How can Catholics vote for Joe Biden

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Take a look.

Biden is pro-choice.
Biden officiated a gay marriage.
Biden is for human stem cell research.
Biden has been denied Communion by his priest for these reasons.
If you’ve “formed my conscience and I have no problem voting for Biden, if that is what I decide to do, or a third party candidate. I’m inclined not to waste my vote on third party this time.” then . . . I strongly urge you to reconsider your decision. . . .
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If you’ve “formed my conscience and I have no problem voting for Biden, if that is what I decide to do, or a third party candidate. I’m inclined not to waste my vote on third party this time.” then you aren’t a Catholic. Period.
Directing those words towards 1ke is would be outright laughable if it wasn’t so serious.
You don’t seem to know what actually makes a Catholic a Catholic. Cuz it isn’t your voting record.
Voting for either candidate does not make you a good or bad Catholic. Ripping into one candidate for his views on gay marriage while ignoring the other candidate who has been married 3 times and openly bragged about his extramarital affairs kinda takes away the illusion that Trump views marriage as a sacred union or a sacrament and more as a contractual matter that you can enter and exit whenever you want. Both candidates have planks in their eyes…
Voting against the edicts of the Church does make you a bad Catholic. Now, NO ONE has to vote for Trump. I didn’t. However, I also didn’t vote for someone who stands against virtually everything the Church has deemed immoral. But you guys do you.
And that’s why I didn’t vote for either candidate, but I’m not going to do mental gymnastics just to tow the party line.
Catholics can vote for Biden ever since we got our Justice Barrett. We don’t need Trump anymore. Not that I was going to vote for him, anyway. But he served his purpose and his services are no longer needed.
And if Joe Biden wins you can count on having the Supreme Court ‘extended’ to 27 from 9, thus ensuring that the 18 appointed are all Biden appointees.
The fundamental error of socialism is anthropological in nature.
Yes I agree as it tends to loose itself in the study of society & its functions. However i wouldn’t dismiss the fact that all systems of government have an intense interest in the area of anthropology, they all study human societies, cultures and their development. As the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle suggested;

“Human nature appears as a field of contradictory attributes & potentials. As humans are the best of the animals when perfected, they are also the worst when sundered from law & justice”

This raises the question of being ignorant to history & whether we can just simply dismiss the demise of Socialism. It also raises the question of whether or not it is permissible to conceive human nature as something without internal contradiction & as an invariable factor of history.

If we ask whether human nature is incompatible with Socialism, we must also ask whether there are any anthropological obstacles which will make futile any attempt to construct a Diplomatic Socialist society.
In other posts others and I have listed numerous things they will do to further terrible left wing policies. You have not mentioned a single positive policy they will bring to the table.
I understand that many like to dwell on the small detail of what they say & attempt to sell to us. We have already established that all politicians will do & say what ever it takes to win. We need to cut through the useless noise & understand their grander view of the possible outcomes to their ideologies.

Both sides will bring their own flavor of positives & negatives, it seems abundantly clear they both stand for very different things. I am not in favor of pointing to specifics as I think politics is much more important than just a few bullet points of what they intend to do or not do.

But for the sake of argument I will point to Universal Healthcare or Medicare, Education, Environmental Policy as well as Foreign Relations, IMHO are much stronger & far reaching by the Democrats than Republican, at least under these 2 leaders.
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Biden is pro-choice.
Biden officiated a gay marriage.
Biden is for human stem cell research.
Biden has been denied Communion by his priest for these reasons.
If you’ve “formed my conscience and I have no problem voting for Biden, if that is what I decide to do, or a third party candidate. I’m inclined not to waste my vote on third party this time.” then you aren’t a Catholic. Period.
I did not realize Pope Francis had resigned. What saint’s name have you taken now that you have replaced him?
And if Joe Biden wins you can count on having the Supreme Court ‘extended’ to 27 from 9, thus ensuring that the 18 appointed are all Biden appointees.
Hyperbole or just bad math? He would only have to extend it to 13 for a majority 😂
If Biden wins, the executive branch will be coming after the Little Sisters if the Poor, yet again!
Of course unborn children will continue to be in the line of fire. They are the holy innocent martyrs of this current age.
Rather than a snide remark, using either the Catechism or the USCCB’s " Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship", please show me where anything I haver said is incorrect. If I have touched a nerve, then maybe you need to reexamine your choices. Or better yet, defend your vote for Biden (remember I DID NOT vote for Trump, so it’s not about him).
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Many would agree that we should not use the wrath of religion, in an attempt to influence the individuals mindset to choose one or the other. IT IS SIMPLY WRONG
The Catholic Church teaches that we must follow the certain judgement or our conscience. read the voter’s guide the Catholic Church has put out about what people need to form their conscience about and how to vote their own conscience. The key being their conscience, not yours.
As Catholics & any other religion for that matter, you have every right to make your own choice, without fear of what your Church may or may not think of you
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So a SCOUTUS pick is your deciding factor, not the Church’s teachings? Got it.
I regret/apologize for the snide remark. However there’s nothing from the Catechism or the USCCB’s statement or likely anywhere else either that I could say that hasn’t been said countess times on this thread or several others that would sway you from your firmly held opinion that “If you’ve “formed my conscience and I have no problem voting for Biden, if that is what I decide to do, or a third party candidate. I’m inclined not to waste my vote on third party this time.” then you aren’t a Catholic. Period.”
Again, this is not an attack. Just think this through:

So, after searching your “conscience” you can HONESTLY reply to everyone here that even though Biden has openly admitted to being pro abortion, pro gay marriage (even presiding over one), pro stem cell, pro contraception (and these are already three of the non-negotiables listed by the USCCB), and other ideas, that your conscience is “okay” with Biden? Seriously? None of those things are against the USCCB’s voting guidelines, the RCC’s Catechism, or your internal compass? None?
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Catholics can vote for Biden ever since we got our Justice Barrett. We don’t need Trump anymore. Not that I was going to vote for him, anyway. But he served his purpose and his services are no longer needed.
There are other judges to be appointed, not just the supreme court’s
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