I don’t see what you are referring to in this article. ???
Not a Catholic Church position. You made a statement “regardless of what the Catholic Church believes”. I replied the Catholic Church doesn’t have a “belief” about “asexuality”. It doesn’t. There is no teaching on this topic.with one Catholic response
It was a magazine article, in a magazine affiliated with this group.This was a National Religious Vocation Conference.
Does the “hierarchy” have time to go around reading every magazine article, blog post, and website in existence?Did the hierarchy correct the statement or condemn it as inconsistent with official Catholic doctrine
I don’t see how.Someone reading it might surmise it was official Catholic doctrine.
Be reasonable. The Church doesn’t have time to go around vetting every potentially controversial opinion from one of its members uttered in public somewhere. Fr. Ripperger, Fr. Martin, bishops etc also say a lot of stuff that represents their own opinions rather than the official teaching of the Church, and the Church doesn’t go around issuing corrections each time they open their mouths. Plus, conferences are basically places where people with all kinds of viewpoints hang out and have “dialogue”. In other words, share a lot of personal opinions. Most Catholics understand this.Final word: This was a National Religious Vocation Conference. Did the hierarchy correct the statement or condemn it as inconsistent with official Catholic doctrine?
Like I said, there are opinions by Catholics all overthe Internet including on this forum that somone might “surmise” was official Catholic doctrine, unless they were interested enough to bother to look up the actual subject in the Catechism. Furthermore,there are a lot of areas where the Church simply has not issued an official statement, so all you will get is 100 opinions from various clergy, religious, and laity with a megaphone.Someone reading it might surmise it was official Catholic doctrine.
There are many people who live paycheck to paycheck. The most frugal may have a small savings account, but, they are also one car breakdown from the choice of electricity or rent this month.shouldn’t they have money set aside, ‘just in case’?
Have you ever had total strangers judging you on your character time and time again solely on your marital status?I find too much revandication and anger in this post.
Tell that to my aunt who never got married and is a pediatric neurologist.As a parent I want him to have a full life, not just the husk, but the whole enchilada.
A sacrifice? Sure, but what he’ll add to his life, our family and the world cannot be measured.
I can count myself lucky on this.Have you been told you were worthless without a spouse?
If not count yourself lucky.
I for one love Kraft Singles, if that helps.