How can Catholics vote for Joe Biden

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Well, I understand single issue voters. I really do. I regret that mutual respect does not exist for those who do not follow this, and opt instead to vote as the Church teaches. Surely following the Church on this should be an option for Catholics
It’s been explained to you that those of us who support President Trump, but are opposed to Biden are NOT single issue voters. President Trump has created a great economy yet Biden was in office for over 40 years and did nothing but damage. When he was VP the economy barely grew less than 2 %. The day President Trump got in office the stock market took off, he then went on to increase personal incomes, lower unemployment, and grow the economy.
I hope whoever is president come January can have our support in all the good that is done, while we stand firm on the moral issues that we need stand firm on. I
Good luck on standing firm on abortion if Biden gets in.
It’s okay for him to uncritically portray Trump supporters as a monolith of “uncritical support” but not okay for others to portray Black people as such, despite he is completely uncritical of Joe Biden’s repeated monolithic depictions of blacks:
I read this. He did not say that Trump supporters were a monolith. What he said was," However, I can speak for a wide swath of men and women who have questioned continued, uncritical support of President Trump over the past four years." I find it hard to deny that there are a lot of Trump supporters that are this way. The man himself said he had supporters that would back him shot someone in the street.

The point is, the grammar does allow for him to refer only to those Trump supporters who are like this, which I am sure we agree do exist, just like there are detractors that think he never does anything right. I would not take it personal. I do not think there is any inference that all Trump supporters are uncritical.

I hope whoever is president come January can have our support in all the good that is done, while we stand firm on the moral issues that we need stand firm on. I have been toying with predictions, but I want to hold off until after the election.
Even your quote from Richards disputes your claim. Parse it down…

What he said was," However, I can speak for a wide swath of men and women who have questioned continued, uncritical support of President Trump over the past four years."

In other words, there is the 1) monolith of those who have showed “continued, uncritical support” of Trump for the past four years and the 2) monolith of the “wide swath of men and women” who question that support and who Mr. Richards deigns to speak for and who apparently support Biden.

I don’t see any mention of any non-monolithic group or individuals that support Trump BECAUSE they have critically assessed what he has done and support him for it. Apparently no such group or individuals exist. Mr. Richards appears to believe and think in monolithic terms, which is surprising given his complete lack of critique of Biden (who he supports) but who has spoken of blacks in monolithic terms quite consistently. See my post above.

I credit you for taking on the point head on, though.
This guy is either just a partisan hack or he has no sense at all. He is going to vote for the killing of millions of black babies because he doesn’t think Trump does enough for black adults. never mind that he has improved the incomes and wealth of blacks to the highest level ever. Never mind that he supports police in cities, most of whom are black and/or Hispanic.

No, this guy will vote for the vicious, cruel killing of black babies because he’s just so sensitive about the trivial faults he thinks Trump has.
seems to be the only thing you opine about.
Then you have not read my numerous comments about the great things President Trump has done for the economy and law and order.

This only goes to show how misleading you are. I was responding to another posters comment about Catholic moral issues. But then you already knew that.
about the great things President Trump has done for the economy and law and order.
Yeah, about that. Mostly false or greatly exaggerated. And “single issue” can also refer to one who is primarily interested in one issue, greatly diminishing others. But then (I assume) you already knew that.
No, this guy will vote for the vicious, cruel killing of black babies because he’s just so sensitive about the trivial faults he thinks Trump has.
That is correct. From what I’ve seen all the Biden supporters have nothing but trivial perceived complaints about President Trump. Yet they choose to ignore the actual problems that numerous posters have revealed about Biden. It’s all about feelings for liberals not fact.
Yeah, about that. Mostly false or greatly exaggerated. A
False? Exagerated? How so? Under President Trump unemployment DID decrease. The economy DID grow. Personal incomes DID grow. The stock market DID increase. Liberals will say President Trump inherited all these benefits, but Obama and Biden had eight years yet economic growth crawled along at 2% under the democrats. Obama Biden stifled the economy while President Trump grew it.
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It’s been explained to you that those of us who support President Trump, but are opposed to Biden are NOT single issue voters.
I will have to side with @HarryStotle on this, who rightly pointed out that Trump voters are not monolithic, which is why I said I understood single issue voters, not Trump supporters.
I should ignore you. I’ll engage you in this chess game, though it’s pointless

The late Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia apologized for his one time support of and membership in the Ku Klux Klan. Joe Biden came of age in segregated 1940s, 1950s American society. He encountered few African Americans, until his father moved to Delaware for work. He was raised in a Irish Catholic home surrounded by other White ethnic Catholics. His exposure to diverse communities in Delaware expanded his understanding and appreciation of diversity.

The crime bill was demanded by African American leaders because of the Crack Cocaine epidemic devastating our community. No one anticipated the large number of African Americans, particularly men that would be incarcerated. Joe Biden has apologized for his words and actions that harmed African-Americans. We are a forgiving people. We have forgiven people for much graver sins committed against us. We forgave George Wallace. Forgiving Joe Biden is easy. My question to you is when has Donald Trump ever apologized, repented, or ask forgiveness for anything? I’ll wait. Have a good day!

I Voted Early!
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What competing issues?
That is typical of the single issue voter, for many people it is a balance of many issues, not just one. Exactly as you point out there are many competing issues, when balanced can outweigh any single issue, this is true no matter who we vote. Personally I am not critical of either candidate I merely see them as a balance of different ideals, some may suite, others may not, it must be accepted that many will vote on the balance of these ideals.

For some it may weigh one way & for others it may weigh the other way, in both cases they are to be respected. There is no problem with voting on a single issue, only that, it’s not the only way to vote.
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People some times mention “single issue” voter, saying such works out well for those who might support Democrats.
On the other hand politics is far more important than any one single bullet point to decide. For many it is a basket of issues not just any single issue. This is true for many people & works out well regardless of who we vote.
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Everyone has a duty to vote according to their conscience…

Worth repeating, everyone has a duty to vote according to their conscience.

Abortion tends to come up as the preeminent issue, as it should. Both candidates support abortion. Biden tends to be worse on abortion, but too many people pretend that Trump is prolife. He has been adamant about his support for abortion in certain cases…which, of course, is not pro life.

Given that both candidates are flawed on the preeminent issue of abortion, we should go to secondary life issues… death penalty, the immigrant, the elderly, the impoverished and make a decision based on which candidate will do more good across the spectrum of life issues.

After the life issues… I tend to go to moral issues… kindness, decency, fidelity, truthfulness, servant leadership, deference, willing the good of the other person as a person, humbleness and, of course, good hair (which both candidates lose on)

For me… dare I say… the choice is clear.
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confiscation by overlords of 60+% of the fruits of one’s labour is tantamount to being held in slavery so that “single issue” might be sufficient to vote against the party that promotes slavish tax agendas. 😏
A very interesting point & for many it would always be about the balance of overall policies doing more good than harm. The reason single issue voting was raised is because very early in this thread it looked like nothing else mattered other than the issue of abortion. People scalding each other, being labelled as non-Catholics & using the wrath of religion to spread fear & doubt about our conscious choices.

Thankfully the thread has humbled to include a much larger range of issues, that in the end will benefit all of us more broadly rather than a narrowing of opinion.
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If the candidate supported slavery would you be a single issue voter?
A very interesting point & for many it would always be about the balance of overall policies doing more good than harm.

If a candidate supported slavery but would totally outlaw abortion, it is still a matter of balancing competing issues, not just a single one
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Actually the confiscation by overlords of 60+% of the fruits of one’s labour is tantamount to being held in slavery…
Not really, because the funds so “confiscated” are returned to them in terms of services, like paved roads, schools, military protection, etc.
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