of those sectarian names up in heaven, nor do they get one in there.
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Well I see lots of good in the Catholic Church. What you are recommending is clearly not what Jesus taught.
So, one can see bad fruits in Protestants, as mentioned above in 33,000 churches, and one can see some bad fruits in Catholicism…I can only suggest the highest calling is neither
One could see bad fruits in the 12 Apostles (all of whom chickened out before Calvary except St. John; not to mention Judas Iscariot, the bloody traitor). If you use “bad fruits” as your metric, you’d have to reject the Apostles themselves. Nevertheless, God did impart the ministry to them and only to them and their successors. Only they—and Mary—were there in Acts 2 at the upper room when the Holy Spirit descended upon them.

But “can’t we all just believe in Jesus Christ and be done with it?” Or, as it’s often said, “no creed by Christ.” But the very next question is… which Christ? The Nestorian Christ? The Arian Christ? The Ebionist Christ? The Adoptionist One, or the Docetist One, or the Gnostic Two, or the ? Or the Monophysitist, or Apollinarianist, or…

Most of the non-historic Protestant churches (for example, Evangelicals, Pentecostals and Fundamentalists) are Nestorian or even Adoptionist. They deny Mary the title of “Mother of God” because… it’s too Catholic. Well, then, Who is Jesus? Who died for your sins, God or a man? Only God can pay for your sins. When you make your altar call and say you accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior… what do you mean?

The whole “Mary music is bad” thing assumes that honoring Mary takes away honor from Christ. But without a proper understanding of Mary, you do not have a proper understanding of Christ. The overriding priority of too many Evangelicals is to get rid of Mary… and end up denying His Incarnation or even His Divinity! How does that give Him glory?

And, as I’ve mentioned before, just being a Protestant means you accept there is a gap between your church and the Apostles. And the usual explanation for that is that the Western Roman Empire fell then the whole church got corrupted by the Papacy during the so-called dark ages and turned into the cult of Mary. Now, if God willed for all men to come to the knowledge of truth and to be saved (1 Tim 2:3-4), then WHY would God ever allow the whole church to go into apostasy like that? Well, says the Evangelical pastor, everyone was illiterate during the “dark ages” or else they spoke only Latin, and the Church corrupted the Bible into Latin, and no one realized what was going on until 1200+ years later (insert reformer here… Luther? Zwingli? Calvin? Henry VIII? Joseph Smith? Stone/Campbell? Wesley?) … This is totally unhistorical. Go to any secular encyclopedia and look up the Eastern Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire. No dark age there. And… they broke off with Rome in 1005 AD, 500 years before the Protestant Reformation. And even before that, they switched back to Greek (the language of the NT). So then… Why did they keep Mary? Further discussion here.
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Well I see lots of good in the Catholic Church. What you are recommending is clearly not what Jesus taught.
Well, yes, i see lots of good in Catholic Church, as I do in Orthdox, and Protestant, and even Jewish beliefs…

Now we were speaking of bad fruit of which some was suggested in P churches and I said it exists in all the churches.

As to doctrine i would also say none are perfect, as even those in the chair of Moses were not perfect and Christ said beware of their leaven, which is bad doctrine. I understand the Catholic claim of doctrinal and teaching freedom from error.

You ask show you what Jesus did not teach that Catholics do.
I think you know very well what Jesus and the apostles specifically taught and what later developed and became interpretive tradition, which other churches interpret differently, and that even before reformation
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Nevertheless, God did impart the ministry to them and only to them and their successors. Only they—and Mary—were there in Acts 2 at the upper room when the Holy Spirit descended upon them.
Yes succession is only Catholic. A very divisive and abused interpretive teaching.

He will pour out His Spirit, even giftings, upon all flesh, irrespective of tradition. Even a gentile like Cornelius, a harlot like Rahab, or adultress like Bathsheba were children of the promises of God. I think it is a sin to invalidate the ministerial gifts of the Holy Spirit because they are not in succession to CC.
But without a proper understanding of Mary, you do not have a proper understanding of Christ. The overriding priority of too many Evangelicals is to get rid of Mary… and end up denying His Incarnation or even His Divinity! How does that give Him glory?
This be a strawman…too "either or "… too black and white…too across the board painting of what others believe…

I know of no P churches that have wrong Christology due to deviating Marion differences from apostles creed.
then WHY would God ever allow the whole church to go into apostasy like that?
It is interesting that the foretold apostasy, or even of having a single false teaching or teacher we also attribute to other churches, and never our own. It is always “the church down the street”. Protestants are very good at that, as are some Catholics.
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You said some said their was bad fruit in the P church. I do not wish to throw stones. I said their is good and bad in each of us and in our churches. What I had. Hoped to point out was that the P model of splitting off because their was fault found in the C church, clearly has not worked!

Clearly the church evolved. We believe that the development of the faith was inspired by the Holy Spirit. Those changes develop over hundreds of years and are finally decided by a meeting of all the bishops in the world. The formulation of the Bible index, the doctrine of the Trinity and the make up of the liturgy , the order of worship, are examples.

Clearly, development of doctrine does not occur when a local band of Christians pray and conclude that the Holy Spirit spoke to them. The Holy Spirit can and does speak to us but not on matters of faith and morals unless it is to affirm what has already been taught!
We believe that the development of the faith was inspired by the Holy Spirit. Those changes develop over hundreds of years and are finally decided by a meeting of all the bishops in the world.
he Holy Spirit can and does speak to us but not on matters of faith and morals unless it is to affirm what has already been taught!
I see these two points of yours as somewhat conflicting, but not always. Something that develops or changes is then at best interpretive of what was originally taught. It can be spot on and it can not be, just as in OT and seat of Moses. To say what bishops decree today on a developed matter is a matter of faith and interpretation and discernment of Spirits leading as to what exactly an apostle would say of Jesus Himself. Another words if the pope today decrees Mary as Co redemptrix as required faith article,I would not equate such charism to St. Peter declaring that Christ is the messiah, as an example.

Would you say your latter statement only applies to bishops and pope and council, and does not apply when two or more are gathered and Jesus is there, to help discern what has already been taught ?
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I believe I am correct in saying their has been no definitive teaching by the C church on faith and morals since Vatican II. There were representatives from other faiths present in addition to some lay people and all the C bishops. The pope and bishops can teach and explain but those teachings are not necessarily definitive.
Our journey is to seek truth. Jesus said he wants all to be one. More or less all Christians were one until Martin Luther broke away. That started a trend where there are now 33,000 Christian denominations! What caused all this decision, the devil.
I think that happened way before Luther with the Great Schism between Rome and Constantinople.

Part of the problem for the various denominations is how they broke away. Some were trivial, others out of necessity. In any event, we have believe that even though the institutional church is fractured, the invisible Church remains whole and united through faith in Christ. And it’s not like all those denominations aren’t trying to reach out to each other when possible. They are. And some remain separate but are in fellowship with each other i.e. someone from one denomination are allowed to commune at another denomination that’s in fellowship with it, allow pastors to preach in each other’s churches and so on.
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Of course God wants you to be Catholic! The Catholic Church is His Church, the Church of Christ.

The Catholic Church is the complete and pure Christian faith.
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