Gun Carrying Catholics Armed

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A safe space? Ye gods, your house is meant to be your safe space. It really doesn’t cost a lot of money to fit a door that you will need a tank to open if you have forgotten your keys. And places I have lived in, in less salubrious areas than the one I currently live had window grilles on the outside, openable only from the inside.

The place I have now has motion detectors where anyone has any chance of breaking in. The noise the alarm makes when it goes off is frighteningly loud. I mean painfully loud. Last time it went off due to an electrical fault, lights came on in every house up and down the street.

So is anyone still going to stand there trying to jemmy the door?

If your wife needs to shoot a guy who has got into your house, then you personally have let them down. If you really think your situation means that you need to arm your wife to protect herself and your kids when you are not there then I have a suggestion. Cancel your next holiday, forget about the safe room and spend the money making sure you have a safe house.
Or take her to the range and teach her how to shoot a higher caliber so she won’t have to hit the bad guy five times to stop him. She’s already pretty good with a .38. Bump her up to a .45 ACP, or even a .44 Magnum.
I have zero sympathy for the perp. He’s lucky she didn’t put one in his reptile brain. But maybe he’ll get religion in the big house.
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And what if they did somehow make their house impregnable? The perp is just going to go find somewhere easier. Maybe rape and murder someone there.
That lady in Georgia took a dangerous criminal off the street. She did society a favor.
Or take her to the range and teach her how to shoot a higher caliber so she won’t have to hit the bad guy five times to stop him. She’s already pretty good with a .38. Bump her up to a .45 ACP, or even a .44 Magnum.
I have zero sympathy for the perp. He’s lucky she didn’t put one in his reptile brain. But maybe he’ll get religion in the big house.
What in heaven’s name are you talking about? Buy her a magnum? Zero sympathy for the perp? (the perp? Ye gods…).

This isn’t some video game we are talking about. It’s human lives. Do you realise that even men who have been trained to kill in combat suffer trauma for the rest of their lives because they have killed. It’s well known that the majority of infantry don’t even aim to kill in war situations.

A young woman has had to shoot (and presumably kill) someone by pumping five bullets in to him in front of her screaming kids. And you think that that is a good thing? Will any of them fully recover from that most horrifying of events?

And despite that, not one person has said that - yeah, it would be better if the guy couldn’t have gained access. All we get is ‘buy more guns’, ‘get a bigger gun’, ‘one more bad guy dead’. Even if her house was safe and she didn’t need a gun and didn’t have anyone to kill, the response is effectively: ‘well, lucky the house wasn’t safe as she was able to kill a bad guy’.

There is a serious inability to connect with reality here.
She didn’t kill him. He survived. He’s now serving time.
And no, I have no sympathy for the perp. He chased the terrified mother and her children through their house, smashing through three doors in the process. He was bent on doing harm, maybe rape and murder. Instead, he got shot and incarcerated. Good.
So let’s make this simple. Would a better scenario have been if he couldn’t gain access to the house?
Even better-- he doesn’t try to pillage someone else’s home. I’m not blaming the victim–now that’s delusional!. No doubt the perp was on the street in the first place because some liberal judge let him out. He should be serving life.
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I gave you the best scenario. The perp stops being a perp. No one should feel guilty about not turning their home into a fortress. And if they don’t that doesn’t mean their home is some kind of attractive nuisance for criminals.
That lady is my hero. She tried to run and when there was nowhere else to go, she stood her ground. I hope she has a CCW and carries everywhere.
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The fact that you won’t answer the question tells the whole story. Although any sane person would obviously agree that it would be better not to have someone break into your house and you have to shoot them as opposed to them not vaining access in the first place, you will not agree to that simple option.

This is what those who want a serious discussion on the matter have to put up with. Fingers in the ears and a refusal to answer the simplest of questions because…the horror…the answer doesn’t include guns.
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I"m done. I’ve heard it all before. You can live your life in lockdown if you want. I don’t, and couldn’t if I wanted to. So I’m armed. Legally. At home and in the car, in the supermarket and the restaurant. And if somebody doesn’t like it, tough.
Living in the real world, I have to acknowledge that my house is not an impregnable fortress like you seem to be imagining is a possibility. I am not going to live behind bars (about the only way to truly make windows not a potential access point). Police go to take reports after burglaries in houses with resident dogs, alarms, camera systems and good locks all the time. And when seconds count, the police are only minutes away (and sometimes, lots of minutes).

(The above is over a half hour)


I know which outcome I can live with.
I"m done. I’ve heard it all before. You can live your life in lockdown if you want. I don’t, and couldn’t if I wanted to. So I’m armed. Legally. At home and in the car, in the supermarket and the restaurant. And if somebody doesn’t like it, tough.
I could care less what you carry and where. I could care less if you had an anti-tank weapon in your bedroom if it made you feel safe. No-one, in ANY of these discussions is proposing that those who feel the need to own a gun for their own protection should not be allowed to own one.

What we are SURELY looking for are ways to change attidudes to guns so that they are not automatically assumed to be the best option. And surely NOT having someone break into your house as opposed to them breaking in is a good thing. And having them NOT break in as opposed to them gaining access and you having to pump five bullets into him at close range in font of your screaming kids is screamingly, blindingly, undeniably better.

But you won’t even admit to that. So yes. You are done as far as sensible discussions go.
Good for you! I agree. There’s no such thing as a home invasion-proof home and even if one could turn one’s home into a fortress, what happens when one goes outside? What about street muggings, car jackings, rape, etc.?
I hope you can get a CCW where you live. And practice! Not just range time (I’m due, tomorrow), but drawing and firing with snap caps, drawing from concealment, etc. It’s an awesome responsibility but we must be resolute, yes? Can’t count on the police to prevent much of anything.
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There’s those screaming kids again, lol!
Here’s a creative writing tip: use such phrases sparingly, otherwise they lose their emotional impact.
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Except this isn’t an excercise in creative writing. Nobody is making this up. We are talking about a young woman shooting a man five times in front of her children.

You can’t seem to envisage a better scenario. You can’t seem to get past the fact that a bad guy died. It’s all a cause for celebration for you.

As I said, it’s not so much about guns as about attitude. Yours leaves a lot to be desired.
Did you even read the article I to which I posted the link? As of that date, he was alive and well and headed off to a cell. And if he turns his life around, repents and accepts Jesus Christ and His graces, he might even avoid hell. He was no doubt shot five times because that’s what it took to make him stop. Oh well.
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