Gun Carrying Catholics Armed

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If you selfishly keep all those guns the Third World will do without.
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Where do you buy your Sigs? I am good friends with a pro-law enforcement FFL out here. I got mine for $1,125 tax included. I just might pick up a Sig P220 Legion in 10mm if I like the 1911.

Old Colonel: I don’t have that many compared to some folks out here. For bolt guns I’m thinking: .204Ruger or .22-250, .223Rem, 30-06Sprg, and .375H&H. Could be like a friend of mine and just multi-purpose a .375H&H… he shoots deer, moose, elk, African game, coyotes, and generally anything four legged with it.
Don’t forget to focus on the acquisition of supplies. An army marches on its stomach. 😎
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Forage off the land and feed off the enemy like a parasite. As they grow weaker, we grow stronger. Move swiftly and let not your movements be foreseen.
I still need you to clarify your “around the house” gun comment please, because I’m picturing some hilarious scenarios involving you shoulder rolling over the sectional sofa to advance on Objective Dishwasher.

“We lost a lot of good men in that finished basement…” meaningful stare off into the distance
As in, keep next to bed. Have had people try to pry the storm door off the place, people try to cut their way into the garage (vertical cut in one of the garage door panels), etc. Then there are always the criminals who think it’s a really good idea to threaten to kill the other side.
I still need you to clarify your “around the house” gun comment please, because I’m picturing some hilarious scenarios involving you shoulder rolling over the sectional sofa to advance on Objective Dishwasher.

“We lost a lot of good men in that finished basement…” meaningful stare off into the distance
I laughed out loud at this. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Are you a cop?

My earlier :roll_eyes: comment about concealed carry enthusiasts doesn’t really apply to people who have a credible fear of someone randomly attacking them. Off-duty cops, prosecutors, etc, I get the logic.
Well, as far as I’m concerned it’s not my place, or anyone else’s, to say who’s fears are justified and who’s aren’t. Everyone’s situation is different and everyone’s physical capabilities are different. I personally don’t think anyone needs to justify carrying something to protect themselves or their loved ones, or to have a gun handy in the house.

I’m 6’ 2", weigh around 220 lbs, and try to stay in shape. My fears and needs are different than say a young woman walking home from work in a seedy part of town, or an older gentleman no longer in his prime who’s neighbor was just robbed. Who’s to say whose fear is credible?
Who’s to say whose fear is credible?
Well, juries, frequently. Our whole system is based on the idea that you can judge the reasonableness of someone’s fear. We do it all the time in self-defense cases.

That said, I’m not really making a legal argument as much I am making fun of gun fetishists or people who live like paramilitaries. And again, I own guns. I like shooting. But anyone who has gone to a gun range or, God help us, a gun show has met legions of these people. It’s like “GUN OWNER” becomes the cornerstone of their personality and everything revolves around being hyper-prepared for having your bunker attacked by black helicopters.

I’d never make fun of a guy for having a fire extinguisher and a smoke alarm in his house. That’s just prudent. I might make fun of someone who insists on wearing an oxygen tank and a fireman’s helmet around the house “just in case.”
you’re concealed carrying a full size 1911? have fun wearing a trench coat everywhere you go to hide that huge hip bulge… 😆😆
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Shoulder Holster
Go big and full size or go home 🏡 When the world is ending, I’m gonna have a 9mm shouldered, a .45 strapped to my gun belt, and an AR slung over my shoulder. Then, I’m disappearing into the woods for a decade…

But for concealed carry, unless you’re Shaquille O’Neal, a full size 1911 is near impossible and utterly absurd.
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