How can Catholics vote for Joe Biden

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I think ANYONE voting for Joe Biden is voting AGAINST Trump. I didn’t decide to vote for Trump until it was pointed out to me that he hasn’t started any wars. Now, I take some issues with Trump (He supports capital punishment, for instance). But, I can look past that, because abortion is MUCH worse.
By the way, other than gun control (which I won’t argue about here), Biden has changed his mind on almost EVERY position.
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The following was written by Father George Rutler before the 2016 election, but it remains applicable today:

" While one may pragmatically vote for a flawed candidate, one may not vote for anyone who advocates and enables unmitigatedly evil acts, and that includes abortion. “In the case of an intrinsically unjust law, such as a law permitting abortion or euthanasia, it is therefore never licit to obey it, or to ‘take part in a propaganda campaign in favor of such a law, or vote for it’” (Evangelium Vitae, 73)."

one may not vote for anyone who advocates and enables unmitigated evil acts, and that includes abortion.
A very truthful & admirable statement by Father George Rutler. However neither candidate is innocent of this, yes one may be a little more good than bad but both have flaws. History suggests that we will always strive to balance overall policies that do more good than harm.

Abortion is a preeminent issue for us & as Father Butler points out unmitigated evil comes in many forms not just abortion. We must never forget that all of our leaders have less noticeable policies, that can also disastrously impact innocent lives at home & abroad
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Well, let’s see. Trump has been the most pro-life president in my memory, and I’m pretty old. He personally addressed those attending the annual March for Life.
Biden has been pro-abortion for nearly his entire career, and is at the top of a ticket of a party which is fiercly pro-abortion.

Trump may allow for some exceptions such as to save the life of the mother, although I have not heard him say this. Biden would allow abortion up to the moment of birth and perhaps after.
Clearly, Trump is the only possible vote for one who is pro-life.

There is nothing wrong with placing your conscious on any one single issue, however many people can also see, that unmitigated evil comes in many forms, not just abortion.
Yes, there are other intrinsic evils, but the only one being supported by a candidate and a party in this election is the unlimited abortion supported by Biden and the Democrats.
Surely we are not blind to the fact that the sale of American weapons to support murderous totalitarian regimes, is an intrinsic evil that recklessly supports the killing of innocent people.
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Is that on either of the party platforms?

So many excuses for voting pro-abortion.
No, not about excuses regarding abortion, but rather a balance of the good & bad both candidates can bring.

Regarding their platforms, it is in both their interests to blur the images of wrong doing. It is fact that the Republicans under the current leader advocated for the continual sale of weapons to a murderous totalitarian regime that blatantly killed a journalist & an american citizen at that. These regimes have gone to war with our weapons & continue to destroy innocent lives.

We accept their money for our hardware but turn a blind eye to their intended use, doesn’t seem like a very honorable thing to do.
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I’ll be voting for write-in Brian Carroll so that hopefully, the American Solidarity Party will one day get on the ballot as more than a write-in option
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It is good to see that when people are fed up with the shenanigans of the 2 majors, we can always take our vote elsewhere 👍
Now, I take some issues with Trump (He supports capital punishment, for instance). But, I can look past that, because abortion is MUCH worse.
Trump supports abortion too… major misinformation on this point … not pro life … maybe a little better than Biden on abortion, but don’t forget the death penalty, the immigrant, the elderly and the impoverished

I like President Trump’s newest commercial where he points out that soon after Biden was elected VP his family became exceedingly wealthy. I think the VP makes about $230K. That’s not bad, but how do you grow that into tens of millions of dollars? That is a nice trick when you consider his son Hunter has no obvious skills or talents to earn that kind of money.

When President Trump asked Joe Biden about this Biden just chuckleld. I guess just like his stance on packing the courts we unwashed voting public don’t have the right to know. Just trust uncle Joe…right?
And how much wealth have Jared and Ivanka (and Eric and Don Jr) made from their connection to the White House? If asked, would they produce financial records to show where their wealth has been coming from? Or would they stall and finagle like Daddy has?
In my mind, neither Trump or Biden are moral candidates I feel comfortable voting for. I suppose you could say its a lesser of two evils situation. I felt the same in 2016 and therefore voted 3rd party. As Bishop Robert Barron said, when a situation is to chose the lesser of two evils, someone can never chose either option since both options were deemed evil and therefore, you would be choosing evil by picking either option.

I think evil is probably too extreme a word here, both candidates have done good things as well as bad things and will do good and bad things in the future. But in my personal view, I do not feel the benefits either candidate could bring outweighs the bad/immoral aspects of their candidacy.

As such, I use my vote positively to vote for someone who supports Catholic social teaching and the hope that his party will be on the ballot in the future, that being Brian Carroll.

Further note: I live in New York so the logic that voting 3rd party is a vote for Biden is illogical since Biden wins NY whether or not I vote. Same is the case if someone said not voting Biden helps Trump since Biden wins NY whether or not I vote.

The Church calls us to vote with an informed conscience and I think many people could vote for Trump with an informed conscience and perhaps Biden as well as long as they weren’t voting directly for abortion. But my personal informed conscience is telling me not to vote for either candidate and go a different route.
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Trump supports abortion too… major misinformation on this point … not pro life … maybe a little better than Biden on abortion,
Exactly right & it has been pointed out several times by different people on this thread, including me. I guess what we are establishing on this single issue of abortion, is that it may be the lesser of both evils. However I also agree with you & others that believe it is one grave issue in the same basket of several grave issues .
Actually the confiscation by overlords of 60+% of the fruits of one’s labour is tantamount to being held in slavery…
Not really, because the funds so “confiscated” are returned to them in terms of services, like paved roads, schools, military protection, etc.
No. The confiscated funds are returned in the form of huge bureacracies of highly paid public workers who then have a vested interest in growing the power of the government even more.

If it were only about paved roads, schools and protection, that would be a good argument, but these progressive and bloated left leaning socialist democracies can’t even effectively teach children, keep roads paved, keep plumbing functional, or keep rioters, looters and arsonists in check.

And now they want to extend their reach of failing policies into greater and more expansive failures? Uh, no thanks.
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Surely we are not blind to the fact that the sale of American weapons to support murderous totalitarian regimes, is an intrinsic evil that recklessly supports the killing of innocent people.
Pompeo: The US “is prepared to use its domestic authorities to sanction any individual or entity that materially contributes to the supply, sale, or transfer of conventional arms to or from Iran, as well as those who provide technical training, financial support and services, and other assistance related to these arms.”

Are there other “murderous regimes” you want to identify? Taiwan, maybe?

Are there other “murderous regimes” you want to identify? Taiwan, maybe?
I don’t think anyone is suggesting Taiwan is a murderous regime. This is one possible example of more good than harm, but in contrast there are just as many transactions that cause more harm than good.
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Trump supports abortion too… major misinformation on this point … not pro life … maybe a little better than Biden on abortion,
Exactly right & it has been pointed out several times by different people on this thread, including me. …
It’s not “exactly right.” It isn’t even in the same ballpark.

The fact that it has been repeated “several times by different people” including you is no more going to make it true than Zhao Gao’s Point at a Deer Call it a Horse 指鹿为马” — i.e., to confuse right and wrong, to distort reality through misrepresentation
— strategy for ensuring loyalty means that a deer is actually a horse.

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