In my mind, neither Trump or Biden are moral candidates I feel comfortable voting for. I suppose you could say its a lesser of two evils situation. I felt the same in 2016 and therefore voted 3rd party. As Bishop Robert Barron said, when a situation is to chose the lesser of two evils, someone can never chose either option since both options were deemed evil and therefore, you would be choosing evil by picking either option.
I think evil is probably too extreme a word here, both candidates have done good things as well as bad things and will do good and bad things in the future. But in my personal view, I do not feel the benefits either candidate could bring outweighs the bad/immoral aspects of their candidacy.
As such, I use my vote positively to vote for someone who supports Catholic social teaching and the hope that his party will be on the ballot in the future, that being Brian Carroll.
Further note: I live in New York so the logic that voting 3rd party is a vote for Biden is illogical since Biden wins NY whether or not I vote. Same is the case if someone said not voting Biden helps Trump since Biden wins NY whether or not I vote.
The Church calls us to vote with an informed conscience and I think many people could vote for Trump with an informed conscience and perhaps Biden as well as long as they weren’t voting directly for abortion. But my personal informed conscience is telling me not to vote for either candidate and go a different route.