Hostility towards lifelong singles

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One dude’s blog opinion does not make it the teaching or attitude of the Church. Hey, look at St Paul, he stated “I wish you could all be celibate like me, but, if you cannot control yourself it is better to marry than to burn with desire”.

What if your son is asexual and has no sexual attraction to women? What if he is homosexual? What if he simply wants to remain single and childless? You shouldn’t pressure him to pursue a relationship/marriage/children. It’s his decision. He knows his own mind.
Why is there so much hostility towards lifelong singles/celibates/asexuals? I am middle-aged. I’ve never had a desire to marry or have children. I prefer being alone. I’ve never craved an intimate relationship. I’ve felt this way since childhood and no I don’t have a vocation to the religious life. Why does this choice anger people, especially Catholics and Evangelical Christians?.
Someone once said words to the effect that “every person who refuses to get married robs someone else of a spouse”. So, part of it is the reduction of the “pool” of available people to marry.
Hey, look at St Paul, he stated “I wish you could all be celibate like me, but, if you cannot control yourself it is better to marry than to burn with desire”.
True, plus he also stated in that same chapter that in order to avoid immorality, everyone should have his/her own spouse. People “taking themselves off the market” only hinders that effort.
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The single life is a vocation that is not discussed a lot. We of CAF might be more likely to know of it, since we see more Catholic content.
That is a false hypothesis. Unless there is a vow made to “lock” oneself into a form of consecrated life, “single” is a state of life, not a vocation.
Well, this is a bit off topic, but may apply to some posters…

My nephew and his wife are registered with several adoption agencies. I don’t know how long they will be, as they now have two lovely children.

What has changed from most people’s concept of ‘adoption’ is the situations of those who give up their children. While it used to be (thought, anyhow, by the public at large), was that these children came from single relationships, to keep from embarrassment, or from poor women, deserted by their husbands or lovers. This is no longer the case. There are even married people who give up their children…and, it seems financial considerations are a very strong persuader! No, they’re not selling their kids, but carrying a child for nine months, then knowing the child will be given up!

So, people’s hearts may be growing colder. Is medical care and insurance that expensive. Or, are people becoming more honest? Does anyone remember the Ann Landers survey. Readers of her column were asked ‘if you have children, and could do your life over again, would you again decide to have kids’ (not an exact quote).?

The response was a resounding NO!!!

The survey wasn’t done under exacting scientific method. But, it was still very much a ‘no’. So, people with kids may very well be jealous of you!

And remember, cheap, legal abortions are sadly, more available now!
I would imagine there are people out there who were raised with the notion that it was one’s duty as a Catholic or a Christian to get married at a young age and have as many kids as possible.
Yes, I have occasionally seen that attitude here on CAF… I recall a thread where several posters were advocating that folks should “breed early and often”. (CRINGE) Others then proceeded to admonish young people for marrying later in life and being selfish.
As a parent I want him to have a full life, not just the husk, but the whole enchilada.
A sacrifice? Sure, but what he’ll add to his life, our family and the world cannot be measured.
Who exactly defines a Full Life? As Catholics we’re called to become Saints and lead a Holy Life. Regardless of what secular society says, there have been many holy people who’ve remained single and made tremendous contributions to humanity.
I cannot imagine being angry at someone because they are single.
No, but single people, especially those following Church Teachings, do experience a certain level of harassment, questions, and comments. Personally, I had to deal with some issues that would be considered bullying…
Someone once said words to the effect that “every person who refuses to get married robs someone else of a spouse”.
Frankly, that’s ridiculous, Marriage isn’t a right.
I doubt there is hostility and anger. But being single is obviously what makes you happy. I say enjoy it. Without a family there will be plenty of time to fish all day when you are old!
“Someone once said words to the effect that “every person who refuses to get married robs someone else of a spouse”. So, part of it is the reduction of the “pool” of available people to marry”.

My answer to this comment is that if God wants you to marry he will place that person in your life. He will enkindle sexual desire in that person. The relationship will be natural and not forced.
Not at all! I have a dear friend who remained single, moved to an amazing mountain town and loves his life. I’m so happy for him. Why would you think I’m being sarcastic!? A person who wants to be single should not be married. It doesnt rob someone from a spouse, it protects someone from a bad marriage! If you think that is insincere or sarcastic then I further question the idea that people are hostile to you or attack you.
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My answer to this comment is that if God wants you to marry he will place that person in your life. He will enkindle sexual desire in that person. The relationship will be natural and not forced.
First of all, God does not have a spouse pre-planned for us from before the Creation. Please see an e-letter from Karl Keating, the founder of Catholic Answers:

Second, God gave us a free will, so it is possible to reject the promptings He sends us.
Exhibit A to answer OP’s question:
Without a family there will be plenty of time to fish all day when you are old!
That sounds to me like a very selfish reason to be single, like the lady I met at a Catholic discussion group who said that marriage would interfere with her sports leagues.
My apologies. I misunderstood the remark. It sounded similar to the " enjoy your cats" or “enjoy your briefcase” that lifelong single women often hear.
God does have a plan, its the rejection of his plan that causes the confusion, sadness and blindness.
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In my 60 years on this earth, I cannot recall ever having heard someone express that sentiment. I am not saying it doesn’t happen, but I think it is very rare.
I would say familes who have more than 3 children are often looked at as weird just as often. I suspect it depends on our individual perspective. How many topics have we seen on family size, or comments about expecting yet another child?

Ultimately, I don’t care what other people think abut my choices. I try to ensure I am doing what God wants me to do, and forget everything else. I don’t need statistics or raw numbers to back up my choices if I am doing God’s will.
Why is there so much hostility towards lifelong singles/celibates/asexuals?
I am really sorry that you have experienced hostility. I admire single people; I think it is not an easy path and probably becomes more difficult as one gets older, when many of your peers are married with children and grandchildren. We are all called to serve God in different ways, and if some people feel that they can best do that as a single person, more power to them!
Why does this choice anger people, especially Catholics and Evangelical Christians?.
I can’t think why it would anger anyone. I am sure there are many who misunderstand, but anger is an extremely disproportionate and odd response. My own experience is that Catholics tend to be more accepting of the single life and of the fact that not everyone is called to marriage and that some are called to remain single. Evangelical Christians often don’t know what to do with single Christians because there is (often) an assumption that everyone is meant to be married.

But can be difficult in both groups because singles are the exception rather than the rule, and parish life tends to be centered around families.
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Is medical care and insurance that expensive.
Yes, it is indeed that expensive.
Nothing like a little sunshine into the extraordinarily opaque and predatory pricing practices of the health care industry. After all, it is 20% of our GDP.

Entire thread of Redditors advocating forced sterilization/birth control for poor people.​

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(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Half of states report 50% or more of births financed by Medicaid (literally most cant afford to give birth)​

Yes, I get the point! Health care can be quite expensive…especially if the woman or couple are not willing, able, or eligible to take money from the state, or from private charities.

But I was speaking about those in marriages or committed relationships…shouldn’t they have money set aside, ‘just in case’? I do understand the natural mother of my nephew’s first Child, who is handicapped. His mother could not afford the treatment he needs! Even my nephew and his wife who were planning for a Child now take discounted nursing help.

But, mainly I was speaking of people who give up their children. It used to be something unheard of, for married couples to give up their children. As couples are supposed to be open to life, and accept every Child that God gives them, there may be sin involved.

But in cases like these, where they may not be government or private charities to go to, I am sympathetic to the action. And, in most cases, children are better off, with adoptive parents who want them, than natural parents who don’t…for any reason.

For the record, I have never been married or had a child, and, at 66, am not likely to! . I just kind of jumped when my sister told me the second adoption went through, and explained that the mother had too many kids already!

At least these women didn’t have abortions, which we should be thankful for. It does help explain why many people do not marry, or have children. It wasn’t a factor in my decision, but I see how it could be, for some. Thank you for educating us. I’m sure I’ll be more sensitive in the future.

Oh…In my earlier post, I mentioned the Ann Landers survey. Here is a link, which compares the results with a follow-up survey, by Good Housekeeping:

Again, thanks. And God Bless!
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