Secular humanism is the greatest threat to the church these days.
I think these priests and bishops are afraid of you!I third this.
If anything can hurt the Church the most it would be the lazy Bishops and Priests that are out there. It would be the Bishops that allow rainbow sash wearing people recieve communion, it would be the Bishops and Priests that allow pro-death people to recieve the Body and Blood of Christ.
Why alot of the Bishops and Priests are too scared to stand up for Christ is beyond me. They need alot of prayers, and a swift kick in the butt to get back in gear.
scmo.org.uk/_titles/view.asp?id=297Secularism and / or apathy/ indifference towards religion or spirituality.
LOL… that would become the greatest threat to me!!!Pop the whip
Here in the states, I was recently the camera man at our Midwest Catholic Family Conference- I filmed a talk by this guy who told about all the thngs taught here in the 60’s and 70’s at ‘catholic’ schools and it would blow your mind (example- givng kids any grade they wanted in theology, regardless of what they did). He is reformed now, and exposing it, but it really was depressing.I think that the greatest threat to the Church today is the cancer within rather than the Protestants etc without. When so many of the bishops and theologians aren’t faithful to the authentic teachings of the Church how are the laity going to learn their Faith.?
I am one of them. Raised as a Catholic but doesn’t knew any catechism. I am lucky that i found EWTN and this site!The greatest threat to the Church is poor catechisis and converts who are not properly taught.
Many who are “raised” Catholic do not know what the Church Teaches and many converts carry over their protestant mindset when they convert.
Today I heard on Catholic Answers live a protestent convert to Catholicism describing Confirmation as a Catholic bar mitzvah. This can not be correct as Eastern Catholic Chrismate (or Confirm) infants.
No, it has come after Modernism and there are some related details, but Modernism started over a century ago. It tends to be a catch phrase that is thrown about by people who can not articualte what Modernism was all about, or even who the main practitioners were.Yes, I think you are right about this. Personally, I call this cancer secularism, but isn’t that just the current form of modernism?
Of course. “There is no one as reactionary as a radical who has achieved their objective.” (And a tip of the hat to whomever I stole that from).As I read this, I was wondering if this took place during a Mass. If so, how could I be surprised at the wanderings of a lay Pastoral Associate when in fact this person should not be delivering a homily at all. These types of actions reflect a shallowness of spirituality and faith development. It always amuses me in a cynical manner that those who would stray into liberal practices are the first to condemn Cardinal Ratzinger for being too rigid. Yet, Cardinal Ratzinger speaks in terms of the laity’s right to receive the sacraments and liturgy. Are those who proclaim a progressive agenda more inflexible and less tolerant than the ones they rant about?
Ah yes, the Sacrament in search of a theology. I am inclined to think that his comment is a good reflection on the separation of one of the three Sacraments of Initiation. We might do well to reflect more thoroughly on your liturgical approach to Confirmation.The greatest threat to the Church is poor catechisis and converts who are not properly taught.
Many who are “raised” Catholic do not know what the Church Teaches and many converts carry over their protestant mindset when they convert.
Today I heard on Catholic Answers live a protestent convert to Catholicism describing Confirmation as a Catholic bar mitzvah. This can not be correct as Eastern Catholic Chrismate (or Confirm) infants.