Domini Canis:
The devil speaks just enough truth to hook the unaware souls and then delivers the poison under their radar. My radar is not impaired. I follow the Church in obedience. Gruner distains obedience at every turn. Softly spoken and wily words to be sure but poison is poison and that is how the devil operates.
He said Sr Lucia was not allowed to tell the truth and she has to lie due to obedience. Now that’s a bell ringer if ever I heard one from the Devils mouth. Gruner, who is the epitome of disobedience to his superiors had the audacity to say Sr Lucia is lying to please the Pope. Good grief! She spends her entire life living the Gospel of Life and her vocation and is the Seer of Fatima and Gruner says she lies!Mare,
Since I haven’t heard that particular interview, I can’t say. I have seen and listened to some of his programs though; and know of nothing that would make me believe he was “the devil’s agent” or heretical…His main message is about Fatima and its relation to the current crisis in the world and in the Church.
Exactly what did he say in the interview that made you go so far as to say he was the devil’s agent?
The devil speaks just enough truth to hook the unaware souls and then delivers the poison under their radar. My radar is not impaired. I follow the Church in obedience. Gruner distains obedience at every turn. Softly spoken and wily words to be sure but poison is poison and that is how the devil operates.