Do yourself a favor and just ignore the Westboro Catholic brigade and focus on real Catholicism instead. Life is too short to waste on them.What do I do?
What do I do?
This is true.Remember that if you put your faith in people they will always fail you. Put your faith in God. He never fails.
Well, of course. Even though we are supposed to be in the world but not of the world, it is unreasonable to think that the people won’t be in some ways tainted by worldly things.Still, it seems more and more that the (American?) Catholic Church at large is being influenced by this unfriendly culture.
Less and less, actually. Which is why they are having a hissy fit. Hissy fits just make for good news copy, so that’s why you hear so much about them. Their numbers are declining, and their influence waning.Still, it seems more and more that the (American?) Catholic Church at large is being influenced by this unfriendly culture.
And as a Catholic with SSA, it’s very discouraging. I feel pushed aside.
Sure sounds like the guy’s dealing with “fear and ignorance”. If the word triggers you, that’s really sad, but some people have real problems, not imaginary problems with words.“Homophobia” is a concocted, made-up word. It is intended, by radicals, to demonize and marginalize those who stand for eternal truths and morality. It was invented by the intellectually dishonest.
Consider trying another term. One that does not (seem to) assume fear and ignorance on the part of one’s counterparts in this discussion.
Stop making it about yourself. The Church is for all sinners. Deal with your sins through the sacraments, which are fountains of sanctifying grace for those who seek to sincerely have a transformation of heart and want to allow God to destroy the old self. I would suggest you stop announcing what your sinful inclinations are and work on humility. The Church is for those who want to be healed and saved; the future for everyone reading this is a coffin filled with bones and judgment, heaven, or hell. Don’t be deceived by the world or the devil.want to believe there’s a place for me in the Church. But it’s very clear to me that an awful lot of Catholics want to keep as far away from it as possible.