HIV, AIDS cases rise among U.S. gay, bisexual men

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I know that its not very ‘Catholic’ of me, but I have a hard time giving sympathy and pity to those that bring evil upon themselves.
Perhaps you would feel differently if it was your own child. Yes, he “brought evil” on himself but my heart bleeds with sympathy and pity for my child who contracted this death sentence 8 years ago.
Lisa N
I suspect the reason for the increase in HIV/AIDS is that the more successful treatments have probably resulted in lax precautions in comparison to the days when AIDS was quick and invariably fatal.
Lisa, you are quite correct in that statement. A lot of the fear is gone now with better treatment, at least here in the U.S. Education, in both morality and health, is an immediate need. I failed in that arena, among others. Although I can not turn the clock back 8 years, I move forward with an urgent message for anyone I can get to listen to me.
“Getting back to the original thread, I suspect the reason for the increase in HIV/AIDS is that the more successful treatments have probably resulted in lax precautions in comparison to the days when AIDS was quick and invariably fatal.”

This statement is probably the sad truth about where we stand today on the US AIDS epidemic. The fear and panic seem to have waned and people are again playing Russian roulette with their lives
.follow the moral law. It is not some complex political issue…
Out of the Vatican today:

The Vatican today blamed the spread of AIDS on an “immunodeficiency” of moral values among other factors and called for education, abstinence and greater access to drugs to fight the disease.

On the eve of World AIDS Day, the head of the Vatican’s pontifical health council quoted Pope John Paul as calling AIDS a “pathology of the spirit” that must be combated with “correct sexual practice” and “education of sacred values.”
“I highlight his thoughts regarding the immunodeficiency of moral and spiritual values,” Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan added in a speech prepared for World AIDS Day on Wednesday. …"

“…A United Nations report released last week showed the number of adults and children living with HIV reached 39.4 million in 2004, up from 35 million in 2001…”
Out of the Vatican today:

The Vatican today blamed the spread of AIDS on an “immunodeficiency” of moral values among other factors and called for education, abstinence and greater access to drugs to fight the disease.
Immunodeficiency, heh? And what, in plain English, is immunodeficiency?
Immunodeficiency, heh? And what, in plain English, is immunodeficiency?
AIDS = Aquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. A disease of the human immune system that is caused by infection with HIV, that is characterized cytologically esp. by severe reduction in the number of helper T cells, that in modern industrialized nations occurs esp. in homosexual and bisexual men and in intravenous users of illicit drugs, that is commonly transmitted in blood and bodily secretions (as semen), and that renders the subject highly vulnerable to life threatening conditions (as Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia) and to some that become life-threatening (as Koposi’s sarcoma) – Meriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 10th ed.
AIDS = Aquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. A disease of the human immune system that is caused by infection with HIV, that is characterized cytologically esp. by severe reduction in the number of helper T cells, that in modern industrialized nations occurs esp. in homosexual and bisexual men and in intravenous users of illicit drugs, that is commonly transmitted in blood and bodily secretions (as semen), and that renders the subject highly vulnerable to life threatening conditions (as Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia) and to some that become life-threatening (as Koposi’s sarcoma) – Meriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 10th ed.
and so immunodeficiency of moral values" is?
Perhaps you would feel differently if it was your own child. Yes, he “brought evil” on himself but my heart bleeds with sympathy and pity for my child who contracted this death sentence 8 years ago.

Lisa, you are quite correct in that statement. A lot of the fear is gone now with better treatment, at least here in the U.S. Education, in both morality and health, is an immediate need. I failed in that arena, among others. Although I can not turn the clock back 8 years, I move forward with an urgent message for anyone I can get to listen to me.
Dear Catsrus, I will say a special prayer for your child tonight. I am sorry to hear that he has this disease.
Education will help in the US. The message needs to be clear that AIDS is still a killer and even if you don’t die, it’s a hard way to live. I know a man who’s had the disease for a number of years. He had a bad episode about a year ago and quite honestly looked like someone rescued from Birgen Belsen. Everyone thought he’d never make it out of the hospital on his own two feet but he finally recovered enough to be discharged. He is too weak to work consistently, has many complications and a very very tough life. I think people have become complacent to some extent because more people are living with AIDS as a chronic condition than a noose hanging on their necks. Plus we are now seeing more diverse populations…one of those times when we are not happy for diversity! So in spite of the good news about treatment, the overall news is just not good.

As to much of the rest of the world, education will be extremely difficult. Women in Africa are in no position to resist their husband’s advances even if he is HIV positive. My former church’s mission in Africa is focused on the child survivors as many times both parents die and there are fewer and fewer adults to care for them. Children live in a sort of garbage dump, scrounging for food and other usable items. It’s really quite a horrible situation in some areas.

Apparently the US is giving more to the AIDS fight than all other countries combined, although you’d not know it for all the criticism we get for not doing enough. Unfortunately it takes more than dollars to change a culture.

Catsrus I am so sorry about your child. It’s not an easy life is it?

Lisa N
Island Oak:
Lisa N.–you reply seems glib at best–heartless and detached at worst. Aside from the mind-numbing statistics posted here earlier, do you realize that in the US this epidemic is the leading cause of death for African American and Hispanic women between the ages of 25-35?! Representing less than 1/4 of the US population, they make up 80% of female cases of HIV infection. This is no longer a skid row, red-light district disease. If you still want to point fingers, these are prime ages for reproduction–meaning there is huge potential for impacting thousands of innocent children.

60% of AIDS cases in sub-Saharan Africa are females. There, cultural issues present a dramatic challenge to preventing spread of the disease. For example, marriage, normally thought of as a “safe” realm for sexual expression from a disease-containment perspective in this country, is actually a risk factor for contracting HIV for young African women.

This is a profoundly complex social, cultural, moral and public health challenge. You seem willing to write off sectors of the population with a toss of your head and the word “ridiculous.” You clearly have never had to absorb the painful jolt of reality this condition can inject into a person’s life.
In all the reports out in the past weeks about AIDS, especially in sub-Saharan Africa and India, there is absolutely no mention of how AIDS is contracted, especially in women. AIDS is not cancer. It doesn’t appear inexplicably. It is behaviorally based, yet no one, because of the politically correct mania overtaking our public health policies, will discuss exactly which behaviors are exacerbating this disease.

We’ve seen at least 15 years of pushing condoms yet the numbers just keep getting bigger and bigger. They continue to do so unless we take our heads out of the sand and face the reality of how this disease is spread. We have simply got to stop treating sexuality as if it were a recreational activity and recognize it for the powerful force that it is.

As for being “ridiculous”, the only thing that is ridiculous is sweeping the cause under the rug and pretending that AIDS mysteriously flies through the air, falling on unsuspecting victims. That is what is really dangerous and what has caused this disease to cause the devastation that it has.

And, just as an aside, it is quite unfair and unjust to assume what “jolt of reality” a person has or has not had to digest in his or her lifetime. Many people speak frankly from knowing only too well.

I’m just not a believer that episode(s) of sexual immorality necessitate a death sentence. I think posts written in the tone of Lisa N. evince exactly what I’m talking about.​

Sadly, that is the case. You may not appreciate Lisa N.'s “tone” but science would say it even more coldly. Having sex with multiple partners leaves a person good chance of causing death. Not only from HIV , but Hep. B and Hep C. By the way are you aware there are more people with Hep C than HIV in this country? It’s just as deadly and just as easily transmitted.Yes, in Africa it is mainly amoung the heterosexual population, it’s a tragedy.
Also, do you know the number one cause of cervical cancer in women is caused by the HPV virus? This virus is caused by sexual contact, CONDOMS DO NOT lessen the spread of HPV.
So, Lisa N. is stating a fact, sadly our behavior can cause death. It’s like saying eating at McDonalds, every day, will cause heart disease, eating a diet high in cholesteral will cause heart disease and death. Am I cold by stating this?
Why can the government state a diet high in fat will cause obesity which leads to heart disease and diabetis, but can’t say having casaul sex, even when using a condom, will cause STDS which will lead to death???
How so very true yet no one wants to state the obvious.

On a personal note, my sister lives with Hep C daily, a gift given to her by her ex-husband so I see first hand what sexual infedelity can do. Why people are afraid to verbalize this is a mystery to me and is a huge disservice to us all.
Out of the Vatican today:

The Vatican today blamed the spread of AIDS on an “immunodeficiency” of moral values among other factors and called for education, abstinence and greater access to drugs to fight the disease.

On the eve of World AIDS Day, the head of the Vatican’s pontifical health council quoted Pope John Paul as calling AIDS a “pathology of the spirit” that must be combated with “correct sexual practice” and “education of sacred values.”
“I highlight his thoughts regarding the immunodeficiency of moral and spiritual values,” Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan added in a speech prepared for World AIDS Day on Wednesday. …"

“…A United Nations report released last week showed the number of adults and children living with HIV reached 39.4 million in 2004, up from 35 million in 2001…”
Apparently, the Pope’s views and my views are mean spirited according to some? Why is the notion of preaching moral absolutes so foreign to certain people? They view it as blaming the victim. Sure, the victim does need to accept blame, but just as important is the fact that we need to preach the truth to prevent the spread of this plague and other moral plagues. Sheesh.

As some else posted recently paraphraphasing FR. Corapi it is no virtue to allow others to skip and dance down the road to hell.
In all the reports out in the past weeks about AIDS, especially in sub-Saharan Africa and India, there is absolutely no mention of how AIDS is contracted, especially in women. AIDS is not cancer. It doesn’t appear inexplicably. It is behaviorally based, yet no one, because of the politically correct mania overtaking our public health policies, will discuss exactly which behaviors are exacerbating this disease.

We’ve seen at least 15 years of pushing condoms yet the numbers just keep getting bigger and bigger. They continue to do so unless we take our heads out of the sand and face the reality of how this disease is spread. We have simply got to stop treating sexuality as if it were a recreational activity and recognize it for the powerful force that it is.

As for being “ridiculous”, the only thing that is ridiculous is sweeping the cause under the rug and pretending that AIDS mysteriously flies through the air, falling on unsuspecting victims. That is what is really dangerous and what has caused this disease to cause the devastation that it has.

And, just as an aside, it is quite unfair and unjust to assume what “jolt of reality” a person has or has not had to digest in his or her lifetime. Many people speak frankly from knowing only too well.
Absolutely. I remember when AIDS was a horrible mystery and no one knew what caused it. “And the Band Played On” by Randy Shilts (who died of AIDS himself) is both fascinating and sickening as it chronicles how AIDS was spread in the early days of the epidemic. There are some pretty graphic passages about the gay lifestyle in SF in the early 1980s. It’s obvious that the disease went from some obscure illness that an African scientist might contract to decimating a good percentage of a population.

You are exactly right in pointing out that instead of making it clear how this disease is spread and how to prevent it, the rallying cry was “Find us a cure so we can continue to live this way without consequences.”

I think it bears repeating that sexual encounters are incredibly powerful. They can create (or destroy) life. Many belittle some of the Jewish taboos but as one scholar pointed out there was a point. It was step back, you are encountering a life force and it’s not to be treated like a handshake.

Immunodeficiency of morals is an unfortunately graphic description.

LIsa N
bapcathluth & LisaN,

Thank you for your prayers, knowledge and concern. No, it is not easy for my son, myself or or any other of the family members. HIV not only robs a person of their immune system. The psychologial cost is immense. The guilt and fear lived out on a day by day basis renders the infected, as well as those who love him almost immobile at times. As with all our actions, or inactions in life, we pay, both now and later. If nothing else, I have learned to be less judgemental and more compassionate of those whom I once thought I was morally above. I bear plenty of the responsibility for this. Had I been a Christian person, with good values, when my children were growing up, and taught them morality, this may never have come to pass.
Hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20.
It is important to understand that there are more ways to contract this disease than through sexual activity. Granted, it was recognized in the early 80s as a homosexual man’s disease, but it has morphed far beyond that now.
We all have a cross to bear. This is one of mine.
AIDS has tightened its grip on the nation’s black community, with vastly higher rates of HIV diagnoses among non-Hispanic blacks than among whites or Hispanics, according to a report released Wednesday.

The study, released on World AIDS Day, is the first government analysis of 125,800 HIV diagnoses from 2000 to 2003 in 32 states — not including populous New York and California — that confidentially report HIV diagnoses to the federal government using patients’ names. Missouri is among the states reporting.

The epidemic is stable with roughly 40,000 new HIV cases each year and as many as 950,000 people living with HIV/AIDS. But HIV diagnoses increased 5 percent among men overall and 11 percent among gay men. Because critical states don’t yet report diagnoses by name, the evidence isn’t conclusive. But it was foreshadowed by three years of rising syphilis rates among gay and bisexual men.

“We cannot say with certainty that this represents an increase in new infections,” says Ronald Valdiserri of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “But we continue to be concerned about it.”

In the U.S., 51 percent of all HIV diagnoses were among blacks, who make up 13 percent of the population. Black men accounted for the highest rate of new HIV diagnoses, 103.5 per 100,000 people, seven times that of white men and triple the rate among Latinos. Among black women, a rate of 53 diagnoses for every 100,000 people was 18 times the rate for white women and five times the rate for Latinas.

Internationally, the infection rate for women is rising. Nearly half the 39.4 million people infected with HIV worldwide are female. “Today the face of AIDS is increasingly young and female,” said Peter Piot, head of United Nations AIDS.

Last year’s tally of 43,171 full-blown AIDS cases represents a 4.6 percent increase over 2003. The amount of money the government devotes to prevention has dropped from 9 percent of the total AIDS budget in 1995 to 5 percent last year, according to an analysis by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.

“The data tells us the American epidemic is rapidly becoming a disease of black and brown people,” says Phill Wilson of the American AIDS Training and Policy Institute. “It also tells us that many of our strategies of dealing with the disease are failing.”

A report released Wednesday by minority staff of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform found that 11 of 13 of the abstinence-only sexually transmitted disease (STD) prevention programs contain “false information” on the effectiveness of contraception and blur the line between religion and science…"
Valdiserri says he hadn’t seen the report, but he asserted that the CDC views abstinence “as the most effective means of preventing HIV and other STDs.”
Lisa N:
BHAHAHAHA like people who engage in “unsafe sex” will just walk in off the street to be tested 'cause they wanna know. IV drug users make sense obviously but while obviously pregnant women have engaged in sexual relations, IMO that’s a ridiculous group to test unless there are other factors (IV drugs, history of other STD, Hep).

Lisa N
No kidding. Not only are pregnant women tested, but they are asked a series of questions specifically without their husband present. What a joke and an insult to the family.

Let’s face it - the article had it right. Homosexual men that exercise no control have caused and continue to spread the epidemic. There are few exceptions that add to the tragedy but if all the homosexual partner sharing stopped, we’d see a drop to almost nil.
Island Oak:
Lisa N.–you reply seems glib at best–heartless and detached at worst. Aside from the mind-numbing statistics posted here earlier, do you realize that in the US this epidemic is the leading cause of death for African American and Hispanic women between the ages of 25-35?! Representing less than 1/4 of the US population, they make up 80% of female cases of HIV infection. This is no longer a skid row, red-light district disease. If you still want to point fingers, these are prime ages for reproduction–meaning there is huge potential for impacting thousands of innocent children.

60% of AIDS cases in sub-Saharan Africa are females. There, cultural issues present a dramatic challenge to preventing spread of the disease. For example, marriage, normally thought of as a “safe” realm for sexual expression from a disease-containment perspective in this country, is actually a risk factor for contracting HIV for young African women.

This is a profoundly complex social, cultural, moral and public health challenge. You seem willing to write off sectors of the population with a toss of your head and the word “ridiculous.” You clearly have never had to absorb the painful jolt of reality this condition can inject into a person’s life.
This is nowhere near as complicated as you make it seem. Be chaste. Prior to marriage, have both partners tested. After marriage, don’t screw around. Disease stops.

You can call it difficult in todays sex-saturated culture from top-down, but don’t call it complicated and insult our intelligence.
Island Oak:
I don’t know. Maybe we could ask an AIDS orphan if he misses his mother less given that she engaged in immoral sexual relations before she contracted and died of AIDS.
What does this have to do with stopping AIDS? Helping the sick and the orphaned is a duty. So is stopping AIDS. You fight both fronts.

Do you think handing out condoms is a solution? The more condoms they give out in Africa, the more AIDS cases we see.
This is nowhere near as complicated as you make it seem. Be chaste. Prior to marriage, have both partners tested. After marriage, don’t screw around. Disease stops.

You can call it difficult in todays sex-saturated culture from top-down, but don’t call it complicated and insult our intelligence.
Spot on. Too bad the Hallmark card theology crowd does not see plain talk as clear and cogent. Too often they find it mean spirited. Another sign of the times.
Lisa N:
I think it bears repeating that sexual encounters are incredibly powerful. They can create (or destroy) life. Many belittle some of the Jewish taboos but as one scholar pointed out there was a point. It was step back, you are encountering a life force and it’s not to be treated like a handshake.
Well said. Sometimes I think I’m going off the deep end in my old age, but it seems like everything the Church teaches ends up being right. And when people sin, their lives (and others’) break out in chaos, misery and death. I see it all around me and in my own life. The wages of sin!
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