La Chiara:
I’ll agree with you about the CINO’s but I don’t believe the Church intends to endorse the collegiality.
Then why does Rome allow so many bishops to be contrary to Her teachings and not be corrected?
Puleeze! The Church gets trashed enough already for how many rules it has and how judgmental it is.
Only by dissenters. The Church does not need to capitulate more, but less.
the reason so many Catholics leave the faith is because it is SOOOO much easier to be Protestant than to be Catholic.
That is one big reason, yes. But, many do not leave and continue to tear down the Church.
So now the Church is going to get tough on every error?!
Uh yea, you know…Preach the truth in season and out of season. By error we are not talking about liturgical abuses at mass like holding hands. We are talking about preaching error. Like telling precana couples birth control is not a grave sin.
I think the priests do not constantly “correct error” from the pulpit is because they will alienate most of their Mass-attending parishioners if they were rigid.
Oh my, we would not want to alienate those pew potatos. Our collection might drop and that is the key to salvation. Keep that cash coming in and continue the IVF, abortion, contraception, euthanasia, fornication, but by all means, please lets get kumbaya together.
Besides, Catholics know what they are doing that is contrary to Church teachings.
Yep, that is why I can’t see why so many claim most Catholics are not in mortal sin when they embrace all that our culture embraces and still run to receive communion without confession.
The Church hierarchy is an effective parent in my mind–every once in a while reminding the faithful about the more difficult Church teachings. The every-once-in-a-while reminder causes plenty of controversy and discomfort. (I am thinking about the Pro-abortion politician’s receiving Communion issue.)
Perfect example of collegiality run amok. McCarrick lies to his brother bishops about Ratzinger’s letter. McCarrick is caught with his pants down and Ratzinger does not correct him and tell him to act as he ought and the rest of the US bishops ought to. Now we have most every bishop claiming they do not have do deny commuinon to manifest sinners even though Rome said the exact opposite. This is one small example.