Sometimes it seems that way when my motives are called into question, or my understanding of the situation is called into question.Catholics don’t pretend problems like yours don’t exist.
It seems like people don’t want to admit that maybe NFP isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
I’ve seen on many threads how young people are told it is 99% effective and easy to use. And when someone pipes in that it didn’t work for them they are told they didn’t chart correctly, they didn’t read the signs, they weren’t conservative enough.
So…then it seems to me it isn’t as easy for some people as they were assured - and it just might not be 99% effective.
This is where my cynical side takes over and I’m wondering if I’ve been fed a bunch of propoganda.
I don’t know if trusting God is my problem so much as trusing NFP is my problem.Catholics just approach the problems with a trust in God’s divine providence and with the assurance that with the help of God’s grace they will be able to endure the hardship. Sounds like trusting God is something you are battling right now. Perhaps you need to refill your tank with grace. Do you receive the sacraments regularly? Do you pray for grace? Do you pray to Mary and the saints?
I do receive the sacraments.
I don’t have the prayer life I used to - but that is because I used to have more time and less distractions.
I have a hard time accepting the idea that couples are expected to live sexless - or near sexless marriages.You and your husband may have to abstain for longer periods during the month. You may not be accustomed to this or WANT to get accustomed to having less sex in your marriage. It would be a sacrafice no doubt. Perhaps, as one poster said, you are being given a higher calling. “To whom much is entrusted, much is expected”.
It seems to me that is a recipe for disaster.