HIV, AIDS cases rise among U.S. gay, bisexual men

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Well said. Sometimes I think I’m going off the deep end in my old age, but it seems like everything the Church teaches ends up being right. And when people sin, their lives (and others’) break out in chaos, misery and death. I see it all around me and in my own life. The wages of sin!
Also, well said. I have come to the same conclusion. Each time I truly understand the Church’s teaching (on abortion, on birth control, on assisted fertility, on homosexuality, etc.), I am awed by this Church that Christ left us. Such a gift of love and wisdom.

On a personal note, my sister lives with Hep C daily, a gift given to her by her ex-husband so I see first hand what sexual infedelity can do. Why people are afraid to verbalize this is a mystery to me and is a huge disservice to us all.​

It’s a darn shame she has to live with the consequences of her husband’s stupidity.
Well said. Sometimes I think I’m going off the deep end in my old age, but it seems like everything the Church teaches ends up being right. And when people sin, their lives (and others’) break out in chaos, misery and death. I see it all around me and in my own life. The wages of sin!
I know. It’s like that old joke about how when you are teenagers you don’t think your parents know anything but when you become an adult you realize how much “they’ve” learned…

When I was young I saw no reason to worry about abortion (I didn’t ever face one but I knew a few people who’d had them) and I thought the idea of being against ABC was utterly quaint. I mean how silly is THAT!!!??? I saw nothing wrong with people who were unfaithful to their spouses. I mean if they don’t find out who’s harmed? Needless to say I was unchurched at the time and had no context for my decisions. It was the “if it feels good do it” era and I thought religion was for relics like my grandparents. But you are right, we realize, sometimes too late that the Church and the Holy Father were right all along.

I think in all of our sex education, all of the putting of condoms on bananas and learning that Heather can have two daddies, or little fourteen year old Susie can be a good mom, we are never told about the incredible power of sex to do good or to do evil. It is a mighty force that is tossed off as just another recreational activity. I think IF it was taught that this incredible power and incredible responsibility is not to be trivialized, young people would have a whole different perspective.

Lisa N
“The data tells us the American epidemic is rapidly becoming a disease of black and brown people,” says Phill Wilson of the American AIDS Training and Policy Institute. “It also tells us that many of our strategies of dealing with the disease are failing.”
I read the article and it didn’t make clear whether AIDS is being transmitted to “black and brown people” via sexual encounters or via drugs. Does anyone know?

Lisa N
and so immunodeficiency of moral values" is?
I see you reworded your question. I guess your original question falls into the category of: “I know you think you understand what I wrote, but I am not sure that you realize that what I wrote is not what I meant.” – (author forgotten) 😃

I have no idea what immunodeficiency of moral values is. I’ll leave that up to the OP to answer.
bapcathluth & LisaN,

Thank you for your prayers, knowledge and concern. No, it is not easy for my son, myself or or any other of the family members. HIV not only robs a person of their immune system. The psychologial cost is immense. The guilt and fear lived out on a day by day basis renders the infected, as well as those who love him almost immobile at times. As with all our actions, or inactions in life, we pay, both now and later. If nothing else, I have learned to be less judgemental and more compassionate of those whom I once thought I was morally above. I bear plenty of the responsibility for this. Had I been a Christian person, with good values, when my children were growing up, and taught them morality, this may never have come to pass.
Hindsight is ALWAYS 20/20.
It is important to understand that there are more ways to contract this disease than through sexual activity. Granted, it was recognized in the early 80s as a homosexual man’s disease, but it has morphed far beyond that now.
We all have a cross to bear. This is one of mine.
I am sorry ,also to hear about your son. Please do not be to hard on yourself. With the teachings of Margerate Sanger and planned parenthood I am surprised the people with this disease are not higher. Ms.Sanger studied how the Nazis convinced Germany to buy into what Hitler was selling.Change agentry involves 1)To be made to feel you are being deprived if you aren’t allowed to have what there selling 2)whatever it is is a right 3)A constant bombardment of this message starting at a young age.This is what we have grown up with. Look, at the “womens rights” debates on any of the news channels. Go to the planned parenthood website.These ideaologies are being pumped throughout society.For over thirty years we have been told that we humans have no more self control that my chihuahuas when my female is in heat.It is insane!People are hurt,families are destroyed and people are dying because of an evil plan that is working.God Bless you I will pray for your son,Lisa
Spot on. Too bad the Hallmark card theology crowd does not see plain talk as clear and cogent. Too often they find it mean spirited. Another sign of the times.
I don’t know. Hallmark cards are usually a little more positive.
Well said. Sometimes I think I’m going off the deep end in my old age, but it seems like everything the Church teaches ends up being right. And when people sin, their lives (and others’) break out in chaos, misery and death. I see it all around me and in my own life. The wages of sin!
This is no accident. The Body of Christ does not give us anything that is incorrect. It is the intellect-dimmed sinners (us) that need the light that the Head of this Body (Jesus) gives us to see our way through.
Lisa N:
Apparently you didn’t get the point. I think it’s ridiculous that a communicable FATAL disease is not treated as a public health issue IN THIS COUNTRY. That was what I referred to specifically. The problem is that it’s been shoved underground and thus an infected person can spread the disease, possibly unknowingly for years. He/she cannot be compelled to come in for testing. He/she cannot be compelled to assist public health by identifying sexual partners or fellow IV drug users. A single carrier of a FATAL disease can wreak havoc. One of the initial AIDS carriers was thought to have infected over 1000 people on his own. There was nothing public health could do as “Patient Zero” would not cooperate in informing partners or encouraging them to be tested. I work for a group of doctors. We cannot ask nor can we obtain information regarding whether our patients have any sort of communicable blood borne diseases because of the politics surrounding AIDS. Our doctors have to hope that taking extraordinary precautions will prevent their being infected because we have no right to know our patients’ status.

Also ridiculous is the idea that people will self identify as engaging in “unsafe sex” and voluntarily come in for testing and treatment. In the meantime they want to test 100% of pregnant women on the off chance that some will have AIDS? THis is an area where “profiling” makes sense but we can’t have that can we?

As to the African situation, that was not at issue here. In Africa because apparently there is a great deal of promiscuity among men, the disease IS spreading among heterosexual married couples. It’s a fact. But that has very little to do with our own public health issues.

Finally your conclusion regarding my lack of understanding of the “jolt” of this disease is unfounded.

Lisa N
I think measures can ve taken to protect a fetus if it is known a mother has HIV. Does anyone know if this is true?
I hope that you all know that HIV/AIDS is NOT just a “gay/bisexual” disease. It isn’t! Unfortunately, this disease is very widespread and there is no cure. I don’t know how many people here have met someone with HIV/AIDS, but at least keep those who do have it in your prayers (not just those in America, but all across the world).
I hope that you all know that HIV/AIDS is NOT just a “gay/bisexual” disease. It isn’t!
Of course it isn’t. It’s just more prominent in the gay/bisexual community.
Also it became an epidemic because of the lifestyle of the homosexual males in the 80s, particularly in some of the large cities like San Francisco and NYC. There was an explosion of casual sex, multiple partners. Read “And the Band Played On” for all the details. Let’s say this isn’t a place I’d use some of the wording…

Further the homosexual community’s response to this epidemic was to demand an instant cure so they could continue in their wild and promiscuous behavior. They did not respond by self policing unfortunately. The suggestion that the “bath houses” be closed was met with riots in the streets. Further because of the stigma associated with what was then a quickly fatal disease, the homosexual community blocked public health in trying to stop it by refusing to cooperate, to identify partners (of course this assumes they knew the names or could find them). The way this disease exploded is a testimony to a very self destructive attitude at the time.

While AIDS does impact non-homosexuals, in this country it became an epidemic through homosexual activity. Another high risk population is IV drug users but they simply do not have the same number of contacts. The article refererred to AIDS becoming a disease of “brown and black people” but did not indicate whether the transmission was sexual or via IV drug use.

Fortunately AIDS is harder to contract than first thought. But the new drugs are making people more complacent and I suggest that is the reason for the increase.

Lisa N
**AIDS rate for homosexuals climbs; data called ‘astonishing’
**Dec 2, 2004
By Michael Foust

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP)–New statistics showing that homosexual men make up 44 percent of all new HIV and AIDS cases underscore the fact that homosexuality itself is unnatural, a prominent leader in the ex-homosexual community says.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released data Dec. 2 showing that the number of newly diagnosed HIV and AIDS cases has increased 11 percent among homosexual men. The data spanned a four-year period ending in 2003.

Despite the fact that homosexual men make up only 1 to 2 percent of the population, they nonetheless made up more than 40 percent of the new cases, the data showed.

Tim Wilkins, head of Cross Ministry, Inc. – a Christian outreach to homosexuals – called the data “astonishing.”

“If homosexuality was normal and natural, you would not have a disease that spreads as ravenously as this does,” said Wilkins, who is married now but once was involved in homosexuality.

Homosexual activists responded to the news by calling for better education and prevention – for instance, the promotion of condom usage. But Wilkins said the problem can be found in homosexual sex itself. Men were not made to have sex with men, he said.

“All of mankind is physiologically heterosexual – that’s just a fact,” Wilkins said. "One hundred percent of the homosexual community is physiologically heterosexual.

“We can throw more and more money, bigger budgets, bigger programs, more education [at the problem]. And we see that education is not correcting the problem at all.”

For years, studies have shown that homosexual men are prone to promiscuity. A University of Chicago study released in 2003 found that 61 percent of homosexuals in Chicago’s Shoreland area had more than 30 sexual partners. Perhaps just as telling, some two-thirds of same-sex “marriages” in Massachusetts have involved lesbians – underscoring, pro-family leaders say, the notion that homosexual men are less prone to commitment.

“[The CDC] statistic obviously shows a pathology that indicates an abnormality,” Wilkins said. “From a Christian perspective we would call it sin.”

Such statistics should result in the scientific community re-evaluating its position on homosexuality, Wilkins said.

The Christian church, though, should not respond by saying, “I told you so,” Wilkins said. Instead, the church should respond with compassion.

“We can’t allow sin in any form to repulse us from reaching out to people who are hurting,” he said. “As horrible as AIDS is, it can be – and I believe it is – an opportunity for the church to reach people who are broken.”
For information about the national debate over same-sex “marriage,” visit
You hit the nail on the head, Lisa. As researchers deveoloped more effective treatments, AIDS is not as feared as it was 20 years ago. Many gay men have gone back to promiscuous lifestyles by frequenting bathhouses, sex parties, drug use, etc. There is now a movement called, barebacking where gay men are encouraging others to have sex without condoms in order to be “free”. Even more disturbing is the new gay movement called “Bug Chasers” where gay men are actually seeking out the virus. One Florida University sophmore said, “when you get with someone who has HIV, it’s like being with someone greater then you are.” It’s truly perverse to see it that way. (If this young man wants to be with someone greater then himself, why doesn’t he open his heart up to God?) Newsweek tried to explain these new trends by saying, “Danger can be erotic, even the threat of contacting a deadly disease.”

Getting back to the original thread, I suspect the reason for the increase in HIV/AIDS is that the more successful treatments have probably resulted in lax precautions in comparison to the days when AIDS was quick and invariably fatal.

Lisa N
HIV and AIDS are 100% preventable, why are we throwing away money trying to cure something that is preventable in the 1st place? Looking for a cure only encourages immoral behavior.
monica fan:
You hit the nail on the head, Lisa. As researchers deveoloped more effective treatments, AIDS is not as feared as it was 20 years ago. Many gay men have gone back to promiscuous lifestyles by frequenting bathhouses, sex parties, drug use, etc. There is now a movement called, barebacking where gay men are encouraging others to have sex without condoms in order to be “free”. Even more disturbing is the new gay movement called “Bug Chasers” where gay men are actually seeking out the virus. One Florida University sophmore said, “when you get with someone who has HIV, it’s like being with someone greater then you are.” It’s truly perverse to see it that way. (If this young man wants to be with someone greater then himself, why doesn’t he open his heart up to God?) Newsweek tried to explain these new trends by saying, “Danger can be erotic, even the threat of contacting a deadly disease.”
Absolutely. Danger and excitement and doing something daring attracts people to everything from smoking to skydiving. Particularly young people who get into this ‘lifestyle’ think they are invincible and that the game is never called.

I just saw the video “It’s Not Gay” produced by the American Family Assn. It featured interviews with former homosexuals who have rejected this life and orientation. Most had upper level degrees and there were a number of cites to psychology and social services publications. So they spoke with both personal and professional expertise.

The main narrator explained how he got into the homosexual world. He said he was young, hormonal, and hadn’t really thought about “orientation.” An older man took him to a bar and it was exciting, exhilerating, he was admired, he was WANTED…The older man then seduced him and he said it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. The more you involve in the homosexual world, the more you identify and the stronger the identification. He said sadly as time went on HE became the predator and younger men became the prey. He was very promiscuous and is not living with AIDS.

Another interesting interview was with a man who said as a teenager he was clearly confused and he said NO ONE, not a teacher, not a counsellor, gave him any alternative but “embrace who you are.” He said moving toward homosexuality was easier, he was invited in…the water is fine…it’s fun…you can have all the sex you want…no consequences…(he commented that he compared this to the consequences of pregnancy or demands for monogamy with a female partner).

I’d definitely recommend this video to anyone who wants to see another side of this world that for some silly reason, never comes up on “Will & Grace.” The promiscuity that is characteristic of this world is a major reason for AIDS spreading and continuing to spread.

I think the website is It’s the American Family Assn. This video is very well done.

Lisa N
Thanks Lisa, that video sounds very good. A friend who has since died, was a lesbian and she believed very few people were born that way but lead into it when they were “hormonal and confused.” She was brought into it when she was in Catholic high school by her drama teacher. She also said that it was a form of rebellion and since my generation had “done it all” during the sexual revolution, her generation felt they had to go a step further in order to shock and rebel. She also said that perversion breds perversion and she was shocked at how perverted the lifestyle could get. I think that once the door is opened to perverted lifestyles, it can lead to great moral sickness.
I went to the American Family Association website and it is instead of
The video can be found at
Lisa N:
Absolutely. Danger and excitement and doing something daring attracts people to everything from smoking to skydiving. Particularly young people who get into this ‘lifestyle’ think they are invincible and that the game is never called.

I just saw the video “It’s Not Gay” produced by the American Family Assn. It featured interviews with former homosexuals who have rejected this life and orientation. Most had upper level degrees and there were a number of cites to psychology and social services publications. So they spoke with both personal and professional expertise.

The main narrator explained how he got into the homosexual world. He said he was young, hormonal, and hadn’t really thought about “orientation.” An older man took him to a bar and it was exciting, exhilerating, he was admired, he was WANTED…The older man then seduced him and he said it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. The more you involve in the homosexual world, the more you identify and the stronger the identification. He said sadly as time went on HE became the predator and younger men became the prey. He was very promiscuous and is not living with AIDS.

Another interesting interview was with a man who said as a teenager he was clearly confused and he said NO ONE, not a teacher, not a counsellor, gave him any alternative but “embrace who you are.” He said moving toward homosexuality was easier, he was invited in…the water is fine…it’s fun…you can have all the sex you want…no consequences…(he commented that he compared this to the consequences of pregnancy or demands for monogamy with a female partner).

I’d definitely recommend this video to anyone who wants to see another side of this world that for some silly reason, never comes up on “Will & Grace.” The promiscuity that is characteristic of this world is a major reason for AIDS spreading and continuing to spread.

I think the website is It’s the American Family Assn. This video is very well done.

Lisa N
HIV and AIDS are 100% preventable, why are we throwing away money trying to cure something that is preventable in the 1st place? Looking for a cure only encourages immoral behavior.
That’s an interesting idea. Let’s expand it a bit.

If a person contracts a disease or condition because of their behavior, should they be denied treatment? Is this a principle?

How about fat people who get adult diabetes because of their weight? Or the fat people who have heart problems? The folks who have heart problems because they don’t exercise? The people whose diet leads to cholesterol problems? Smokers?

And all the people injured in sports activities? Skiing? Bicycling? Roller blading? All these sports injuries are 100% preventable. If that girl in Hawaii whose arm was bitten off by a shark wasn’t out there surfing, she wouldn’t have been injured.
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