If what you are asking is “can God create something, then create something else” then the answer is no, He cannot do that because He is unchanging. But it is logically possible that God could have eternally sustained a different universe. This universe is only necessary by supposition: supposing God freely decides to create it, it is necessary that He create it. But it is not necessary absolutely because God could freely have created a different universe.You need to elaborate how a changeless God could create something else?
Well it seems meaningless to speak of “escaping anything” because there is nothing to escape. What I do in the future is not constraining my actions now. What I freely do in the future is not real right now so there is no backwards causality happening. Hence I am free.There is no tension between having a fate and free will. We just need to choose and do what we are supposed to do. Having fate however attaches a certain element of reality to each person that s/he cannot escape it.