God knows what will happen in the future, correct?

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Sure, why not? If I freely do X at t1, then it is logically possible for me to have done ~X at t1. If it is logically possible for me to have done ~X at t1, then God could create a universe where I freely do ~X at t1. In both cases my action is free. I think what you are asking is whether God can create two universes where I do X in one and ~X in another. That is not possible because it would entail a contradiction (because I would be both doing X and not doing X at the same time).
Well, you then accept the very concept of fate since what you do depends on creation. Don’t you? Lets say that God could create a universe that everybody goes to hell or in another universe everybody goes to heaven. It is up to God. God have one option but once it is done our destiny is determined.
Could God create another universe that each individual do different thing? Yes or no? Or the creation is defined by the very act of individuals? Yes or no?
God can do whatever He wants, He is the Manager.

God Bless:)
Lets say that God could create a universe that everybody goes to hell or in another universe everybody goes to heaven.
If we truly have free will, then in the act of creation, God would have no way of knowing which universe He was creating, because the choice would be up to us. But it appears as though He did know, because He created Christ.

This would seem to suggest that God knew what our choices would be.
If we truly have free will, then in the act of creation, God would have no way of knowing which universe He was creating, because the choice would be up to us. But it appears as though He did know, because He created Christ.

This would seem to suggest that God knew what our choices would be.
I don’t quite understand your argument. You start with the fact that God could not know our decision if we truly have free will. Then you state that God knows our choices so I don’t know how to continue my argument with you.
I don’t quite understand your argument. You start with the fact that God could not know our decision if we truly have free will. Then you state that God knows our choices so I don’t know how to continue my argument with you.
I’m simply pointing out that there appears to be a contradiction. If we have free will, then God had no way of knowing which universe He was creating. On the other hand, it appears as though He did know which universe He was creating, therefore we must not have free will.

The two arguments appear to be mutually exclusive. Either God knew, or He didn’t. Which is it?

I’m sorry if I’ve been unclear.
There is of course a third possibility. God created the potential for every conceivable universe, and it’s we who decide which one gets actualized. Therefore it may appear as though God knew which one He was creating, when in fact He didn’t. He simply set out a plan to save us, no matter which one we chose.
. . . The two arguments appear to be mutually exclusive. Either God knew, or He didn’t. Which is it?. . .
Neither, your tenses are off. He knows. Maybe one way to look at it is in how the angels fell. Lucifer instantly denied God. God creates him and he refuses. It is the same with us. He creates us and we may refuse His love, over something we experience as time. He creates time. It is a mystery, it should be remembered. The human mind barely gets a glimpse of the magnitude and nature of God.
There is of course a third possibility. God created the potential for every conceivable universe, and it’s we who decide which one gets actualized. Therefore it may appear as though God knew which one He was creating, when in fact He didn’t. He simply set out a plan to save us, no matter which one we chose.
That is a possible scenario. We can also create our own destiny.
Neither, your tenses are off.
Whether or not my tenses are off makes no difference. Yes God knows what we chose. But if we have free will, then we could have chosen otherwise. Adam and Eve could have chosen not to disobey. They didn’t, but they could have. Therefore the universe is the way it is because we chose to make it so, not because God chose to make it so. We have free will.

But wait a minute, the universe isn’t the way that we chose to make it. If the universe was simply the way that we chose to make it, then we would all presumably be headed to hell. But if Christianity is correct, then we’re not all headed to hell. Something, not of our own creation, has interfered with our chosen path. And presumably this something, can interfere with our chosen path whenever and however it pleases. This makes our free will choices completely moot. Because if God wasn’t pleased with our choices, He could simply interfere to change them.

This means that the universe is the way it is, because God desires it to be this way. If He didn’t, He would change it.
Could you please elaborate?
Sure, what is the difference is God has the knowledge of how you use to choose your life and how you choose to live it? What does it change if he knows or does not know. It is the same result.

If someone tells you there is a cop and there is a DUI check, and says if you don’t go the other way, and knows you have had 6 beers and will fail, and you say too bad, how did my knowledge of knowing your would fail, change anything?

SO you go that way and get a DUI which I knew you would, how did that change me knowing and it happening?
Whether or not my tenses are off makes no difference. Yes God knows what we chose. But if we have free will, then we could have chosen otherwise. Adam and Eve could have chosen not to disobey. They didn’t, but they could have. Therefore the universe is the way it is because we chose to make it so, not because God chose to make it so. We have free will.

But wait a minute, the universe isn’t the way that we chose to make it. If the universe was simply the way that we chose to make it, then we would all presumably be headed to hell. But if Christianity is correct, then we’re not all headed to hell. Something, not of our own creation, has interfered with our chosen path. And presumably this something, can interfere with our chosen path whenever and however it pleases. This makes our free will choices completely moot. Because if God wasn’t pleased with our choices, He could simply interfere to change them.

This means that the universe is the way it is, because God desires it to be this way. If He didn’t, He would change it.
Needless to say that Satan was there. That make the whole situation very specious. 😃
Needless to say that Satan was there. That make the whole situation very specious. 😃
Sure but we were warned! And so were Adam and Eve. God told them point blank, don’t do it. Eve herself said God told us not to. She had free will to obey God, or try to become a god herself. She failed of course.

But truly she is no different then people even today. They all choose to follow God, or follow themselves and try to become gods themselves. Like Eve, they will indeed fail.
Sure, what is the difference is God has the knowledge of how you use to choose your life and how you choose to live it? What does it change if he knows or does not know. It is the same result.

If someone tells you there is a cop and there is a DUI check, and says if you don’t go the other way, and knows you have had 6 beers and will fail, and you say too bad, how did my knowledge of knowing your would fail, change anything?

SO you go that way and get a DUI which I knew you would, how did that change me knowing and it happening?
That I quite understand. What I don’t understand is that the very act of creation knowing what each individual perform has to be unique hence expecting that God had the power to create anything different is quite illogical because it is up to individuals not God. In simple word it is in power of individuals to create their own destiny. God however needs to have the ability to guess each individual act otherwise he could not sustain creation. Yet no one exists before the act creation which makes guessing the act of individual logically impossible unless we call omniscience the knowledge of what does not exist which is very necessary because the only act of God is impossible. The whole story is quite illogical. I don’t know how to explain it better than this.
That I quite understand. What I don’t understand is that the very act of creation knowing what each individual perform has to be unique hence expecting that God had the power to create anything different is quite illogical because it is up to individuals not God. In simple word it is in power of individuals to create their own destiny. God however needs to have the ability to guess each individual act otherwise he could not sustain creation. Yet no one exists before the act creation which makes guessing the act of individual logically impossible unless we call omniscience the knowledge of what does not exist which is very necessary because the only act of God is impossible. The whole story is quite illogical. I don’t know how to explain it better than this.
You need to find a way, because what you are saying does not make sense.

What you fail to understand is this, God is outside of time. There is no time for God like there is for us.

God created us all the same, In his image, and to do good. We were all given the same clean slate.

It is up to us to either keep the slate clean, and turn away from evil, or turn towards evil, and away from God. Its quite simple.

God never created anyone evil, Evil is the opposite from God. It was the free will of man, who replaced God with himself that created evil.
. . . If the universe was simply the way that we chose to make it, then we would all presumably be headed to hell. But if Christianity is correct, then we’re not all headed to hell. Something, not of our own creation, has interfered with our chosen path. And presumably this something, can interfere with our chosen path whenever and however it pleases. This makes our free will choices completely moot. Because if God wasn’t pleased with our choices, He could simply interfere to change them.

This means that the universe is the way it is, because God desires it to be this way. If He didn’t, He would change it.
1Peter1:17- 21 If you address as Father the One who impartially judges according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves in fear during the time of your stay on earth; knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers, but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ. For He was foreknown before the foundation of the world, but has appeared in these last times for the sake of you who through Him are believers in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.
This is a very serious game. The stakes are very high, and the possibilities include limitless joy for most and infinite horror, for some. It is all about Love. It is truly spectacular that we experience happiness and tears. I have no idea how people cannot see this “trip” as totally AWESOME!! Of course He made it this way - Heaven, Hell. We get to choose, to become Christ-like into Heaven or to create hell by following Satan - who is hell. Wow!!!
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