. I believe it is
important that the Magisterium not present what is false as true. Don’t you?
Why are you seeking to argue this?
Your argument is* no*t about
anything that is be taught by the Magisterium.
The Church is discussing the MORAL realities involved with persons - NOT teaching about some empircal science question…or even some statistics question - that is your mistake you think the Church is doing that…the Magisterium is not.
What is the Magisterium teaching?
The MORAL TRUTH that is to be lived by any who experience such attractions.
It is the moral section of the Catechism…about how to live faithfully as a Christian.
he Church is not Teaching about questions or matters of the empirical sciences here.
The Church is teaching about - what? Moral life.
About the 6th Commandment. About LIFE IN CHRIST (title of the whole section).
The Catechism is covering all the possibilities.
If person D does not experience any other attraction that to their same gender - what are they do do? Follow what the Church Teaches. It applies to them.
If person A experiences some attraction to their own gender and some attraction to the opposite gender - what are they to do? Follow what the Church Teaches. It applies to them.
Or to put it differently - either person “says” they do not or do…it does not matter here.
A key word there in the CCC is “experience”.
No one can say “hey it does not apply to me cause I only experience SSA” or “I experience both…” The teachings regarding such apply to all those who experience such.
One cannot debate with a person about what he personally “experiences”.
point of the discussion in the Catechism is the morality and the call to virtue. That applies to them all (and to us all too) no matter what a person may say they experience.