Homosexuality, marriage and use of condoms

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The Church is very clear, Catechism BOLD added:

2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

[2359] Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.
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Is it really a good idea to teach our children to not experience romantic love if they’re not gay?
Scripture says marriage is between one man and one woman. Scripture tell us that sex outside of marriage is sinful. Considering these two things, there simply is no way homosexual sex acts can be in line with scripture.

There isn’t a sex outside marriage loophole.
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Not asking for a loophole just asking is it really a good idea to teach our children to not experience romantic love if they’re not gay? What if the scripture doesn’t apply now as time has moved on, now knowing the psychological effects of not allowing a gay person to just live normally?
I mean, scripture was written back then and has context to back then… We don’t have scripture about modern technology? We don’t have scripture about so many modern things? We now know in modern day that homosexuality is not a choice and cannot be changed… It is between two consenting adults and that it causes severe problems when someone is ashamed, shunned and rejects their own sexuality. The stress of growing up knowing you’re gay and wondering why God hates you? You may say God does not hate gay people but telling a gay individual that his very real love is sinful, even between consenting adults is very damaging. I cannot wrap my head around this at all, I cannot see myself ever telling someone I believe homosexuality is a sin when it is between a married consenting couple?
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(I am asking people to just help me understand and to maybe change my mind. I am a concerned person who is aware of the negative effects of growing up gay in the church and cannot see myself agreeing with the teachings on homosexuality.)
We don’t have scripture about modern technology? We don’t have scripture about so many modern things?
But, when scripture specifically addresses something we can’t just toss it out because we have decided it’s hard. Remember this warning:

“For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths.”
‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭4:3-4‬ ‭NABRE‬‬
We now know in modern day that homosexuality is not a choice and cannot be changed…
We don’t know where same sex attraction comes from and we don’t have anything conclusive with regards to whether people are born with it or whether attraction changes and under what conditions.
It is between two consenting adults
Adults consent to all manor of spiritually dangerous things.
it causes severe problems when someone is ashamed, shunned and rejects their own sexuality. The stress of growing up knowing you’re gay and wondering why God hates you? You may say God does not hate gay people but telling a gay individual that his very real love is sinful, even between consenting adults is very damaging.
Of course it is difficult to reconcile our desires with the teachings of God. This is what the church means when she says she recognizes that this is a trial for those who bear this cross.

There are many who feel that denying themselves and aligning themselves with God will is freeing and healing as opposed to damaging. The only true path to happiness is through aligning our will to God’s will. It is hard. No doubt about it. But, the reward is great.
I cannot wrap my head around this at all, I cannot see myself ever telling someone I believe homosexuality is a sin when it is between a married consenting couple?
I understand that you have difficulty with this teaching, but the church cannot abandon doctrine simply because it makes us uncomfortable.

All of Christ’s message was difficult to accept. The sexual morality teachings were considered particularly difficult for the Romans to accept. Christian sexual morality and teachings on marriage were pretty much the exact opposite of Roman practices. Countless Romans were martyred for the faith.

Christians were instructed to hold firm to the teachings of Christ safeguarded by the church.

“Therefore, brothers, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught, either by an oral statement or by a letter of ours.”
‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭2:15‬ ‭NABRE‬‬

“Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:2‬ ‭NABRE
I should be more clear.

I can’t see myself ever looking at someone who may come out to me and say they have sinned if they have sex in marriage just because they’re a gay couple. Couples above 50 have sex, voids that having children is a part of marriage. People argue the love between homosexuals is not the same… Not true, they love each other as much as I love my partner. People argue the sexual acts are wrong, medically? Where is this? Why are we not taught this if this is such a profoundly physically bad act for our health? Maybe theres some articles here and there but it’s not enough to prove it. I just don’t believe that being in a gay marriage is harmful for the individuals, lesbian or gay. We say that God doesn’t want us to sin as sin hurts us… Being in a gay marriage is not harmful for that couple…
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The Church is very clear, Catechism BOLD added:

2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible.
Men and women are not children and much less little children.
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I know that God does not hate homosexuals but the teachings that they’re not equal in marriage is problematic. This is why I see myself not becoming Catholic, which deeply upsets me. I agree with everything else but the thought of telling someone gay marriage is wrong frightens me.
How does it hurt their souls?
Because mortal sins deprive a soul of the divine life and merits eternal death which is hell. Hell is eternal separation from God, eternal misery, eternal punishment, eternal unhappiness. Sinning is a fleeting and false appearance of true happiness. Is this the kind of love or rather hate you have and want for SSA people?
I don’t believe it is a sin… I think it’s out dated and applies to the culture back then just as other very outdated biblical teachings
Do you think there’s anything morally modern in today’s culture that people will one day find outdated?

What makes something moral to you and immoral? 🤔🙂 @AlexisTherese
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Well people think sex outside of marriage is totally okay which I don’t agree with as using someone physically does not fit with my beliefs. I believe love is in marriage and sex is therefore okay, one night stands are very different to that situation. There is love in gay marriage though…

Obviously people think abortion is okay nowadays which I find saddening but the life of an unborn child is not the same issue.
I’m not sure I understand how it’s “outdated”. Biblical morality has held consistent for more than 3000 years. Homosexuality was decried as immoral in times when it was pretty much universally condemned across cultures, but also in times such as a Greek and Roman empires when it was very much the norm. Could you clarify this point for me? 🙂
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