Hello, is anybody home?

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A few, prominent and implacable progressives. Progressives often appear to be as satisfied with their opinions as they are unhappy with life in general: never enough progress to suit them. In truth, a progressive can never be at true peace. And, when I foolishly choose to interact with them, neither am I at peace.

I am better in dealing with seekers, as their minds are not already made up being reasonably sure that they do not know everything.
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Someone posted a link to this place on r/catholicsm and I can’t believe it’s back. I was just thinking about CAF a couple of weeks ago since it was the one year anniversary of the shutdown of the forum. I’m glad to see that it’s potentially making a comeback. Things have certainly changed a lot in a year.
How nice it feels to be back again! Where is the forum rule so I can read it? Somehow it seems to me that everything on this site is empty
Among the people I have spoken to, some have moved on to other Catholic fora, and others are holding off on getting involved with posting here until the site is more fully functional and they can see how the moderation, functionality etc will work, and then make an informed decision as to whether they want to participate here.
Recon you would very much enjoy the Ave Maria Radio forums. The regular posters are almost all very vocally politically non progressive 🙂
Good! Thank you. I have contributed to Ave Maria. As I age and everything seems in short supply, it becomes an increasing challenge to remain charitable with those who will not grant assent to Church teaching and neither will they follow their conscience and leave. While I am much closer to tares than wheat, some just get my Irish up. I’ll go find Ave Maria.
I’d like to give you an update on where I’m at with the site. This site continues to be my 4th highest priority (behind my faith, my family and working through my PTSD). In recent months, I’ve been devoting all my time to those three things and I haven’t been working on the site.

That said, I am deeply committed to getting this site running, and I feel like I’m making progress on my PTSD, which should free up a ton of time for me to not only get the site off the ground, but maintain it as well.
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Who can help you? And how? CA was a multi-person endeavor. It will “generally” run itself once up and running, but it may take an inordinate amount of effort to get it to that point - as you well know. If there is any help we can offer, please advise!
Thank you! I would definitely be interested in help from people moderating. There’s honestly not much technical work left to do, but those other three things are consuming all my time right now.
Sad to say I’ll be gone in a second if po18guy is a moderator here. After my 6 years at Catholic Community Forum he successfully got me permanently banned with constant reporting my defence of Pope Francis. I was Stella Maris over there. Well que sera sera.
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Sad to say I’ll be gone in a second if po18guy is a moderator here. After my 6 years at Catholic Community Forum he successfully got me permanently banned with constant reporting my defence of Pope Francis. I was Stella Maris over there. Well que sera sera.
I do want to have clear guidelines about what is acceptable speech and what is not, and all the moderators should strive to stick to those guidelines. In general, the guidelines for debatable issues will be more about how someone says something than which side an issue they are on.
Since I am able to read these posts in a public manner (meaning I don’t have to log in to read them), I’m assuming that that will be the format going forward?

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I hope it doesn’t turn into another anti Pope Francis forum. So many Catholic forums have been deluged with anti Francis thuggery now trying to distract people from embracing his teaching documents or recognising his teaching authority.
It depends on what you mean by “anti Pope Francis.” Some seem to think that any criticism of the Pope is unacceptable. I happen to believe that many of his actions are plenty worthy of criticism.
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