The whole line of teaching is illogical. You cannot predestine some to glory and some to damnation and NOT be the causation of either. Further, once a deity preordains a single event on this earth, that deity has irreparably interfered with the free will of all mankind. All occurrences after that single interference are influenced by that deity’s intervention.Sorry he did not created the damned, the damned created it for themselves, by rejecting God.
God created us all for heaven, he wants no one to go to hell. You continue to teach opposite from Church teaching.
Again Council of Orange (529AD). I am sorry for your inability to understand this, not do I have any power to make something so logical to myself, logical to you.
It matters not which Council, or philosopher defended this or that version of predestination…and there are numerous versions and NO official decision by the Church regarding precisely how it works…the entire concept eliminates free will…period.