I’d have to agree with this mostly. I mean what I see now at pride parades is sort of how I’d see a big parade of alcoholics proudly carrying around their drink of choice. Acceptance is one thing. I mean I get that pride is push back for having had to keep quiet so long. This I see. But walking down the street in your underwear has sort of taken that gathered view and pushed it too far forward. So that’s where I drop off. I mean I’ll support you as a brother. But I won’t cheer you on as you run towards the bulls. Instead of away from them.Simple Definition of glorify
: to make (something) seem much better or more important than it really is
As I stated: “Yes. Gay Pride parades, legalizing same sex “marriage,” the secular media’s increasing portrayal that same sex relationships are moral are signs that our society is promoting (and in the case of gay pride parades and media) glorifying the sin of engaging in same sex relationships.”
I think it’s a fair word. Gay pride parades, legalizing same sex marriage, and the secular media’s portrayal of same sex relationships promote acceptance of a sin by making it seem that committing such a sin is something to be proud of.
That being said if you don’t agree, that’s fine. At this point we would just be arguing semantics.