Gun Carrying Catholics Armed

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Again the criminal doesnt care about price.
Oh yeah he does.

No one transcends the rules of the market. No one.

The more valuable something is, the tighter it gets locked up and the more expensive it is on any market - black or white.
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Let’s say I’m trying to rob a Speedway (or whatever Aussies have)

there are 5,000 dollars in the store, max. If everything goes completely right, you’ll get all of it.

However, a rifle is 7,000. Completely illogical and unreasonable.

I am limited now to knives, etc.
A slippery slope argument isn’t a fallacy if there is reason to believe that it will occur. There is and it does. But if you don’t recognize that it has occurred and will likely occur again, it’s wasted breath.

I agree that we are not Britain, Australia, Russia or Lithuania. But if they are to be used as examples or stats, I will address them and use them as well. They are useful if not entirely accurate representations. Just don’t forget there is Brazil, Mexico and Honduras.

That last part just tells me you don’t really want a rational discussion. You seem to think your an authority on the subject, so I won’t advise you on what you should do if threatened. I’m a retired SF Medic with an additional 12 years in contract security so I’ll ask that you give me the same courtesy. That’s essentially my position. I’m not going to tell you what you can use to defend yourself, but if you unjustly kill someone be prepared to face the consequences.
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I did. Both the Ozzland and Britain charts were general and used the same scale.

You’re just grasping for anything to counter with here…
Now you are being blatantly deceptive, I responded to your chart comparing US states.
If you aren’t going to show integrity in your comments, no point in continuing the discussion
What you apparently fail to realize is that things can become too expensive for the petty criminal even on the black market.

I’ve no idea how many times I’ve said this…
but reality works against you. i follow the local police on social media and am amazed at the vehicles the perps drive and the amount of drug money they have. they don’t want for a lack of money. money isn’t the issue.

i also think you fail to realize how many foreign gun-makers would be supplying guns to the cartels when it becomes profitable. the cartels have already moved to supplying meth since pot is somewhat legal in the states. the suppliers will adapt.
Sure. It’s great evidence for how rare it is in Ozzland.
it is rare in most of the states, our big cities increase our number, but you have contested that.
It’s the market that makes the perps “obey”. Can’t get around greed. Why sell it to a perp for an affordable $500 when I can get $5k?
because you sell more at the lower price, especially if they are a cheaper quality knock-off and readily available. we have wide open borders, a lot of guns will come through when they are banned here
He’s gotta risk stealing it or he’s gotta buy it off the black market. That still puts fewer guns in fewer hands.
you think a perp will care about stealing a gun? they steal them from police armories.
Let’s say I’m trying to rob a Speedway (or whatever Aussies have)

there are 5,000 dollars in the store, max. If everything goes completely right, you’ll get all of it.

However, a rifle is 7,000. Completely illogical and unreasonable.

I am limited now to knives, etc.
so he robs 2 stores, crime increase. look at britian. hot burglaries go up because it is more profitable.

usually, our gun violence is generally associated with drugs and the prices of dope will just go up to compensate for any increase in expenses.

with your gun you are now king of the block.
simple, you set him up, slay him and take the guns and resell them, its not hard somebody is going to get killed 1 way or another for a gun and the cycle will repeat itself with somebody else dying, again its the black market. anything can happen.
Let’s say I’m trying to rob a Speedway (or whatever Aussies have)

there are 5,000 dollars in the store, max. If everything goes completely right, you’ll get all of it.

However, a rifle is 7,000. Completely illogical and unreasonable.

I am limited now to knives, etc.
Why would the guy buy a competition shooting rifle for a robbery?

He’d buy or borrow a cheap handgun for a few hundred dollars.
Pump action shotguns are also cheap and readily available. They look intimidating too!
He then may sell the gun to a mate after the robbery, or he’ll keep using it without additional investment

Scenarios should have at least one foot in the real world.
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I have heard of priests who carry concealed pistols for their own protection.
No because the amount of police is minimal and cant respond to every call at the same time, by the tkme they anawered the call the damage will have been done, and how many people are still getting away with crime?
In Australia?

Where firearms are completely banned?

“Oh, yeah, we’ll get to that guy with an AR15 after getting this kitten down from a tree. It’s just a completely illegal firearm. No biggie.”
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Everybody is in love with the animals, look at youtube. 😃 On a more serious note guns being banned are not going to stop a person from smuggling them in.
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