What’s so impossible to believe, about a God who sees without dictating, like a referee or a helicopter cam?
What’s so impossible to believe about a state of being that is perfect, and yet creates?
Bahman, your questions are not silly. But you are looking at it as if you were looking at the Earth from the wrong end of a telescope.
Tell me: if a doctor knows you have been smoking heavily for 40 years, and he tells you that if you do not stop you will die of emphysema, is he denying you your free will if you continue to smoke and do indeed die of that very thing? How much difference does it make whether a man knows a little, or a lot? How much difference would it make if God knew everything about us, if a doctor can make an accurate prediction based on little information? Would you really deny free will over a small amount of easily gotten information?
Similarly, why do happy people create things? If they’re happy, they do not need anything else, right? So why, if they are happy, do they make more things? Is it not to express that joy that they have? Why do some men and women make children, when they are happy as they are, and know they are? Why do religious people desire to make statues and monuments to their leaders, and to their God - why did the Buddhists make a statue to Gautama that is taller than all the rest - if they have already found satisfaction in what God or Buddha or Mohammed or Joseph Smith or whomever has already given them? Why do atheists still preach materialism and determinism if it’s already a foregone conclusion?
Happiness breeds more happiness. Love breeds love and monuments to love. The thing Christian and atheist evangelists share in common is the desire to share the love that completed them. And if merely human love and happiness can produce more happiness, I don’t see anything wrong with a perfectly happy, loving God creating things like a universe which reflect this capacity to love, to be happy. Or, simply, to exist, alongside Him.
I suppose the real question, then, is: why must pantheism be true, or atheism? Why must God either be everything, or nothing at all? Why cannot God simply be distinct, and yet within everything outside of Himself? Why cannot God, who is infinite, define the numbers 1000, 5254, and 10,043 as distinct from Him, and still participate in those numbers?