That doesn’t resolve the problem. God is creator by definition. You need time in order to create since the act creation is related to a change of absence to presence. This means that you need to create time first which is logically impossible since you need to time to create anything.
That is once again where you seem to be misled. You are speaking of human understanding of time. What you seem to not understand no matter what we tell you is there is no time for God.
There is No time. He always WAS, always IS, and always WILL BE. It is above you intelligence of understanding. So how could any human sit here and explain to you that God is TIMELESS, when your level of understanding is it is logically impossible, because in your mind you need time to create anything.
There is nothing we can say but this. God creates everything. Time is something that was created for the human intelligence that came from God. If God did not want time to be a word or thought it would never exist in the human mind.
I will say this once more and then it is TIME for me to move on. No human mind will ever be able to define the mind of the DIVINE. Never. You are living proof of this.
Where is it said that God ever claimed to be logical to the human mind? Where was it ever taught or revealed by anyone that God revealed everything, or told us everything to completely understand the mind of the Divine. He has not.
He told us what we needed to know, and told us that much will be revealed WHEN he reveals it, and WHEN we are ready to hear it. Another words, even if he came here right now and revealed the Divine to you, your Human mind could not understand it.
You give an infant milk, then baby food, then you progress with harder food. Until you begin with infant milk, you cannot even begin to understand solid food.
Again read what you wrote, YOU NEED TIME, yes as a human I do need time to create, etc, but we are not talking of me, or you, we are talking of God who NEEDS nothing.