How can Catholics vote for Joe Biden

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Catholics can vote for Biden by ignoring the millions of unborn babies killed by abortionists over the years and expecting it to continue under his administration and his policies.
I don’t care if one doesn’t want to vote for Trump, fine.

But voting for the party, as JimG just explained and adding in infanticide too, why does it even need to be asked why one would support that?? It’s ridiculous in any Christian circle.

The truth just needs to be out there, I could care less what decisions one makes in the voting booth but we should have the truth.

So, one rolls out “Trump is a racist”, okay, have you voted to help enable abortion through the Democrats who support abortion?

Planned Parenthood clinics in higher numbers in minority neighborhoods, maybe up to half of all unborn African Americans aborted and 33% (really 36% one recent year) of all abortions on African Americans. Now, who is racist? I think it’s those who help enable it by miles.

One may claim they are representing their people, seems they are throwing their support to the abortion industry too. That should be seen too.

Time for those who accuse others of racism to look at what their ideas are as well.
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What does a Catholic “single issue” voter say to their Catholic counterparts that vote on the sum of competing issues, when put together, can be easily seen as out weighing any single issue?
How much do more than 600,000 aborted babies weigh? That’s the number of aborted babies in the U.S. every year. In some years it was over a million. That’s pretty weighty. It’s a lot of dead babies.
Well, I’ll posit this: The one ‘single issue’ that many see is abortion.

We are talking of millions of lives of innocent preborn children.

I am personally quite curious as to exactly what issues ‘outweigh’ the loss of millions of lives.

Really, I am.

There are no issues in the Republican Party platform which call for the guaranteed loss of life of any person.

But there is one major issue in the Democratic Party platform which does indeed call for the guaranteed loss of lives of millions.

Furthermore, there are no issues in the Republican Party which call for people being systematically denied things like food, clothing, shelter, or health care, or for being illegally thrown out of their homes, or for widespread planetary destruction. . .

And there are no issues in the Democratic Party which call for people being automatically guaranteed food, clothing, shelter, health care, or for guaranteed planetary health.

The fact is, a lot of the platforms involve ways of trying to solve the issues of caring for people and for the planet that are different. Some of those issues will work better in some situations, or for some people, than others. There is no ‘one-size fits all’ and indeed many ideas especially with regard to the environment are theoretical at best and while they may mitigate some problems on one level could wind up causing more, and worse, problems on other levels; IOW, care must be taken and steps must be slow in order to know just what will work.

I’m the first to say inflammatory rhetoric comes from both sides. It isn’t pretty and it isn’t right.

But when you come right down to it, one party and one party only will be responsible for the loss of millions of lives —the Democratic Party—and there is simply not enough PLATFORM/POLICY ‘lack’ with regard to the Republican Party —as opposed to hysterical charges and unproven claims of what supposedly ‘will happen’ if they are ‘left in power’—that could ever outweigh the horrific loss of life through abortion.
We can never forget the damage & reckless killing, that our very own global structure of ideology can cause on others who are also innocent. Humanities history with war, political influence, foreign policy & indeed internal policy, has also had a disastrous impact on innocent lives.
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The point is that it’s perfectly reasonable to vote on a single issue, as much as it is to vote on the sum of many issues.
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I suppose they don’t get contraceptive devices that might be abortifacients either …
After investigation following the Hobby Lobby kerfuffle, the answer is yes, they don’t get abortifacient contraceptive devices. All of the contraceptives considered primarily act prior to ovulation, and none act following implantation.
Between one-third and one-half of all fertilized eggs never fully implant.
I’m aware that many pro-life supporters, contrary to medical practice, prefer to think of pregnancy as beginning at the moment of fertilization. But I’m not aware of any who consider the one-third to one-half of all fertilized eggs that naturally fail to implant as abortions, or count those abortions in their statistics, an inconsistency that can similarly be described as bad arithmetic.
… or counsel on how to deal with STDs they got while pursuing a promiscuous lifestyle itself postulated on divorcing ‘sex’ from ‘parenthood’ to begin with
Allow me to suggest most of us see denying health care to clients with STDs as uncharitable. Some would use more colorful language.
However the MATH actually shows that reliance on contraception increases pregnancy.
On the internet, any argument delivered in all caps should be presumed to be counterfactual. Why else would it need to be shouted? With respect, if it were true that contraception increases pregnancy, then the Catholic proscriptions against contraception would not exist.

Pardon the all caps, but that’s QED.
Even so, one cannot deny that abortions take place at PP.
The bottom line is that Planned Parenthood DOES perform abortions.
As above, a suggestion that only the abortions that occur should be counted is an exercise in bad arithmetic.

A girlfriend of mine once told me she had survived a motorcycle accident because she wasn’t wearing a helmet. She said she’d have snapped her neck following the accident because of the additional weight, a plausible if suspicious argument, but not a reasonable argument for continuing to avoid wearing a helmet.

I don’t find arguments from bad arithmetic compelling, and neither should you, let alone advise making them yourselves. More abortions are prevented at PP than are performed, a corollary of planning one’s parenthood by avoiding unintended pregnancies.

Because the net is less abortions, pro-life supporters should support Planned Parenthood, and those who feel a religious obligation to support pro-life should likewise support candidates who support Planned Parenthood. Trump does not support Planned Parenthood.

If you haven’t voted early, vote.

And as always, remember to do the math.
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I like math, but the ‘bad math’ here is yours.

You don’t say, for example, that because a certain orthopaedic clinic has some excellent surgical results in its patients, but deliberately kills some of its others without their consent, that the clinic ‘is an excellent clinic’, now do you? Even if your contention was that perhaps (you never DID give us the figures, did you?) more people lived, even ‘lived with better quality of life’ than people died, the fact is that people who would have otherwise lived were deliberately killed without their personal consent.
People some times mention “single issue” voter, saying such works out well for those who might support Democrats.

Planned Parenthood exerts so much power in the Democratic party, they don’t let pro-lifers have any real position in the DNC. PP are one of the major forces in the Democrat party and I think that by itself is extremely bad.
It is his responsibility to prove to us that he is not a racist
And what of Biden who called a former Imperial Wizard of the KKK his “mentor”, who spoke at his funeral, who said “poor kids are just as smart as white kids”, who bragged that his state was a slave state, who produced legislation that jailed so many young black men for trifles, and who has done NOTHING for blacks, ever?

Trump has, in his life, hired hundreds if not thousands of blacks and where is the Democrat production of even ONE of them who complained of Trump being a racist? Nowhere.

You demand that Trump prove he is not a racist in the absence of any evidence that he is one, and don’t require anything of Biden who has proved many times that he is a racist. Your devotion to Biden is, then, based on something else. Could it be his support of abortion, that affects black babies more than any others proportionately?

Your articles are just opinions based on nothing that’s real racism. It’s “political correctness” gone wild, like the tale about Trump not knowing the NY ordinances required braille floor numbers as well as regular numbers. Racist???
The fact that Biden and Harris will more aggressively support abortion and even ensconce it into law more than any other democrat candidate to date does not seem to bother many Catholics on this thread. They say they FEEL President Trump is bad enough in other areas to make up for the fact that Biden wants babies murdered. Well “feelings” do not matter facts do. The facts are that Biden already has a record in the eight-year Obama administration. They had the worst recovery of all time as the economy plodded along at a mere two percent which was consistently below the Congressional Budget Office’s expectations. Biden will continue Obama’s terrible performance and raise taxes three times more than even Obama did, and increase spending by 2.7 more than his old boss. Before the leftist Catholics cheer this as a good thing just realize that under President Trump’s policies that median household income hit an all time high in 2019. The poverty rate fell more in the first two years of President Trump than in all seven so called “recovery years” under Obama Biden. Earnings for both men and women rose sharply under a few short years under President Trump than they ever did under Obama Biden.

Many Catholics on this thread say they want a better life for all. If that is true than the only obvious choice is the Trump Pence ticket. If you factor in protecting the unborn that makes it certain you should vote for President Trump.
On the internet, any argument delivered in all caps should be presumed to be counterfactual. Why else would it need to be shouted? With respect, if it were true that contraception increases pregnancy, then the Catholic proscriptions against contraception would not exist.
You claim to be a math whiz yet you don’t seem to know the difference between one and all. Maybe you need to go back to school for a refresher.

Arguments have been made that contraception should be used in impoverished countries to prevent babies being brought into bad conditions. Studies have shown that over reliance on contraception actually raised the rate of births and STDs. (Note to Juvenal: STD is an acronym so it’s okay to be in caps)

The fact is PP (yes that is an acronym too) was formed by racist to kill blacks. They offer abortion as a viable alternative means to end pregnancys. I doubt you will find any theologian or clergy who support your contention. PP kills babies and so it’s an evil entity.
Neither are innocent in this regard, the leader of the Republicans stated, he is pro-life with caveats & again the only answer is not to ban, but to punish, he still advocates for abortions up to 20 weeks.
That is a specious argument. When you compare President Trump’s stance on abortion to what Biden and Harris want to do its frightening. It’s already been shown and proven to you and others that Biden wants to codify Roe vs Wade, allow abortion up to the day of delivery, pack the court with pro abortionist, and make taxpayers and employers pay for it all.
We spoke about consciousness earlier & as I said we all make a decision on who to vote in many different ways. It is important to recognize that people also believe, there are many competing issues & when put together can be easily seen, as out weighing any single issue.
What competing issues? President Trump has improved the economy more in his first two years in office than Obama Biden did in eight years. Pre COVID poverty is down, unemployment is down, stock market is up, personal incomes are up. I could go on and on.
That’s not a very nice thing to say.
I ask that you back up such a bold statement with some actual facts. I bet you can’t.

Here are some facts:
  • permanently increased federal funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities by more than any President in history. In last couple years, funding increased by more than $100 million, a 17% increase
  • Trump received the Bipartisan Justice Award at a historically black college for his criminal justice reform accomplishments, like Trump’s First Step Act, in which 91% of the total inmates released have been Black American
  • increased funding for school choice by $42 million and has called on Congress to pass school choice legislation so no child is trapped in failing school as a result of their zip
  • Opportunity Zones that incentivized private investment into marginalized communities
  • In 2018, 2019 and the first couple months of 2020 (before state Governors started shutting down businesses), African-Americans and Hispanics were enjoying their lowest unemployment rate, and highest median income in history, largely due to President Trump’s policies.
  • President Trump supports funding for police, as 81% of Blacks want an increased police presence, despite leftist media’s misleading reporting
We on the side of pro life continue to lay out fact after fact like you have done here yet the left’s personal emotional hatred of this President blinds them to truth.
I like President Trump’s newest commercial where he points out that soon after Biden was elected VP his family became exceedingly wealthy. I think the VP makes about $230K. That’s not bad, but how do you grow that into tens of millions of dollars? That is a nice trick when you consider his son Hunter has no obvious skills or talents to earn that kind of money.

When President Trump asked Joe Biden about this Biden just chuckleld. I guess just like his stance on packing the courts we unwashed voting public don’t have the right to know. Just trust uncle Joe…right?
Hey Joe … 1.5% to charity. Wow.

Sounds like someone who wants to really help the American people … only with other people’s money.

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