I think that is you who is misled. My position is very clear which I can summarize in the following: To create you need time hence either time is a part of creation or not. If time is not part of creation and it is elementary then the very concept of timeless God is meaningless. On the other hand if time is a part of creation then God need to create it which is paradoxical since you need time to create anything.
You are not making an argument here.
We already argue that you need time to create anything hence creating time is paradoxical.
Why you then bother in a philosophical forum to offer any argument if you believe so. The very concept of timeless God is definable but not defendable for the very reason that creating time is paradoxical. So you either have to resolve the paradox or give up the very concept of timeless God.
Then why you try to define the God then. All I am saying is that the very concept of timeless God is problematic.
What you are saying here is full of contradictions. Either we can understand or cannot. In former case we can put an effort to understand the situation and in the later case revelation in meaningless.
That is all good.
Your very definition of God is meaningless: “God does not need anything to create”. I can define God as a being who can lift a stone which cannot be lifted. Etc.
Everything that the human mind cannot understand is problematic. But problematic does not mean it is not so.
I don’t try to define God, he has revealed himself to us. 3 ways. In the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit.
It is through the revelation of God what we know of him and what we do not know. You feel that my opinion of God is meaningless because God does not need anything to do anything because he is God.
The difference between your opinion of God and mine are completely difference because of one thing. You believe my opinion of God is meaningless because I put no restrictions on God. You claim he has to have time to create. I said God needs nothing to create, he can do anything.
Your problem is with a timeless God, I don’t have problems with what God can do that I cannot understand and what he can do and has revealed to me.
There are no contradictions in what I have said. We indeed understand what God has revealed to us rather in his word or his Church, and admit there are things we cannot understand because it has yet to be revealed to us. Where is the Contradiction there?
Bottom line you have a problem with a timeless God. We have no problem with a timeless God, Simply because we know God can do anything and nothing restricts him.
How do we know this? Eph. 3;20 states this.
God who is able to accomplish far MORE then ALL we could ask or IMAGINE. He can even do this in us.
You state because in your mind you cannot imagine how God could accomplish this, then he cannot accomplish this, I say and repeat he can. As stated he can do more then you could even imagine.